Little advice

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After a few minutes, Madi and Cynthia wake up. You quickly hide Payton's hoodie under your pillow.
Talia : « hey » turning to the girls.
Madi : « hey, hru girls ? »
Talia : « we're fine and you ? »
Cynthia : « I'm fine but kinda hungry »
You : « when aren't you hungry even ? » 🤡
Cynthia : « never, so hurry up » 😌
You : « k, let's go » smiling a bit.

You go downstairs and have breakfast. The others arrive a little later. You guys start to talk a little about last night. They talk about the kisses, it annoys you a bit but you do not say anything.
Then you feel Payton looking at you, so you smile a bit and give him a little discreet look. He smiles at you and then looks away.

Talia : « so, what do we do today ? »
Madi : « we can go shopping » 😌
Jade : « omg yeah ! »
Chris : « oh no Madi, please »
Madi : « eh, I tried skateboarding for you »
Chris : « uh, okay » raising his eyes, smiling a bit.
Payton : « it's okay dude dw, there are some cool stores I've seen »
Madi : « is it good for you y/n ? » 😬 (since you still have your crutches)
You : « yeah, we don't turn down a day of shopping » 😌

You finish eating, then you go back to your rooms to get dressed :

You finish eating, then you go back to your rooms to get dressed :

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After that, you all go shopping. Josh takes the opportunity to go talk to Payton.
Josh : « eh, dude ? »
Payton : « yeah ? »
Josh : « I was thinking... you know y/n very well, right ? I mean, you guys are best friends so I guess so »
Payton looks away for two seconds.
Payton : « yeah, so ? »
Josh : « well, you wouldn't happen to know what she likes ? »
Payton : « ..wdym ? »
Josh : « well, I'd like to get her something yk, but idk what actually »
Payton : « oh, um.. well, no sorry I don't know » trying not to show that he is a bit annoyed.
Josh : « you sure ? Not even a little something ? »
Payton : « no »
Josh : « okay, well.. dw, I'll think of something »
Payton : « but yk, actually, she doesn't really like presents, like.. it makes her uncomfortable yk »
Josh : « but all girls like presents » raising his eyes a little.
Payton : « well, not her »
Josh : « okay but then, what can I do to get closer to her ? »
Payton : « idk dude.. yk, her breakup with Matt is still fresh- »
Josh : « so ? »
Payton : « well, maybe she's not ready for that, idk »
Josh : « she just needs a guy, that's all »
Payton looks at him.
Josh : « yk, a new guy to forget the old one »
Payton does not say anything.
Josh : « just to move on yk. They all work like that » 🙄😌
Payton : « okay but you know you're just a friend to her, huh ? »
Josh : « did she tell you that ? »
Payton : « well, yes, and then, it shows »
Josh : « well... it doesn't matter, I can always take my chance, we never know » 🤷🏻‍♂️😌
Payton : « yeah well, a little advice : don't waste your time »
Josh : « yeah but bro, she's on another level huh. I mean, look at her- »
Payton : « yeah I know she's really beautiful but you know she'd never date a guy like you ? » 😌
Josh : « really ? Well, remember this conversation, k ? » 😌
Payton : « I'd have warned you »
Josh : « yeah that's it, you'll see » smiling a bit.
Josh : « just because she friendzoned you doesn't mean she will do it with me » leaving, confident.

On the girls' side :
Maya is all happy. All she does is talking about Payton.
Maya : « I kissed him girls, like, fr » smiling, all excited.
Jade : « yes Maya we know... and we're not gonna forget it since you repeat it every 30 seconds » 💀
Maya : « imagine if we date each other » having barely heard what Jade just said.
Leïa : « yeah, well.. don't get too carried away anyway.. »
Maya : « what ?.. are you serious ? »
Leïa : « I'm just warning you, imagine nothing happens.. you'll be disappointed... »
Maya : « and why would nothing happen ? »
Jade : « what she means is that you're getting a little too much carried away. And, if Payton doesn't like you, it'll just hurt you, that's all »
Leïa : « Jade. » 😶
Jade : « sorry but it's the truth »
Maya : « okay, well, thanks girls » offended.
Leïa : « no but Maya, it's not mean, we just don't want you to be too disappointed if nothing happens yk »
Maya : « you really think nothing's gonna happen, right ? »
Leïa : « we didn't say that but... »
Maya : « so you guys can find a boyfriend and I can't ? »
Maya : « I'm telling you that I'm gonna date him. You'll see. And then, that way, it'll shut y/n's mouth »
Leïa and Jade look at each other without saying anything.

Anyway, you guys buy some stuff. After that, you go eat and then decide to spend the rest of the day at the pool. Maya takes the opportunity to get closer to Payton again. You still can not get in the pool, so you tan on a lounge chair, watching her from afar though, and trying to stay calm.
A bit later, Josh comes to see you.
Josh : « hey, aren't you too bored ? »
You : « nah it's okay, I'm getting some sun »
Josh : « you take it off soon anyway, you can have fun with us again » looking at your splint.
You : « yeah »
Payton sees him talking to you in the distance, he raises his eyes a little, then comes out of the pool and comes to you guys.
Josh : « y/n, I wanted- »
Payton : « hey »
You : « oh hey » turning your head towards him.
Since Payton is there, Josh changes the subject and you guys talk about everything and nothing. Talia joins you a little later.

In the evening, you all go eat, then go to Chris, Jaden and Anthony's room to talk a little before going to bed.
Some of the others are in the bathroom, others are talking on a bed. You are with them, but you are on the side and do not talk too much. You notice that Payton is alone on the balcony, smoking. He does not look really good.
Since everyone is talking, you go see him.

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