In love ?

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So you move into Talia, Cynthia and Madi's room. They are so happy that you are with them.
After that, you get ready for bed. You and Talia go to the bathroom.

Talia : « are you feeling better ? »
You : « yeah.. »
Talia : « what's wrong ? »
You : « ..idk... »
Talia : « y/n » raising her eyes a little.
You sigh, smiling a bit, then shake your head, laughing a little nervously.
Talia : « you want me to go get your lover ? » teasing you.
You : « he's not my lover »
Talia : « okay whatever, but you want to see him, right ? » smirking.
You : « um.. kinda »
Talia : « kinda ? » frowning a bit confused.
You : « I would like to sleep with him actually, yk, just one night, being in his arms.. »
She looks at you, her mouth a little open, and smiling.
You : « what ? » smiling a bit, embarrassed.
Talia : « you can't tell me you're not in love with him » smiling a bit.
You : « what- no. No.. are you serious rn ? »
Talia : « but do you hear what you're saying ? You just said you wanted to sleep in his arms »
You : « no but-... ugh »
Talia : « you love him y/n. Stop lying to yourself »
You : « okay, can we stop now ? »
Talia : « sure, but I know you know I'm right » 😌
You raise your eyes, smiling a bit.
You finish getting ready and then come out of the bathroom. Madi and Cynthia go in, and you guys go to your beds.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. You look at Talia.
Talia : « you go ahead, I'm too lazy »
You : « I have a splint for your information »
Talia : « k, but it's for you »
You : « what ? Ugh » sighing a bit.
You take your crutches and go open the door.
You : « Payton » turning to Talia, raising your eyes.
She shrugs, smiling a bit.
You turn to Payton.
Payton : « I was asked if I had room in my bed » smiling a bit.
You : « Talia. » looking at her with wide eyes.
Talia : « I'm not here, sorry »
You : « anyway » turning to Payton.
Payton : « you can come if you want » 😌
You : « ofc. Are you dumb or what ? You can't be more discreet » 💀
You : « ..and then, I don't want to, thank you »
Payton : « you sure ? »
You : « yes »
Payton : « okay well, I'll just go back to my bed then »
You stay a few seconds looking into each other's eyes, smiling a bit.
Payton : « can I have a hug, at least ? »
You look away, smiling a bit.
You : « okay » putting your crutches to the side and opening your arms to him.
He hugs you, you feel so good. You put your head against his chest and hug him back.
Talia is looking at you, not really discreetly, and smiles.
Payton : « we're being spied on »
You sigh, smiling, without letting him go.
You : « ...well, I think you should leave before someone else sees us »
Payton : « hold on, just 2 more seconds » still hugging you.
You smile a bit.
Suddenly, you hear the bathroom door open.
You : « fuck- go away, hurry up »
Payton : « good night » smiling a bit.
You : « good night »
You close the door.

Cynthia : « I heard a guy's voice, who was it ? »
You : « oh it was just Payton » going to your bed, glancing at Talia.
Cynthia : « what did he want ? »
You : « um, he just wanted to know if I was feeling better »
Cynthia : « aw that's cute »
Madi : « and btw.. is there something going on between you two ? » 😏
You : « no, why ? » frowning a bit.
Madi : « idk, you guys are pretty close » 😌
You : « yeah but he's like.. my best friend, yk »
Madi : « okay okay, I just wanted to know » 😌
You : « k »
You guys keep talking for a little while and then you fall asleep.

The next morning, you wake up, the girls too. You all stay in your pajamas, you put your hair in a messy bun, then you join the others in the hallway.
You feel Payton looking at you, so you look at him then look away and smile a bit.
You all go down to the cafeteria and have breakfast.
Anthony : « so, what are we doing today ? »
Madi : « idk »
Jade : « we can just chill at the spa or idk, since y/n can't really do anything »
You : « oh but you guys can do activities if you want »
Jaden : « no, it's okay, we'll wait till you're done with that. It shouldn't be too long normally »

After that, you all finish eating and go back upstairs. You put on your bathing suits and go chill at the spa. You take the opportunity to get a massage with Leïa and Cynthia. Then you eat and in the early afternoon, you go to play pool. It is not too annoying for you with your crutches, so you have fun with the others. Then at the end of the afternoon, you guys go watch a movie in one of the movie theaters. (Because you can do it too)
You sit next to Payton and Josh comes and sits next to you.
Josh : « y/nnn » smiling a bit.
You : « Jooosh »
Maya also sits next to Payton.
But during the movie, Payton does not pay attention to her and you do not pay attention to Josh either. You laugh a little with Payton, he also keeps trying to steal popcorn from you.

Anyway, the evening comes. At dinner, the atmosphere is a little tense.
Josh : « well guys, I can't, this atmosphere is so boring. Come on, let's have a little party between us tonight »
Madi : « omg yeah please »
Leïa : « I'm all in »
Maya : « yeah okay » kind of excited.
You think it is not necessarily going to help the situation, but why not.

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