Chapter One: Twilight

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Venus's P.O.V
It was the last week of Summer Vacation and both my mother and I were packing the remainder of our things and packing it all into the moving truck and by the time we were finished, we all left and drove to Forks Washington, "I think you're going to like it in Forks sweety" my mom said to me and I smiled a little, "I'm sure that I will and I'm sure that It will be better than the shit hole dad left us in" I said to my mom as I looked out the window again. After a few hours had gone by, we had finally made it through town line and we were now in Forks and I kinda liked the small town that we had driven into as we soon made it to the new house and when both my mom and I had gotten out of the car, we had begun to bring everything inside and by the time we were done and brought everything to its respective area of the house, we both had begun to unpack everything in our bedrooms before heading down to the kitchen and had done the same before taking a break for the rest of the day and sat down in the living room, "so what do you want to have for dinner" my mom asked and I thought about it, "I noticed a diner as we made it into town earlier" I suggested and she smiled, "alright then. Let's go then" she said and we both got up from the couch and grabbed our things before heading out to the diner. By the time we had gotten there we had looked around to find somewhere to sit until we finally found an empty spot and sat down until a waitress had walked up to us, "hello my name is Cora and I'll be your waitress this evening. Can I start you off with drinks" she said with a smile, "I'll just have water please" My mom said, "I'll have the same as well please" I said as well, "I'm sorry for asking, but are you guys new in town, I've never seen you two before" she asked and we both nodded, "yeah, we just moved in today actually, my name is Julia by the way and this is my daughter Venus" My mom said to her, "well I hope you like it here and it was nice to meet you both. I'll be right back with your waters" she said before leaving, "she seemed nice" I said as I looked through the menu and my mom did the same, "yeah she is, I like her" my mom said before the waitress came back, "here you go and are you two ready to order or do you still need some more time" she said to us and we both ordered what we wanted and she had written it down before leaving again and we both had talked as we waited.

After some time had gone by and a man in a police uniform had approached us, "are you two new to town" he asked and we nodded, "yeah we are. We just moved into town earlier today actually" my mom told the man, "well then, the name is Charlie Swan" he said as we both shook his hand, "nice to meet you as well my name is Julia and this is my daughter Venus" she said to him and I smiled a little, "you got a neat name kid. I like it" he said, "thank you sir" I said as I continued to smile, "coming through Charlie" someone said and saw that it was our waitress, "well I'll let the both of you eat. It was nice meeting you both" he said and we waved before the both of us started eating after the waitress left us to do so. By the time we had finished eating our food and paid for it, we both left the diner and headed home for the night and when we got there, we had both headed to our rooms for the rest of the night as I had gotten into something a little more comfortable before I decided to organize a few things in my room before finally heading to bed that night.

Jasper's P.O.V
I was in my room relaxing as I read until Alice had come barging into my room and I quickly looked up from my book to look at her to see a smile on her face, "what is it Alice?" I asked her sitting up from my seat, "I saw your mate Jasper. I think you'll like her. Her name is Venus, Venus White and she had just moved into town earlier today and will be going to school with us here in Forks when it starts back up again" she told me and I just sat there not knowing to say or do, "is she Human, or like us" I asked after a few minutes had gone by, "she's Human" she said letting out a sigh and I just sat there thinking about it wondering what she would think of me if she ever found out, "look Jasper, I've seen your future with her. She won't think of you as a monster she will love you for who you are because I've seen it all" she said to me trying to reassure me but I still wasn't sure about that but I guess I'll see how it goes I suppose considering Alice's visions are always accurate. For most of the night, the Vision Alice had told me about was on my mind and I had wondered what Venus was like until I heard someone walk in the room, "hey Jasper, how are you doing. Alice told us about the Vision she had earlier today" Carlisle said as I sat up with a slight sigh, "I'm alright I guess, I was just thinking about it actually. Wondering what she would think about us if she were to find out what we are. What would she think of me" I mentioned to him as he sat down next to me, "I can't predict anything about how it would turn out, but hope that she will understand one day as it would probably take time for her to adjust if and when she finds out" Carlisle said and I knew he was right about it, "thanks, I guess I needed that" I said as he patted my back, "no problem Jasper. Emmett, Edward and I were going to go hunt, you should probably come along" he said and I nodded and got up from the couch and left my room and the four of us had gone hunting and when school had started the next day, that was when Alice had pointed her out to me and from that moment on, I knew she was mine and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

Venus's P.O.V
I had woken up the next day and I was getting ready for my first day at a new school and by the time I was done and made sure that I had everything I needed before heading downstairs to see my mom fishing up breakfast, "here you go sweety" she said as she handed me a plate of food, "thanks mom" I said before I started eating. By the time I was done, I grabbed my things and both my mom and I had gotten into the car and we drove off to the school and when we got there I sat there feeling nervous as I looked out the window, "you alright sweety" my mom asked and I sighed, "yeah just nervous I guess" I said with a small smile, "well I guess I should get going then" I said before getting out of the car, "alright and hav a good day alright. I love you" my mom said and I waved to her before she drove off and I let out a heavy sigh before heading into the school and going straight to the main office to get my schedule. By the time I got what I needed, I walked through the Halls as I looked at what classes I had before someone tapped my shoulder and I looked to see that it was a boy my age, "hey, you're new right. The name's Eric and you must be Venus White I presume" he said and I nodded, "yeah I am, nice to meet you" I said with a smile, "nice to meet you to and I'm the eye's and ears of this place so anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" he asked and I smiled, "thanks but I think I'm alright for now. Thank you though for asking" I said to him and he smiled, "alright, well see you later at lunch I hope" he said and I nodded, "sure, see you then" I said before I soon found locker and put my things away before grabbing what I needed and went to look for my first class. By the time I finally found it, I had walked in and walked up to the teacher and she smiled as she noticed me, "hello, you must be Venus. Here is your textbook and there is an open seat next to Mr. Hale over there" she said as she handed me the book and pointed to where she wanted me to sit, "thank you" I said as I went to sit down before the class soon started. When the class was almost over, the boy next to me spoke up, "my name is Jasper" he whispered as he introducing himself to me, "nice to meet you Jasper, the name's Venus" I said with a smile and we talked back and forth for the remainder of the class until the bell rang, "well see you later" I said as we both got up and grabbed our things, "I hope so and it was nice meeting you Ma'am" he said and I blushed a little as we both made it out of class and waved to each other and had gone to our next class for the day.

The school day was now over and I was grabbing my things from my Locker and I was soon stopped when Eric approached me again, "hey what's up" I asked before closing my Locker, "nothing much, my friends had heard about you and they wanted to meet you if that's alright" he asked as we walked towards the doors, "yeah for sure" I said and we made it to the parking lot where they were all standing next to a van, "hey guys this is Venus, Venus this is Mike, Angela, Jessica and Tyler" Eric said and I waved at all of them, "hey Venus, Nice to meet you" Angela said as she hugged me, "yeah nice to meet you" Tyler said as both Jessica and Mike had said the same thing, "nice to meet you guys" I said with a small smile and we continued to talk as I waited for my mom to pick me up, "hey I was wondering if you would like to exchange numbers if that's alright with you" Angela asked and I nodded, "yeah sure" I said and gave her my number and I stayed with them until my mom finally showed up and walked over to the car, "bye Venus, see you tomorrow" Angela said and I waved before noticing Jasper looking at me and I waved at him and he did the same with a smirk on his face, "hey sweetie how was your day? I see you've made some friends already" my mom said as I got in the car, "yeah I did. They're really nice" I told her as she drove away from the school, "well I'm glad you did" she said and we continued talking about our days until we finally made it home, "well, I'm gonna go change, so I'll be in my room if you need anything" I said to my mom, "alright sweetie. I'll star dinner in about an hour or so alright" she said as I walked up the stairs, "alrighty" I answered before walking into my room and throwing my bag on the floor and got into something a little more comfortable for the rest of the night and by the time I was done and walked out of the bathroom, I noticed someone who looked a lot like Jasper standing in the corner of my room and after rubbing my eye's thinking I was seeing things, he was gone and I had let out a heavy sigh thinking I might have just been seeing things until I began to think if I actually was or not before going back to sleep that night.

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