Chapter Fourteen

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Venus P.O.V
It was another week of school and I was sitting with Jessica and the others during lunch as we were talking about what’s been going on in the woods recently, “I did see something in the woods” Angela mentioned, “totally. Baby, I believe you” Eric said to her and I chuckled a bit, “no he doesn’t. He’s just trying to get lucky” Jessica said and I laughed a little more, “good point” I said joking around until Angela spoke up again, “no, okay. It was jet black and huge. On all fours, it was still taller than a person. A bear maybe” she said to us and I shrugged it off , “or an alien. You’re lucky you didn’t get probed” Mike said, “shut up. Beside’s who knows what it was or what could be out there. I’m just glad I don’t go in the woods to be honest” I said before noticing Bella walk up and sit down, “you know you’re not the only one. Um, my dad’s been getting reports at the station. Like, five hikers have been killed by some bear, but they can’t find the bear.” she said as she sat down next to Mike and I and we all just looked at each other, “last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend” Eric said to us, “hey, I never doubted her” I said as mike turned to talk to Bella and Eric grabbed Angela’s hand and the four of us talked before Bella had asked us something, “do you guys wanna go and see Face Punch?” she asked us and Eric spoke up, “Face Punch, Yeah. Mike, Hey, we were supposed to watch that. Remember the trailer’s like, ‘Punch faces’” he said making exploding sounds, “movie night with Bella” Jessica said trying to sound excited about it, “how about you space girl” Eric said, “you guys are still going on about the nickname? besides , I was going to spend time with my mom as we already had plans to go out but maybe another time I would be down for sure” I said to them and they all sighed a little as we continued to eat the rest of our lunches before the bell rang for our next class and later on I did what I had told the others as I hung out with my mom after I had quickly done my homework as we both had done some shopping together and had gone out to eat that night as well as we both just had a girls night out.

It had been a few days and it was now the weekend and all week, Bella had been telling me about what had happened to Jacob and Mike the other day at the movies and I was a little considered for him hoping that he was doing alright and I was soon brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone buzzing and I saw that it was Bella calling me and I had picked it up and she had told me that she was planning to go to Jacobs place to see if everything was alright and had asked if I wanted to come along as well and I agreed before we had hung up and waited for her to come by and when she did, I rushed to her truck since it was raining out and got inside, “so has he gotten back to you at all?” I asked wondering, “no he hasn’t. That’s why I’m going over there” she said and I nodded, “what if he’s sick though now that I’m thinking about it” I told her and she shrugged, “that’s Billy had told me the other day but at this point I’m not so sure” she said and by the time we had gotten to Jacobs place I had noticed someone walking towards the back and I noticed that it was Jacob shirtless and that he had cut his hair and the one thing that had popped in my head was that he was a werewolf as well, “are you sure about this?” I asked her wondering, “now that I see that he looks perfectly fine, yeah I’m sure” she said and soon got out of the truck and began to confront him as she called his name and the both of them talked. After some time had gone by, Jacob had walked away leaving Bella standing there before she walked back to the truck and got in, “what happened?” I asked her, “he knows about Edward and Jasper and the rest of their family. He also doesn’t want us coming back” she said and I sighed a little but also glad that he didn’t mention anything about Wolves and that I knew about them as we drove back to her place for a bit as we hung out for a little while longer before I decided to call my mom to have her come and pick me up.

It has been a few days since what happened between Jacob and Bella and I wasn’t exactly sure whether or not he had told her about what he really was besides knowing about Jasper and the other’s and I just really hoped that everything was alright with Bella as she had pretty much lost two Important people to her and since then I had finally decided to check up on her to see if she was doing alright after I had finished my homework and I had decided to text her to see if it was alright that I am able to come by and I later left as I took the car and drove to Bella’s after she had texted back saying that I was able to come by. By the time I had gotten there, I knocked on the door to soon reveal Charlie and I smiled a bit, “Hey Venus, Bella told me you’d be coming by” he said as he let me in, “how is she doing by the way?” I asked wondering, “could be better I guess. She’s in her room by the way” he said and I nodded and smiled a bit, “alright” I said as I headed upstairs and went to her room to see her sitting on her bed as if she was thinking about something until she noticed me standing in the doorway, “how are you doing?” I asked her as I sat down next to her, “alright I guess. Just been thinking, mainly about Jacob and how he found out about Edward and the others. Did you say anything to him?” she said looking back at me, “no I didn’t because I know having two Humans knowing about them is bad enough and besides, I have no Idea how he knows and I’m sure he’s distancing himself for a good reason to” I said lying a little bit, “yeah I guess you’re right” she said looking like she was thinking again, “you’re not gonna stop wondering are you?” I asked her and she shook her head, “no, I don’t think so” she said and I chuckled a bit as the both of us continued to talk for a bit longer before I noticed that it was getting late and I had decided to head home for the night, “Well, I’ll see you at school tomorrow” I said as we stood up from the bed, “yeah, see you later” she said and I soon left the room and headed downstairs and as I was about to leave after saying goodbye to Charlie she soon stopped me, “hey Venus. Thank you for checking up on Bella, it means a lot” he said and I smiled and nodded, “no problem” I said and he smiled a little bit before I had left the house and drove home for the night.

By the time I had made it home and walked into the house, I noticed my mom in the kitchen noticing that she was making dinner, “what are you making?” I asked her as I walked into the kitchen, “I’m making pasta if that’s alright with you” she said and I smiled, “yeah that’s fine with me, do you need help with anything?” I asked her, “yeah, do you mind grabbing the tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes?”she asked and I went over to the cupboard and grabbed what she had asked for and began to open them before she had told me to put them into a pot and continued to help her until we had finished making it and began to eat. By the time we had finished eating and did the dishes, we had both felt tired and we had decided to head upstairs for the rest of the night and I had gotten changed into something comfortable after taking a shower and soon got into bed for the night and had decided to watch some T.V before falling asleep later that night.

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