Chapter Two

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Venus’s P.O.V
It has been a few days since I had seen Jasper in my room that night and it was all that I’ve been thinking about especially when he wasn’t at school these past few days until today when he finally did show up and I was thinking about asking him about it as well so that I didn’t feel like I was going insane and when he walked into class and sat down next to me and I noticed his eyes were ow a gold color since the night I saw him in my room that night, “hey can I ask you something?” I asked him and he just looked at me and nodded, “I know this is probably random, but were you in my room the other night. I’m not mad about it, I’m just curious” I asked and he just looked away as if he was embarrassed about it, “what’s wrong?” I asked him, “nothing, it’s just. It’s hard to explain and I fear that if I do, you want me to be near you or want to be friends” he said and I understood, “I’m sure that whatever it is wouldn’t make me feel anything less towards you. I think you’re a really nice person and I like being around you” I said with a small smile on my face as a smirk was on his, “I’ll tell you one day when I feel ready, but not right now” he said and I nodded, “alright, no rush” I said just before the class had started and I soon began to grow some sort of feeling towards him throughout the entire class. By the time school was over for the day, I had gone straight to my locker before someone had approached me, “hey, my name is Alice. I’ve noticed that you have transferred here a few days ago” she said with a smile on her face, “hey Alice, my name is Venus nice to meet you” I said with a smile and the both of us talked as we made it out of the school and she had introduced me to the rest of her family, “hey guys, this is Venus. Venus this is Rosealie, Emmett, Edward and Marcus and we assume you’ve met Jasper already” she said and I nodded before I waved, “yeah we did” and we continued to talk for a while until I my cell went off and saw that it was a text from my mom saying that she was here, “well, I’ll see you guys later I guess, I gotta go my mom is here” I said and they all said bye and I walked over to the car and got in before we left the school.

Jasper’s P.O.V
Not long after Venus had left with her mother, everyone just looked at me, “what?” I asked before Alice giggled, “you guys will be so cute together” she said before she got in the car with Rose and I just shook my head, “we both know that Alice won’t stop teasing you about it until it actually happens, you know that right” Edward said and I nodded, “yeah I know. Venus is a really nice girl though once you get to know her. I really like her” I said as I thought about her, “you’re thinking about her. I think it’s more than just liking her as a friend. I think you’re growing feelings for her” Edward said as we got in the Jeep before Emmett started teasing me about it throughout the entire ride. By the time we had gotten home later that day, I looked around to see if Carlisle was home and later found him in his office and knocked, “everything alright Jasper” he asked and I shrugged a little, “well, I’m not sure exactly” I said to him and he stopped what he was doing, “what’s on your mind?” he asked me, “it’s about this girl, the one Alice had mentioned about being my mate” I said and he nodded, “has something happened?” he asked me as I sat down, “well yes and no, she might have noticed me in her room the other night. I felt the urge to see her for some reason and I ended up in her room before she noticed me standing in the corner that night but I thought she would think she was seeing things until she mentioned it earlier today” I told Carlisle and he sighed a little, “I understand what you’re feeling about all of this, but you also have to be careful just in case something happens and I will allow her to know only because she’s your mate. But if she does ending up finding out about us, she eventually have to turn otherwise the Volturi will intervene and end up doing something neither of us will like” he said and I nodded, “alright, thank you” I said to him and he smiled a little, “she seems like a nice girl though they Alice had explained her to us” Carlisle said as we walked out of his office and continued to talk for a while longer until I did the homework that I was assigned to earlier today. Later that day, when I was finished, all I could think about was Venus and how nice and caring she was and I was soon brought out my thought’s when both Edward and Emmett had walked into my room, “what do you want?” I asked them, “you really need to relax on the thinking, Edward here is feeling all sorts of things” Emmett said and I rolled my eyes, “whatever. Have the both of you come to tease me about it or something?” I asked sitting up on the couch, “well maybe Emmett is considering how he is” Edward said and I chuckled a little, “oh come on lighten up, we all know it’s true” he spoke up again and the three of us all just hung out for the rest of the night.

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