Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry If the Chapter is short. 
Venus’s P.O.V
After the week was done and my mother was now home, Jasper had asked if I wanted to sleep over and I agreed and I had gone downstairs to ask my mom, “hey mom, can I ask you something?” I asked her as I lent over the kitchen counter, “yeah sure sweetie, what is it?” she asked, “now that the Cullens are back in town and Jasper and I are back together, is it alright if I sleep over?” I asked her, “yeah of course, can it be after dinner though, it’s almost finished” she said and I nodded before heading back upstairs, “I’m assuming you heard what she said?” I asked and he nodded before I kissed him and I began to pack my things ahead of time before my mom called me down for dinner, “I’ll see you later” he said and I nodded before giving him a kiss and I soon went downstairs after Jasper had left through the window and I went downstairs to eat dinner. By the time I was finished eating and talking to my mom about everything, I headed back upstairs to text Jasper to let him know that I was done eating and that he could come by to get me and I went to sit outside on the porch to wait for him. After a few minutes had gone by, I had noticed someone pull into the driveway and I noticed that it was Jasper and I smiled before letting my mom know that I was leaving before getting into his car and we headed to his place.

By the time we had finally got there, I was bombarded by hugs from Alice, Rose and Emmett and I laughed a little, “well it’s nice to see you guys too” I said as they all backed away and they all chuckled, ''how are you doing?” Esme asked as she walked up to me and hugged me, “not to bad, how about you guys” I said with a smile as I looked at both her and Carlisle, “we’re doing alright, thanks for asking” Carlisle said as he walked up to his wife with a small smile on his face and I nodded and smiled also and we just hung out n the living room for a while with the others as we all talked about everything that’s been going on here and where they were at during the tim they were gone. Later that night, Jasper had led me to his room and I noticed a bed and I turned to face him, “I thought you guys didn’t sleep at night” I said and we both chuckled, “we don’t, but the only reason I have one now is because of you” he said as he walked up to me with a smirk on his face and I wrapped my arms around his neck before he leaned in and kissed me and we gently leaned back onto the bed as we continued kissing each other until I pulled away, “aren’t the others still here?” I asked and he nodded and we both sighed until he laid down next to me, “maybe when we’re not in a house full of Vampires who have super hearing, then maybe we can go further with stuff like this'' I said to him as I chuckled and straddled him, “I guess you’re right about that” he said with a smirk before he sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist, “promise me you won’t leave me again?” I asked him even though we have already talked about this, “I promise you that I won’t leave you again. I promise to never leave your side. You mean everything to me and I love you more than life itself” he said to me and I felt like crying a little bit as I smiled and kissed him, “I love you my love” I said as our foreheads were pressed together, “I love you to Darlin'' he said and we both just stayed the way we were for a while until I decided to get changed for the night. By the time I was done getting changed into my pajamas for the night, I laid down next to Jasper as the both of us talked for a bit and had a few laughs until I later fell asleep to the sound of his voice while he read one of his books that he had laying nearby.

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