Chapter Fifteen,

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Venus’s P.O.V
Another day of school had gone bye and Bella had asked if I wanted to hang out with her for a bit and do our homework together since we had a few classes together and I agreed and had told my mother that I would be with Bella for a bit. By the time we made it to her place she had decided to head to the meadow that she and Edward used to do before they left to find it covered with dead grass, “was it always like this?” I asked realizing now that it was probably a stupid question to ask, “nevermind, don’t answer that” I said as she knelt to the ground as I began to imagine what it probably looked like before as I felt bad for Bella as this place probably meant a lot to her, “are you alright?” I asked before she quickly got up and nodded before we both looked in front of us to see Laurent standing a few feet from us, “Bella. Venus.” he said to us, “Laurent” Bella said, “what are you doing here, we thought you left?” I asked wondering as he had gotten closer to us, “I did, but I also didn’t expect to find either of you here. I went to visit the Cullens but, their house is empty” he told us and I stood there with Bella not knowing what to say as he circled us, “I’m surprised they left the both of you behind. Aren’t you two sort of of um, pets of theirs?” he said, “what makes you think we’re pets to them?” I asked and he just chuckled at my question, “she’s right, but yeah you could say that” Bella spoke up, “do the Cullens visit often?” he asked, looking at me as if he had seen Jasper coming by once before and it was silent for a bit, “yeah absolutely, all the time” Bella said and I could tell she was trying to lie about it, “we’ll tell them that you stopped by. We probably shouldn’t tell Edward or Jasper” she said to the man, “because they’re pretty protective over the both of us” I continued going along with it, “but they’re far away, aren’t they?” he asked us, “why are you here?” Bella asked him, “I came as a, favor to Victoria.” he told us, “what does the red head want?” I asked him wondering, “she asked me to see if you two were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it’s only fair to kill Edward and Jasper mates, given they had killed her. An eye for an eye” he told us and I became worried, “I’m sure we weren’t the only ones who wanted him dead” I mentioned and he just shrugged as if I was right, “Edward and Jasper would know who did it. And they’d come after you” Bella said, “she’s right, they will and they’ll come after Victoria along with you as well” I said knowing that they might, “I don’t think they will. After all, how much could you mean to them if they left you here unprotected? Victoria won’t be happy about my killing of the two of you. But I can’t help myself. You two are so mouthwatering.” he said to us and I smirked a bit as Bella tried to reason with him about it and I froze for a bit until he was face to face with us, “don’t be afraid. I’m doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you two slowly. Painfully. Whereas I’ll make it quick. I promise. You guys will feel nothing.” he said before backing away and not long after I had felt like we were being watched and I smirked a little bit before speaking up “and besides, who said we were unprotected” I mentioned before we all heard something until we saw a black wolf coming out from the tree line along with a few others, “told you so” I said out of instinct not long after and the Black wolf looked at me and he slightly nodded and I did the same before the had gone to attack Laurent, “maybe we should leave now” I said as I watched them before looking at Bella as she looked at a reddish brown looking wolf before he ran off as well and we had soon ran off into the other direction.

    By the time we made it back to Bella’s place, she had soon rushed into the house to find her father in the kitchen with Harry and I knew this wasn’t going to end to well, “dad, I saw them.” she said to Charlie and I just stood there not knowing what to say or do, “what’s the matter?” he asked wondering what was going on, “in the woods. They’re not bears” she told him and I noticed Harry look at me and I shrugged a little before the conversation went on, “what do you mean in the woods? Bell, what the hell were you two doing in the woods?” he asked, “they’re wolves. I mean they’re like, huge wolves.” Bella told him and I just went wide eyed for a second before looking at Harry as I stood there frozen, “are you sure about that Bella?” Harry asked her, sounding a bit weary about it, “yeah, we just saw them. They were after… something” she said to Harry before he looked at me again, “wolves? You two saw them?” he asked us and I just looked down lightly nodding, “alright. Well Harry. Feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?” Charlie asked him and I could tell he didn’t want to, “sure, yeah, I’ll.. I’ll just us, can I talk to you for a second Venus?” he said and I nodded and walked away with him as we both talked, “did you tell her anything about them at all?” he asked me and I shook my head, “no I didn’t say anything about them. Bella wanted to hang out after school today and we decided to go for a walk but I didn’t think that something like this would happen” I told him as we made it outside, “what, or should I say who were they after?” he asked me and I sighed, “they went after a vampire named Laurent who appeared at the Meadow shortly after we did'' I said to him and he nodded letting out a sigh, “alright” he said patting my shoulder before leaving with Charlie and I headed back into the house to see how Bella was doing, “you doing alright?” I asked her and she nodded, “just a little freaked out and realizing that those wolves are probably dead by now” she said but I began to think otherwise, “I doubt it. Did you see how big they were” I said pretending I didn’t know anything about them before we had decided to head up to her room and do our homework. Later that night, after getting home I had hung out with my mom for a little while for the rest of the night before going to bed thinking about what Laurent had said to Bella and I earlier today until I had fallen asleep that night.

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