Chapter Twelve

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Venus's P.O.V
When friday came around, I was glad since the weekend was around the corner and when lunch came around, I sat with the others like always and had a few laughs until lunch had ended and we all ended up going our separate ways and went to our next class for the day. By the time school was over, Bella had walked up to me when I was at my locker, "hey how are you feeling?" I wondered, "could be better, Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me. I was planning on asking Jessica if she wanted to hang out too?" she asked and I nodded, "yeah sure" I said as I grabbed the rest of my things from my locker, "alright. Great, I'll see you later then" she said and we both waved goodbye before going our separate ways and I had gotten in the car, "hey sweety, how was your day?" my mom asked, "it was good. Bella asked if I wanted to hang out later. Is that alright" I told my mom as we drove away from the school, "yeah for sure. How is she doing by the way?" my mom asked wondering, "she's doing good" I told her and we continued talking until we got home and I went upstairs and did my homework until I was finally done and I decided to get changed before I had gotten a text from Bella that she was on her way and I soon grabbed anything that I needed before heading downstairs to wait for Bells. After about Ten or so minutes of waiting, I finally saw her pull into the driveway, "alright mom, I'll see you later" I said heading to the door, "alright sweetie. Have fun" she said and I soon walked out and got into Bella's truck, "Jessica said that she will meet us there" she said, "where are we headed?" I asked wondering, "we're going to see a movie if that's alright with you" she said and I nodded, "yeah for sure. That's fine with me" I told her and throughout the car ride to the theater where we would be meeting Jessica at, the both of us just talked about everything until we got there and got our tickets for the movie we were gonna see.

By the time the movie was finally over, Jessica immediately began to say what she had on her mind about the movie, "I don't know why you want to sit through all those Zombies eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross, like why are there that many Zombie movies anyways? If it's supposed to, like, draw a parallel about Leprosy, my cousin had Leprosy. it's not funny, you know. And like, is it supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism, cause don't be so pleased with your own, like, self-reverential cleverness, you know. Like some girls like to shop. Not all girls apparently. Though I was surprised you even called at all, you know? Like your depression thing, I get it. I'm totally, totally worried. But after a while, it's like, you're still bumming. I'm going through stuff too" Jessica said and I noticed Bella looking off somewhere else until I saw what she was looking at, "Bella don't go over there. Who knows what they'll do? '' I said to her but she said nothing until she jumped a little as if she'd seen a ghost or something, "Bella, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" I asked her and I stood in front of her and Jessica did the same and Bella finally looked at us, "you looked like you saw a ghost or something. Are you alright?" I asked and she nodded, "yeah I thought I saw something" she said and I just nodded before Jessica spoke up, "dude, come on?" Jessica asked and I looked over after Bella took another glance of the bikers, "no, no you're not" I said to her knowing that she might ended up hitching a ride, "I think I know those guys" she said to us and Jessica looked over to the Bikers, "we got beer, we got bikes" one of them shouted, "well they seem great. Can we go? And I agree with Venus about not doing whatever you're thinking" Jessica asked, "I'm just gonna see something" Bella said and walked in the direction of where the bickers are, "BELLA" I shouted but she kept walking, "she's joking right" Jessica said, "well at this point I don't know anymore." I said letting out a heavy sigh as both Jessica and I waited impatiently. After some time had gone by, Bella finally came back, "hey, um, what the hell is wrong with you? Just curious?" Jessica asked, "yeah the both of us are actually" I mentioned as we started walking, "I thought that I saw something" Bella mentioned and we turned to look at her, "what. In the alley where those bikers were" I said being sarcastic, "you, oh. You're insane actually, or suicidal. That homeboy could have been a psycho. We were about to end up in an FBI interview room like some lame T.V show." Jessica said clearly annoyed, "yeah I mean she's right, or they could have done things to you or something like that" I said not really sure about how to feel about what Bella had just done, "god, that was such a rush" she said and I chuckled a little shaking my head, "Awesome, so you're an adrenaline junkie now? That's cool, you can go Bungee Jumping. You don't get on the back of some random loser's motorcycle. And I totally agree with Venus, they could have done something to you" Jessica said to Bella and I hoped that it would knock some sense into Bella.

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