Chapter Thirty One

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Venus’s P.O.V
I was finally waking up after what happened before and I immediately noticed that my senses were a lot better than a normal human and I looked around and I can see the smallest speck of dust floating around the room until my eyes landed on Jasper and I smiled and rushed over to him and almost lost my balance because of it, “the hell was that?” I asked him before he brought me over to a mirror and I looked at myself and saw that I was perfectly fine as if nothing had happened until I noticed my eyes and realized that I am now a Vampire, “how long was I out?” I asked him before turning to face him, “you were out for Two days” he answered, “so I’ve missed Bella’s wedding” I said and he nodded, “I was really hoping to be there” I said until my throat began to feel like it was on fire, “you need to hunt” he said as he brought me out to the balcony and we both jumped and ran faster than any human and I suddenly stopped when I began to smell something and noticed that it was some kind of animal, “what is that?” I asked him knowing he’d know more about this than I would, “it’s a bear” he said and we both walked over to it quietly until I was ready and went for it and fed off of it. By the time I was done and get satisfied, Jasper and I made it back home and I remembered our daughter, “Ophelia” I said and he smiled, “she’s beautiful” he said and I rushed inside and found Bree holding her before she looked up at me with a smile on her face as Rose and my mother stood next to her, “you’re awake” she said and smiled and she soon stood up and handed her over to me and I held my daughter for the first time, “she’s beautiful” I said as I heard everyone else walk into the room, “glad to have you back Venus'' I heard Esme say and I looked at everyone as they all stood in the room and later on, I decided to get changed out of the dress that I was in and spent most of my time with my daughter until I noticed teeth growing in already, “there’s teeth. She’s only two days old” I mentioned and looked at Carlisle, “her growth is unprecedented” Carlisle said as I looked up from my daughter. “So she’s growing faster than an Average human” I said to him and he nodded, “yes she is” he said to me before I looked back at Ophelia and smiled before gently kissing her forehead and spent most of my time with her along with Rose, Bree and my mother after my mom had told me that she had ended up adopting Bree while I was in transition. 

It has been a few weeks since Bella and Edward's Wedding and they both had been home since because Bella had found out that she was pregnant and at this point she was looking to be about Eight to Nine months pregnant already as she sat on the couch with the quilt her mother made her and soon after Jacob had walked in and looked at Bella and walked up to her a little bit, “I’m glad you came” Bella said to him before he tried to get closer until Rose stopped him, “close enough” she said to him, “what’s your problem?” he asked her before Bella spoke up, “Rose, it’s ok” Bella told her and she was hesitant until she moved away and Jacob sat down on the coffee table, “you look terrible” Jacob said to her, “yeah, it’s nice to see you to” she replied, “so are you going to tell me what’s wrong with you?” he asked her and she thought about it for a second before speaking up, “Rose, Venus, do you want to help me up?” she asked and I walked up to her and held her arm and Rose did the same as we helped her stand up before she fixed her shirt, “you did this” Jacob said with anger, “stop” I said as Emmett stopped him from attacking Edward and they all looked at me and I could tell he noticed what I am, “you’re one of them to” he said and I nodded, “yes and it was because I was in the same situation as Bella and I was dying because of it, so, they made the choice to change me” I said before we heard her come into the room giggling and I soon picked her up, “sorry, I tried to keep her in the other room, “it’s alright mom” I said as Jacob looked at her, “is that her?” he asked and I nodded, “yes, her name is Ohpelia, and I think that it’s possible the same thing will happen to her'' I said to him as Ophelia kept saying mama before wanting to see Jasper, “dada, dada” she said and Jasper grabbed her, “who else knows?” he asked me, “no one besides everyone in this room and now you” I told him and he nodded, “Venus is right, we didn’t know it was even possible before Venus. And just like with Venus, Ultrasounds and needles won’t penetrate the embryonic sac.” Carlisle told him and Bella sat back down, “and I can’t see it either. Like with Venus, I can’t see Bella’s future anymore” Alice told him, “we’ve been researching legends since Ophelia was born, but there isn’t much to go on. What we do know is that it’s strong and fast growing” Carlisle said to him and Jasper gave Ophelia to my mother before she walked out of the room with her, “why haven’t you done anything? Take it out of her '' Jacob asked him, “this is none of your business dog” Rose said out of anger, “Rose. all this fighting isn’t good for Bella'' Esme said, “the fetus isn’t good for Bella'' Alice pitched in, “say the word Alice ‘baby’ it’s just a little baby.” Rose said to her, “she’s right, it could be just like Ophelia, it’s just that the only problem is what Carlisle said and the possibility of it killing her in the process” I said and everyone went quiet for a moment, “Carlisle, you’ve got to do something” Jacob said and I sighed a little bit as Jasper walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around me, “no. it’s not his decision. It’s not any of yours.” Bella said before Edward spoke up, “Jacob, I need to talk to you” Edward said before the both of them walked out of the house.

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