Chapter Thirty Four

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Venus’s P.O.V
Not long after Charlie left everyone had met in the back as both Bella and Emmett were going to have an arm wrestle with one another and I brought Ophelia with me as well as Emmett had set down a giant boulder, “don’t hurt yourself Emmett” Edward said to him, “go Auntie Bella” Ophelia said before Jasper started counting, “all right on Three. One, Two, Three” Jasper said as the arm wrestle had begun and Bella soon had beaten Emmett and Ophelia was cheering and clapping and I laughed a little as Bella had broken some more of the boulder and Ophelia had gone over to hug Bella and she picked her up and hugged her beach and I smiled a little before Bella had put her down, “you were beaten by a girl” Opheia said to Emmett as she laughed at little, “yes, yes I was” he said to her and lifted her onto his shoulders and she laughed and shrieked when he did so before we all headed inside for the rest of the day as Emmett would tickled Ophelia every once and a while.

As Time went by, both Ophelia and Renesmee were continuing to grow faster than a normal human and it was starting to worry both Bella and I as we were beginning to wonder how much time we would have with our kids and one day, both Bella and I had decided to take the girls out of the house as both Seth and Jacob had decided to come along as well as they were both in their wolf forms as Renesmee and Ophelia were playing in the snow, “look, a snowflake” Renesmee said showing us and Ophelia had come running back to us as well, “me to” she said as she stood next to Renesmee, “they look very pretty” I said to the both of them and I kissed the top of Ophelia’s head before she ran off with Renesmee as the both of them jumped to catch another, “Edward thinks we’ll find answers in Brazil. There are tribes there that might know something” Bella said, “I hope so” I said to her until we noticed Renesmee see something, “whos tha?" Renesmee asked as she stood by Jacob, “isn’t that Irena” I mentioned to Bella as I had my arm around Ophelia and Seth on the other side of her, “I think that’s our cousin from Denali” Bella said before she started calling out her name, “IRENA” Bella shouted before she soon ran to where she was, “Auntie Venus, have I met Irena before. I don’t remember her?” Renesmee asked, “no you haven’t sweetie” I said not long before Bella had gotten back, “did she say anything?” I asked her and she shook her head, “no she didn’t, she ran off and jumped into the water” she told me and we headed back to the house to tell the others about it. 

By the time we had gotten back and walked inside and found everyone in the living room, “is everything alright?” Edward asked us, “we saw Irena earlier, but she ran off” Bella told him and Carlisle had called the Denali Coven about something and the conversation was short as he soon hung up the phone, “Tanya convinced Irena to come reconcile with us” Carlisle said putting down the phone, “well it looks like she changed her mind” Edward said as he leaned on the piano, “seeing Jacob must have been to much for her” Esme said, “I doubt it, I feel like it’s something else” I said before Bella spoke up, “I wish I could have just spoken to her” she said to them, “she’s family, she’ll come around” Carlisle said as he leaned back on the couch and out his arm around Esme and Edward started to play the Piano as Renesmee joined in with him for a moment before Edward continued to play the song. After some time had gone by, the others started coming into the living room as they all did their own thing while Seth and I had were coloring and drawing with Ophelia while Jasper read a book as my mom and Bree were helping Alice with some flowers in the other room and I hadn’t noticed Alice had walked into the room until we all heard glass break as it hit the room and we all looked to see that it was Alice as she stood there before Marcus sped to her and my mom and Bree sped into the room as well to see what had happened, “what is it Alice” Marcus asked her as she looked at him before looking back at us, “the Volturi. There coming for us, Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard and Irena” Alice said to everyone and I began to panic as I kept Ophelia close to me, “why?” Carlisle asked, “what did Irena say in the woods” Edward asked us, “she didn’t say anything, she just stood there” I told him, “yeah and we were just walking” Bella told him, “Ness and Ophelia were catching Snowflakes” Jacob said to him, “of course. Irena thinks Renesmee and Ophelia are Immortal Children.” he said to us and my worry grew, “what’s that supposed to mean” I said as I looked down at my daughter, “come with me. I have something about it and I’ll explain it to the both of you” Carlisle said and we did as he asked as we followed him into another room after Bree and Rose had stayed with Renesmee and Ophelia in the living room.

By the time we got there, Carlisle had taken out a book as I sat down next to Bella at the table that was in the room and Carlisle sat the book down in front of us and turned to a page about Immortal Children and we began to look through it, “the Immortal Children were very Beautiful. So enchanting. To be near them was to love them, but their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn’t be taught, or restrained. A single tantrum can Destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation, stories spread, the Volturi were forced to intervene. Since the children couldn’t protect our secret, they had to be destroyed.” Carlisle said as he talked about it and I couldn’t imagine what it must have been like at the time, “their creator’s grew very attached, fought to protect them. Long established Covens were torn apart. countless humans, slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families, lost.” Carlisle continued, “so the Denali’s mother made an Immortal child?” Bella asked and Carlisle nodded, “yes and she paid the price.” Carlisle said, “so they killed her, is what you’re saying and the child at some point?” I asked and he nodded and I stayed silent not knowing what to say or think, “Well Ophelia and Renesmee are nothing like those children” I said to him, “they were born not bitten. They grow every single day” Bella continued, “so can’t you just explain to the Volturi” Jacob suggested, “I doubt they'd listen to what we have to say about it” I said to him, “Venus is Probably right, Aro has enough proof in Irena’s thought’s” Edward said, “so we fight” Jacob suggested and Seth agreed, “I agree, I’m not letting them get to Ophelia” he said to them, “their offensive weapons are to powerful, no one can stand against Jane” Marcus said, “Alec’s even worse” Alice continued, “well we convince them” Bella suggested, “like Venus said before they won’t listen and besides, they’re coming to kill us, not to talk” Emmett said to Bella, “no you’re right. They won’t listen to us, but maybe others can convince them. Carlisle you have friends all around the world” Edward suggested, “I won’t ask them to fight” Carlisle said, “not fight, witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we can convince the Volturi to listen” Edward said to Carlisle, “we can ask this of our friends” Esme said to him and he soon agreed, “alright, we’ll leave tomorrow” he said and I let out a shaky sigh as I looked at Jasper, “I hope this works” I said until I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder and saw that it was Bella’s, “it will. Their not taking our kids away from us” Bella said and I smiled a little as I nodded and we all began to leave the room and I went straight to mine and Jasper’s room to think about everything and heard someone walk in and I knew that it was Jasper, “I want to cry but I can’t. I’m not ready to lose her Jazz” I said as I looked up at him and stood up to hug him, “I know darlin, but they won’t, they won’t take our daughter away from us. I won’t let them and neither will Seth” he told me as he held me close  and we heard someone else walk into the room, “mommy, why are you upset?” Ophelia asked as she walked up to Jasper and I and I knelt down to her height, “I can’t tell you right now sweetie, it’s grown up stuff alright and mommy will be alright ok” I told her and she nodded, “ok mommy. I made another picture with Grandma and Auntie Bree and Renesmee and Auntie Rosie” she said as she showed me, “it’s beautiful” I said to her, “look, that's you, me and Grandma, Auntie Bree, Daddy and the others” she said as she pointed them out and I smiled and kissed her cheek, “I love it my darling” I said to her and she smiled and went to show Jasper and I can see that he loves her more than anything as I watched the both of them and we soon walked out of the room.

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