Chapter Twenty Nine

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Venus’s P.O.V
It was now the day of Jasper and I’s wedding and I was getting ready with the help of my mom, Alice and Rose as both Alice and Rose had done my hair and make up while my mom helped me put on the dress and by the time I was finally done, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled until I heard Esme speak up, “it’s time ladies'' she said and everyone had left except for my mother as she was the one who was going to walk me down the Aisle, “are you ready sweetie?” she asked me and I let out a shaky shaky sigh, “yeah, I’m ready as I’ll ever be” I said before we soon left the room and soon began to walk down the Aisle to see everyone who was invited standing as they watched us but I mostly had my eyes on Jasper as he had a smirk on his face and I did as well as I felt a tear slip down my cheek and I finally made it to him as my mom kissed my cheek before giving my hand to Jasper, “you may all be seated” the man in front of us said and heard everyone sit down, “ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Jasper Hale and Venus White, please repeat after me” the man said and both Jasper and I just looked into Each other’s eyes, “I Jasper Hale” he began to say and Jasper repeated what the man had said to him, “I Jasper Hale, take you Venus White, to have and to hold” he said and I smiled, “for better or for worse” I said to him, “for richer and for poorer” he said as we continued to look at each other, “in sickness and in health” I repeated, “to love and to Cherish” he said, “for as long as we both shall live” I said as I took a breath, “I do” he said and my smile grew wider, “I do” I said and the both of us kissed each other before hearing everyone clapping and heard a few whistles.

By the time the Ceremony was over everyone had gathered to a different spot of the property and had a good time dancing and talking with one another until a couple with both with dark hair had approached us along with a few others, “I’m Eleazar and this is Carmen” the man said and I shook his hand and the woman hugged me, “it’s so nice to meet you, we’ve heard so much about you” Carmen said and I smiled, “it’s nice to meet you to, I’m Venus'' I said until Carmen turned to the bond women, “this is Tanya, Kate and Irena” she said and I nodded at the three of them and they all smiled, “it’s nice to finally meet you Venus'' Kate said, “it’s nice to meet you as well” I said before they all walked away. After a while, both Jasper and I were slow dancing with one another along with a few others and felt him kiss the top of my head as I felt happy with my life and I was happy that I got to spend the rest of it with Jasper and later on, I had gotten changed into a much more comfortable dress and shoes before meeting up with Jasper as he had gotten changed as well, “are you ready?” he asked and I smiled and nodded, “yeah” I said and we both held hands and walked outside to see everyone cheering and throwing confetti at Jasper and I, and I laughed a little before we made it to the end to see Marcus carrying a few suitcases out and putting them into the trunk of the car and noticed my mom approach me, “hey sweetie, do you know where he’s taking you?” she said as she hugged me, “hey mom, no I don’t know he didn’t tell me” I said as we moved away from the hug, “well, wherever it is, be safe, be careful and have fun alright. I love you my sweet Venus” she said before hugging me again, “I love you to mom” I said to her as I hugged her for a little while longer before noticing Alice, “everything’s packed and ready to go” she said and I nodded and she soon walked away, “well I guess I should let you both go now” my mom said as she moved away from the hug, “yeah” I said with a smile before Bree sped over to us and hugged me, “I’ll miss you” she said and I chuckled, “I’ll miss you to” I said and hugged her back before she moved away and saw a smile on her face, “I was thinking about adopting her” my mom spoke up, “wait really?” I asked and they both nodded, “yeah, apparently she had been pronounced dead where she’s from so I thought she could use a family you know” my mom said and I nodded, “well I gotta go now. I’ll see you both soon alright” I said and they both nodded and walked over to the car as Jasper opened the door for me and I soon got in and he had done the same before smiling at each other before we drove past everyone and soon left the house.

By the time we had finally made it to an Island, all I did was look around in amazement, “it’s Isle Esme, Carlisle bought it for her and named it after her” Jasper said just before he picked me up bridal style and I shriek before giggling as he walked through the door and put me down gently and we just stood there for what seemed like forever until he kissed me and I unknowingly laid down on the bed with him on top of me as we continued to kiss until he eventually pulled away, “are you sure about this?” he asked me and I smiled a little before nodding, “yeah, I’m sure” I told him and he began to kiss me again and felt him unzip the back of my dress and slipped it off before throwing it on the floor and had done the same to himself and continued to undress each other until we were fully naked and felt him trail the kisses down my neck and I wrapped my legs around him before he gently entered me and I let out a sigh like moan, “I’ll be as gentle as I can” he whispered in my ear, “ok” I said to him before he started to move. After sometime had gone by, the room was filled with moans and grunts as we continued and I was getting close to climaxing  and I can tell that he was as well, “I love you” I said to him breathlessly, “I love you to” he said as our foreheads pressed together as his thrusts were getting sloppier until the both of us came at the same time as this time he didn’t pull out and we stayed like that for a while longer until he laid down next to me and held me close to him and smiled to myself as we state like that in silence for a while as I had a smile on my face, “how are you feeling?” he asked me and I looked up to see him looking down at me, “I feel great” I said to him before I kissed him and soon broke away from it and rested my head on his chest as I fell asleep feeling him gently caressing my arm and back.

When the next morning came around and I woke up and felt that Jasper wasn’t there and sat up to see that he wasn’t anywhere in the room and I looked outside as I began to remember the night we had last night and a smile grew on my face before getting out of bed and put on a robe before walking into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror before noticing something on my neck and saw that it was a hickey and chuckled a little before brushing my teeth before going to look to see where Jasper was and found him in the kitchen as it was looking like he was cooking something, “good morning darlin” he said before looking at me and I smiled, “good morning” I said as I went behind him and wrapped my arms around him, “how are you feeling? Are you hurt at all?” he asked me, “I feel fine, maybe a little sore but other than that I’m fine, you didn’t hurt me if that’s what you’re wondering” I said as he turned around, “that’s the one thing that I worry about'' he said as he held my face in his hands, “I know and I don’t blame you for feeling that way but I promise you that you didn’t, you did leave a few hickey’s though” I said chuckling at the last thing I said and he did the same before getting back to cooking. After eating I decided to get changed for the day before wondering what we should do for the day, “what should we do today?” I asked him as I sat next to him and played with his hair a little, “I don’t know, we do have the Island to ourselves besides the caretakers” he said and I nodded and spent the day walking around and along the beach.

It has been about a week or so since we have been on our Honeymoon and when I woke up this morning, I had the verge to throw up and I quickly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom and began to vomit in the toilet and after some time had gone by, I was finally done and I took a minute to breath before I noticed Jasper standing in the doorway and I let out a sigh, “I look horrible” I told him as I closed the lid of the toilet and flushed it before sitting on the ledge of the bathtub and he soon knelt in front of me, “are you alright?” he asked and I shrugged a little, “do you mind grabbing my bag please?” I asked him and he did so and when I saw the tampons and pads I completely forgot about it and remembered what day it was and realized that I was late, “I’m late” I said to him, “what do you mean?” he asked and I stood up and walked over to the window, “my period is late” I told him and I decided to check in the mirror and noticed that a bump was showing and it was bigger than it should be if I think it’s what it is for just finding out and looked at Jasper, “I think I’m pregnant” I said to him and he just stood there and looked at me not saying anything until his cell phone started to ring and he quickly picks it up and talked to whoever it was until mine started to ring as well and saw that it was my mom as she panicked a little as Alice had told her that she had a vision about me and I told her that I was fine and that I would explain everything when we got home and when I got off the phone I turned to face Jasper who rushed around and started packing everything, “we have to go” he said before he finished packing everything, “is this a bad thing or something?” I asked wondering and he sighed, “I don’t know what it is and neither does Carlisle” he said before kissing me and I began to worry a little bit before he left the room with our things in his hands and I looked into the Mirror again and looked at my stomach not sure about how to feel about this.

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