Chapter Six

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Venus’s P.O.V
Another week of school was going by and I was sitting with Bella and Jessica and the both of us noticed Bella looking around, “he’s not here. Whenever the weather is nice, the Cullen’s disappear.” Jessica told Bella, “what, do they just ditch?” Bella asked, “Well not exactly” I said to her, “no, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yanks them out for hiking and camping and stuff. I tried that out on my parents. Not even close.” Jessica told Bella even though I was the only one who knew the truth about why they weren’t really at school and Angela soon came up to us, “guys, I’m going to the Prom with Eric. I just asked him and took control” Angela said and I smiled, “I told you that would happen” Bella told her as they both hugged, “are you sure you have to go out of town?” Angela asked, “I didn’t know you were going out of town” I said as my brows furrowed together, “oh, yeah, it’s a little family thing” Bella said, “oh, well it would have been nice for you to be at Prom” I said and she smiled a little, “ok, we should go shopping in Port Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out” Jessica said, “oh and Venus would you want to tag along with us” Angela asked as the bell rang and we all got up, “I already got my dress but yeah I can be one of those people who tell you how good it looks on you” I said and she giggled, “Port Angeles? Do you mind if I come?” Bella asked, “yeah I need your opinion” Angela said and we all went inside and went to our next class of the day. For the rest of the day I spent with Bella and the others until school had ended for the day and I went outside after grabbing my things and saw my mom waiting for me and got in the car, “hey sweetie, how was your day?” she asked as I put on my seatbelt, “it was good, I’m going to be hanging out with Bella, Jessica and Angela this weekend if that’s alright” I told her as she drove off and we headed home, “yeah that’s fine with me dear” she said as we later finally made it home for the rest of the day and left my Window open just in case Jasper wanted to come by for a bit later on.

The weekend came around and I was at the dress store in Port Angeles and I was sitting with Bella as I looked out the window until A couple of guys came knocking on the window and whistled as they looked at Jessica and Angela, “that is uncomfortable” Jessica said and I felt a little uncomfortable myself, “idiots” I whispered, “that’s disgusting” Bella said, “Bella, Venus, what do you think?” Jessica asked us and I looked over to see the dresses they were wearing, “that looks great” Bella said, “you guys look amazing” I said to them with a smile, “you said that about the last five dresses, though” Jessica said to us, “I thought they were all pretty good” Bella said, “she’s not wrong tough” I mentioned with a chuckle, “you’re not really into this are you” Angela asked Bella, “I actually just really want to go to this book store. I’ll meet you guys at the restaurant” Bella said as she got up from where she was sitting, “are you sure?” Jessica asked, “yeah. I’ll see you in a minute” Bella said as she walked away and I sighed a little, “I really like that pink dress on you the most though Jessica” I said to her as she continued to look at herself in the mirror with a smile on her face, “you guys are right though. This looks awesome” Jessica said before both herself and Angela went to change and had paid for their dresses before we left the store and headed to the restaurant. By the time we got to the restaurant, the three of us waited for Bella for quite a while until we finally decided to order and talked for a while, “where do you think Bella might be?” Angela asked after we had just told the waiter what we wanted, “not sure but I hope she’s alright” I said to her, “yeah, wouldn’t want her ending up with those junkies from earlier” Jessica said before the food had later arrived and we ate. By the time we had finished and paid for our food, we soon left the restaurant and soon bumped into Bella, “hey, you guys I’m sorry” Bella began to say to us, “where were you? We left you messages.” Angela told her, “yeah we waited, but we were, like, starving so we” Jessica said before Edward walked up beside Bella, “I’m sorry I kept Bella from dinner. We just sort of ran into each other and got talking” Edward told us and both Jessica and Angela stumbled on their words and I chuckled to myself, “yeah, we totally understand. I mean that happens right” Jessica said before we walked away, “I think I should make sure Bella gets something to eat. If you’d like” Edward said and I smirked a little, “I’ll drive you home myself” he spoke up again, “that’s so thoughtful” Angela said, “yeah. Very thoughtful” I said, “yeah. I should eat something” Bella said as she continued to look at Edward and we all said our goodbye’s, “hey Venus” I heard Edward say and I turned to face him, “yeah. What’s up?” I asked, “Jasper might come by tonight” he said and I nodded smiling a little before catching up with Jessica and Angela as the three of us had gone home for the night. 

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