Chapter Thirty Three

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Venus’s P.O.V
Later that night I was in Jasper and I’s room putting Ophelia to bed as I read her a bedtime story until she soon fell asleep about halfway through the book and I smiled at her before I gently placed a kiss on her head, “I love you my sweet girl. Sleep tight” I whispered to her and saw a smile grow on her face before I set the book down and left the room after turning off the lights and walked into the living room to see Jacob passed out on the couch and Bella standing next to Edward as she held Renesme in her arms, “finally” Edward said as we both saw my mom and the others coming back before Rose approached Edward and Bella excitedly, “my turn” I heard her said to them as Bella handed the baby to her and I walked up to see her let out another yawn before closing her eye’s, “where does she sleep?” Bella asked Rose and I began to wonder the same thing, “in my arms, or Edwards, or Esme’s, or Venus’s” Rose told them before the others walked into the room from outside and Alice walked up to us, “Happy birthday” Alice said to Bella, “I stopped aging three days ago” Bella said and I chuckled, “yeah like that’ll stop her'' I mentioned and everyone chuckled a little before Alice continued, “well, we’re celebrating anyways. So suck it up” she said, “told you'' I said before Alice held up a key and Bella grabbed it from her before Alice had left the house with Bella and Edward, “what’s the surprise?” I asked wondering, “it’s a house of their own” Esme said and I smiled, “that’s nice” I said before Jasper walked up beside me and kissed my cheek and everyone had done their one thing throughout the night as I went to go and check on Ophelia to see that she was still asleep, “you’ve made me the happiest man alive” Jasper said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled as I looked at our daughter, “and you’ve made me the happiest women'' I said to him before we walked out of the room so we didn’t wake up Ophelia and the both of us headed outside and far enough away from the house before he pinned me up against one of the trees and smashed his lips against mine, “I love you” I said to him as he trailed kisses down my neck before pulling my shirt over my head and he had done the same and before we knew it, we were both completely naked and soon laying on the ground as he hovered over me and soon thrust himself inside of me and I let out a moan as he continued to move in and out of me as we made love, “am I hurting you?” he asked me, “no, never. Keep going” I told him and he did so, and later reached our climaxes as I felt him let go inside of me and I chuckled, “that was amazing” I said and he kissed me, “it was'' he said as we laid there on the ground looking up at the sky as we held each other close as it stayed silent for a while. After some time had past, both Jasper and I decided to get dressed and head back to the house to soon see Emmett smirking at the both of us, “don’t start” I said to him and he raised his hands, “I didn’t even say anything” he said, “exactly. Keep it that way because we all know that your jokes are going to be dirty” I said chuckling, “guilty as charged” he said chuckling and we all just went on with our night.

When the next morning came around, both Bella and Edward had walked into the dining room while Emmett, Carlisle, Jasper and I were sitting at the table doing our own thing while Ophelia was coloring in a coloring book she was given from Seth, “wow. Done already?” Emmett asked them and I chuckled as I colored with my daughter, “where’s Renesmee?” Bella asked, “blondie stole her” Jacob said as he stood by the window looking out of it while he ate a sandwich, “break a lot of stuff?” Emmett asked them, “Emmett. No” Bella told him before I spoke up, “Emmett, shut up, or did you forget that there’s a child in the room” I said as they chuckled all continued to chuckle a little before the phone began to ring, “uh oh” I said as I looked around at everyone before as we all knew who it was except for Bella, “is it Charlie?” she asked Carlisle, “He’s been calling twice a day.” Edward told her, “he’s in pretty rough shape” Jacob mentioned, “Eventually, we’ll have to tell him you didn’t make it. He’s also been wondering about Venus and Julia as well but we haven’t gotten to that yet either” Carlisle said to her as we both looked at each other and nodded, “he needs to mourn Bella '' Edward told her, “ok. We’ll do it tomorrow” Bella said as she walked over to Edward, “I’m gonna miss this place” Emmett said as he got up from his seat, “we’ll come back. We always do” Carlisle told him, “where are we going? '' Ophelia asked Carlisle as she looked at him and myself, “we’re going to have to go away for a while” I told her before Jacob spoke up, “wait. Nobody said anything about leaving” Jacob said, “once people believe, Bella, Venus and Julia are dead, we can’t risk anyone seeing them.” Carlisle told Jacob as he looked over at Bella and I, “so you just disappear?” Jacob asked, “Jacob, we don’t have another choice” Edward told him and Jasper soon came into the room with my mom not far behind him, “what’s going on?” my mom asked, “we’re going to have to leave” I told her and she looked around the room before her eyes landed on Carlisle and he brought her into the other room to explain to her what's going on and Ophelia showed Jasper what she was coloring as Jacob left the house.

Later that day, Jacob came back and had asked Bella, Edward, Jasper, my mother and I out onto the Deck as Bree watched Ophelia “what is it” Edward asked, “I told Charlie that, Bella, Venus and Julia were alright and that they were fine” Jacob told us, “what, why?” I asked him as Jasper held my hand, “I solved a problem. You were leaving, what did you expect me to do?” Jacob said to us, “you don’t realize the danger you’ve put him in. the Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us” Bella told him, “no, I didn’t tell him about you guys. Just me, I only said that you guys were different” he explained, “that doesn’t matter, what makes you think Bella, my mother and I can control our thirst when he’s here” I told him, “Venus is right, it’ll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down their throats and that assuming they can control their thirsts. And we have nieces who we’ve adopted” Edward told him, “I mean, seriously Jake, he’s not just going to let that go” Bella told him as I can begin to feel my body get colder, “look, Charlie’s been in hell. And I know you’ll be much happier with him in your life” he said towards Bella, “Jacob don’t try and pretend you’re doing this for anyone but yourself” Edward said, “sorry you feel that way because he’ll be here in ten minutes” he said and I threw a sharp piece of Ice at the ground, “be lucky that I didn’t go for your eye” I said walking back into the house and sat down on the couch in the living room and let out a heavy sigh, “mommy. Are you angry mommy?” Ophelia asked as she walked up to me with something in her hand, “no sweetie, I’m alright. What do you have here” I said as she lifted the picture and showed me, “it’s us, me, you and daddy see” she said pointing at the stick figures on the paper, “it’s beautiful. I love it” I said to her as I kissed her cheek and noticed Jasper walk in, “why don’t you go and show daddy” I said and she got off my lap and ran over to Jasper and shown him the drawing she made and heard him compliment on the picture before he told her that he loved it before picking her up.

Not long after Bella and Edward came back in along with my mom and Jacob, they all walked over to me, “so what’s going on?” I asked, “we are going to allow my dad to come by and we both know that we’re going to have to do a few things before he does” Bella said and I nodded, “alright” she said and Carlisle walked over to us with Alice and Esme, “we overheard what happened and we’ll help you out” Carlisle said before Alice had us it down, “these will irritate your eye’s at first.” Alice said as she put colored contacts in all of our eye’s before backing away, “the main thing is not to move too fast.” Carlisle mentioned, “try taking a seat, crossing your legs'' Esme suggested and we took turns doing so until it was Bella’s turn and sped over to the chair and I winced a little, “maybe a tad slower.” Esme said, “like walking to it” I suggested, “and blink at least three times a minute” Alice told us, “geese, sooner or later I might get whiplash from all of this'' I said jokingly and they all chuckled a little before we did what Alice suggested, “good” she said, “for a cartoon character” Jacob said, “shut up, this is your fault” I mumbled, “hold your breath. It will help with the thirst” Carlisle said, “just don’t forget to move your shoulders so it looks like your breathing” Edward said and we tried it, “and don’t sit so straight. Humans don’t do that” Rose said, “ok we got it. Move around, blink, slouch” Bella said and she wasn’t the only one who had heard Charlie’s car pull in and both Bella and I just looked at each other as everyone told us good luck, “you ready?” I asked her and she nodded before I looked at my mom and she smiled and Charlie soon walked into the room with Carlisle and I waved hoping that neither one of us breaks, “Bella, Venus'' he said before he noticed my mom, “Julia, we were looking for you everywhere after we had gotten a call saying that you were missing” Charlie said to her, “I’m fine now. They let me go” she said to him and he just nodded, “hi dad” Bella said to him, “are you guys alright” he asked noth Bella and I, “I feel fine” I told him with a smile as I held my breath and moved my shoulders a little, “never better. Healthy as a horse” Bella said to him, “you guys don’t turn into and animal to, do you?” he asked us and we chuckled, “they wish they were that awesome” Jacob said, “you wish” I said to him, “let’s give them some Privacy” Edward suggested and everyone except for Bella and Charlie had soon left the room and I nodded towards Bella Before walking out and I just spent some time with Ophelia and Jasper until Charlie left.

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