Chapter Thirty Two

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Venus’s P.O.V
As night had come around and Ophelia was put to bed for the night, everyone was in the living room and I sat next to Jasper as we watched football with Emmett and I was soon thinking about all of this until I was brought out of the when I heard Bella to see her hovering over a garbage can before leaning back into the couch, “we need to find a way to get some food into her system” Esme suggested and Alice spoke up, “If I can only see the fetus” she said until she was cut off, “the Baby” Rose corrected her, “maybe I can figure out what it wants” Alice said until I began to think about doing the same thing that I had done when I was pregnant with Ophelia and I was brought out of my thoughts when Edward spoke up, “I think you Two might be right. Jacob and Venus just had an Idea” he said and I looked around to see everyone looking at the both of us, “it wasn’t an Idea. it was a snide comment” Jacob said to them, “what were you guys thinking?” Carlisle asked, “maybe do what you guys did with me when I was pregnant” I said to him, “that it’s probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into” Jacob said and we all looked at him, “dude, you’re in a house full of Vampires and that’s what you go with. Be lucky no one is doing that to you right now.” I said to him as the room stayed quiet for a few second, “it’s thirsty” Bella said, “I know the feeling” Emmett said and he wasn’t the only one, “if it’s craving, it’s not going to want animal blood” Edward mentioned, “I have some O Negative leftover laid aside for Bella” Carlisle said before walking out of the room and I looked at Jasper before getting up and holding out my hand and he grabbed it and the both of us left the room along with my mother and Bree not far behind and went to another room and Emmett, Alice and Marcus entered not long after and waited, “we have to find a way for us to feed as well” Emmett suggested, “how. Sam is out there somewhere watching us and if we leave, they’ll come after us and possibly attack us” I said to him and he sighed and nodded a little, “yeah you’re right. We should be careful about it” he said as it looked like he was thinking, “we should at least talk with Carlisle about it” I suggested and they all nodded.

When the next day came around and Ophelia had grown quite a bit in the last few days and I smiled as I watched her play with Rose until I felt Jasper wrap his arm around me, “did Rose steal her again?” he asked and I chuckled, “besides Seth, she loves her and Emmett to. Emmett sometimes flies her around in his arms whenever he gets a chance to play with her'' I said giggling as I thought about it, “but it sucks that Sam has decided to think of her differently and it worries me Jazz” I said as I turned around to face him, “I know, it worries me to. But we’ll do something about it” he said and I just nodded before looking back at Rose and Ophelia. Later that day, Esme and Carlisle had approached me and told me about what they were doing as they had a plan for when we went to hunt and had asked for me to tag along and I agreed before looking at Jasper, “be careful out there alright” he said and I nodded, “I will and besides, it’ll be nice to practice my powers a little bit I guess” I said to him with a smirk and he kissed me, “watch over her while I’m gone alright” I said as I broke away from the kiss and he nodded, “I will as long as you come back” he said and I nodded, “I will don’t worry” I told him before going to check up on Ophelia as she was taking a nap. Later that night, I had met up with Carlisle, Esme and Emmett and Jacob as we were all outside, “are you good to go” Jacob asked and we all nodded, “yeah, we are” Carlisle answered before Jacob had gone to the treaty line and we soon had done the same as we ran through the woods and we soon began to hear barking and I looked back to see that we were being chased by a couple of wolves, “they’re chasing us” I shouted letting them know and soon enough both Esme and I fall down a hill until we both land on our backs and quickly stand up to see that the wolves were in front of us and my anger got the best of me and spikes of Ice had been formed in front of both Esme and I as I protected the both of us until Emmett had come around and knocked the wolves away from us and Carlsile came up and made sure we were alright before we ran away and soon jumped over the cliff and made it back to our territory and just stood there for a few seconds to see the wolves doing the same before we walked away to hear them howling. 

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