Chapter Eight

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Jasper’s P.O.V
After getting a call from Alice and Marcus saying what had happened, we had all met up at the Ballet studio and saw that Venus wasn’t with them, “where’s Venus?” I asked Alice, “Rose is on her way to the Hotel now to get her and bring her back to Forks” Alice said and I nodded before we all made our way inside the building to see Edward and james fighting and Carlisle and I had made our way to them and both Emmett and I grabbed onto James, “Son. Enough. Remember who you are. Bella needs you.” Carlisle told Edward as he slowly moved away from James and I could feel his anger before both Emmett and I dragged James away, “I got him” Emmett said and I began pulling the floorboards front the ground and put it all in a pile and throwing a match in it before helping Emmett, “Alice” I shouted for her and she soon came over and jumped and soon ripped James’s head from his shoulders and threw it in the fire and left as both Emmet and I had finished the rest and made sure that he had burned completely as we threw in some more pieces of the flooring. After some time had passed, Carlisle had come up to us, “Jasper, Emmett. Find some water to put the fire out and when you’re done with that, go back to town. Edward and I will be taking Bella to a hospital nearby. Do you understand” he said and we nodded and Alice, Emmett and I went to find water to put the fire out with before we had finally left the Ballet studio and headed back home and throughout that time, I was anxious to see Venus and to see if she was alright. By the time we finally made it home, I had rushed in to find Venus in the living room pacing back and forth until she noticed me standing there.   

Venus’s P.O.V
After what seemed like forever, I was finally at the Cullen’s with Rose not able to sleep as I was pacing back and forth in the living room until I had noticed Jasper standing there and a smile grew on my face as I rushed up to him and hugged him tightly, “thank god you’re alright” he whispered in my ear as he hugged me tighter, “I was worried about you” I said not realizing the others had left the room, “really, I should be the one saying that to you” he said and we both chuckled and moved away from the hug, “how’s Bella? Is she alright?” I asked looking at him, “James bit her, but Edward managed to get the Venom out and stop himself from going to far and they later brought her to the hospital nearby” he told me and I sighed as I sat down on the couch, “I don’t understand, I mean it get that blood is what you guy’s feed off of. But what James did was something else” I said as Jasper held me close to him, “I know darlin. Do you want to head home tonight since you did tell your mom that you would be spending the weekend here and by the looks of it, the weekend is almost over” he said and I looked out the window to see that it was dark outside, “yeah, alright. Let’s go” I said, grabbing my things as I got up from the couch along with Jasper and we later got in the car and I texted my mom letting her know that I was on my way home.

By the time we made it to my place, Jasper had walked me to the door before we stopped and stood there, “thanks for bringing me home. Do you want me to leave my window open” I said to him with a small smile and he smirked before he nodded, “that would be great. I want to be there to make sure that you’re alright” he said to me before he kissed me before the door soon opened for it to reveal my mother and the both of us broke away from the kiss and I blushed a little, “hello Jasper” she said to him, “good evening Mrs. White” he replied before looking back at me, “I’ll see you later alright” he said and I nodded, “goodnight Jasper” I said to him, “goodnight” he said before walking to his car and driving away and I walked inside, “did you have fun sweetie?” my mom asked not knowing what really happened, “yeah it was great. I had a good time there” I told her as we both sat on the couch together and talked about it for a while before I decided to head upstairs to soon see Jasper laying there and I smiled to myself before straddling him, “hello again darlin” he said with a smirk, “hello again” I said back and we both chuckled before I kissed him and he rolled on top of me before we rested our foreheads together, “I don’t know what I would do without you darlin” Jasper said, “don’t worry. You can’t get rid of me that easily” I said to him with a slight smirk on my face, “I know” he said before kissing me again before laying down next to me, “so what now?” I asked wondering, “I don’t know. Do you want to watch or do anything?” he asked and I shrugged, “I probably just want to watch something I suppose considering what we had all had just gone through. Do you want to help me look for something to watch?” I said and he nodded and the both of us got out of bed and looked through all of the movies that I had until we finally found one and we both agreed to watch Insidious series throughout most of the night until I had fallen asleep in his arms.

I had woken up the next day to see that Jasper wasn’t there and I sighed to myself thinking that he probably left to hunt and I finally got out of bed to get ready for school and by the time I was finished and grabbed my things before heading downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen, “good morning sweetie. How did you sleep?” she said as I sat down, “I slept alright, how about you” I said as she began to plate the food, “I slept alright myself” she said as she walked over and handed me a plate and I began to eat it. By the time I had finished eating, I felt my phone buzz and I saw that it was from Jasper saying that he would be taking her to school with him, “hey mom, is it alright if Jasper takes me to school?” I asked her and she nodded, “yeah of course, that’s alright with me. I need to do a few things today anyways” she said as she had put the dishes in the sink before I felt my phone buzz again and saw that it was from Jasper saying that he was here and I put my phone in my pocket before grabbing my things, “alright, I’ll see you later. Love you mom” I said hugging her, “alright dear, have a good day. I love you” she said and I waved, “love you to mom” I said before walking out the door to see Jasper in the driveway and I got in before kissing his cheek, “morning darling” he said as he pulled out of the driveway, “good morning” I said back and I held his hand throughout the entire car ride to school. By the time we got there, Alice, Rose and Emmett were already there as they stood by the car and both Jasper and I had gotten out and stood with them and talked, “how are you feeling Veus?” Rose asked me and I shrugged a little, “not too bad actually considering what happened recently” I answered and she nodded and not long after, we all decided to head inside before class started. After saying goodbye to Jasper, Mike walked up to me, “hey Venus. How was your weekend?” he asked, “it was alright, how about you? '' I said to him as we soon walked into class, “it was alright. Anyway, I was wondering if you knew where Bella was since I haven’t seen either her or Cullen show up today?” he asked and I thought about what happened before and decided to make up a lie, “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her or Edward all weekend” I told him before Mr. Malina walked into the room and soon began the class soon after the bell had rung.

By the end of the day, my mom said that she would be picking me up after school and I was grabbing my things from my locker before I felt someone and turned to see that it was Jasper and I smiled before he gently kissed me, “how was your day?” he asked me before I closed my locker, “it was good. How was your?” I said, “it was alright. We did get news from Carlisle. He said that Bella should be coming back with her father at some point today” he said to me and I sighed a little, “well that’s good. I’m glad that she’s doing alright” I said as we made it outside and I stayed with him and the others until my mom had arrived, “do you want me to leave the window open tonight?” I asked him and he nodded, “sure, I’m still feeling a little worried about leaving you alone considering you’re with your mother” he said and I nodded, “I know and I don’t blame you. I’d feel the same way” I said to him before kissing his cheek before noticing that my mom was here, “well I gotta go. I’ll see you later” I said and he nodded before I left and got in the car, “hey sweetie. How was your day?” my mom asked after I got in and put my seatbelt on, “it was good” I said to her before we left the school and headed home. By the time we did, I went upstairs and started on some of my finals for a few of my classes and when I was done for the night, my mom had called me down for dinner and the both of us began to eat and talk about our days as she had told me that she had gotten a job and that she started the next day. By the time we were finished eating diner, we both decided to turn in early as we both headed to our rooms for the rest of the night and I decided to take a shower before getting changed and when I was finished, I opened the window for Jasper and as I laid in bed watching T.V he finally climbed through the window and I smiled as he laid down next to me and held me close to him and we both just laid there in silence for the rest of the night watching T.V until I fell asleep in his arms and it was pretty much the same for the next few weeks.

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