Chapter Seventeen

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Venus’s P.O.V
After seeing Jasper in my room after getting there myself, I jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly, “I know you have been back before but I’ve missed you” I said to him as we continued to hug one another, “I’ve missed you to darlin and we will be staying in Forks for good, especially after hearing about what had happened between Bella and Edward” he told me as we broke away from the hug and I just smiled as I caressed his cheek before kissing him passionately before pulling back for air, “never leave me again. I couldn’t stand being away from you for long periods of time” I whispered to him as our foreheads were pressed together, “I promise that I will never leave you again” he said to me and I smiled knowing that I have Jasper back and I had gone to get changed into something a little more comfortable before both Jasper and I had laid in bed together and just talked about everything that had been going on in the last few months before I had began to drift off to sleep later that night. When I had gotten up he next morning, I saw that Jasper wasn’t there and I furrowed my brows until I had noticed a note from him on my nightstand and he had said that he had to go and hunt and that he would see me later and when I finished reading the letter I had gone downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen making breakfast, “good morning sweetie. How did you sleep?” she asked and I smiled a bit, “I slept pretty good” I answered as she handed me a plate of food, “that’s good and just so you know, I will be leaving town for a couple of days to visit your grandmother since I had just found out that she was admitted to the hospital last night” my mom said and I stopped eating, “is she alright?” I asked her, “I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know after I get there alright” she told me and I nodded and continued eating.

By the time we both finished eating, my mom had gone to her room to pack a few things before making sure she had everything, “now you be careful out there alright and make sure that every door and window is locked at night ok” she said and I nodded, “don’t worry mom, everything will be alright” I said and she smiled before hugging me, “be safe while I’m gone alright” she said to me, “you to mom” I said before we moved away from the hug and she soon walked out the door after we had said one final goodbye before she left to see my grandmother. Later that day, I was feeling bored and I texted Jasper saying that I had the house to myself for a couple of days and asked if he wanted to come by at some point and he agreed. Not long after texting each other, I soon heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Jasper standing there and I smiled as I let him inside, “how’s your day going so far?” I asked him as we sat down on the couch, “better now” he said with a smirk before leaning and kissing me and I chuckled a bit as he laid on top of me, “god I missed you” he said breaking away from the kiss, “I missed you too. Are you and the others going back to school?” I asked him and he nodded, “yeah I believe so” he said before we sat up and just hung out for a while and did some things together throughout the day. 

Another week of school had come around and Jasper and Marcus were back in school except for Rose and Emmett and I had spent most of my time with with the both of them, but mostly Jasper, during lunches and sat with him during the classes that we had together until Alice, Bella and Edward had finally made it back home and I was glad that they were alright and when lunch had come around one day, Bella had come to sit with us as she had sat next to Edward, “so how are things?” I asked wondering, “well, they’re expecting Bella and yourself to become one of us at some point” Alice said and  felt a little scared about what Alice had said but I nodded in understanding and looked at Jasper before he kissed my cheek, “how are you doing Bella?” I asked her and she shrugged, “I’m doing alright, my dad grounded me after what had happened before but other than that, I’m fine” she said before looking at Edward and the Bell soon rang and everyone began to leave the cafeteria and headed for their classes and I had said goodbye to Jasper before going with Alice to our next class of the day and she had told me everything that had happened while they were in Italy before we had walked into class and sat down and the teacher had soon began teaching not long after the bell had rung again.

Later that day after school was over I had gotten a text from my mom saying that my grandmother was doing alright and that she will be able to leave the Hospital soon and that she will have a nurse coming to her home everyday to take care of her and my mom said that she will be coming home herself soon, I had soon looked up from my phone to see Jasper standing next to me and I smiled, “do you need a ride home?” he asked and I nodded, “yeah, that you be nice” I said and I walked with him to his car and soon got in before leaving the school, “so how’s your mom doing?” he asked, “she’s doing alright, she will be coming home soon after my grandmother leaves the hospital” I told him and he nodded and we soon made it back to my place and the both of us had walked inside after I had unlocked the door and the both of us did our homework together and by the time we had finished, I had gone upstairs to get changed for the night before heading downstairs to see that Jasper was still sitting there and I had grabbed a blanket and something to eat before sitting back on the couch with Jasper and cuddled up next to him and the both of us watched a movie together, “how was your day?” he asked me, “better now” I said and looked up at him with a smile and kissed his cheek before watching the movie and later fell asleep more than half way through it.

Jasper’s P.O.V
By the time the movie was over, I had noticed that Venus had fallen asleep and I gently got up from the couch before picking her up and carrying her up to her room and gently laid her down on the bed before lying down next to her and she got closer to me and I smiled to myself as I gently stroked her side and began to think about everything throughout the rest of the night as I realized that when I came back into town with the others, I realized that I couldn’t live without her and I knew she had felt the same way as I felt her moods move around a lot when I was gone. After some time of thinking, I looked down at Venus and gently kissed her head and holding her closer to me and I felt her hold me tighter than she was before as if she didn’t want me to leave again and I didn’t blame her if she felt that way because I didn’t want leave her again either as my love for her has grown even more than before and I would do whatever it takes to keep her safe for the rest of my life.

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