Chapter Thirty Nine

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Venus’s P.O.V
By the time we had made it to the large clearing that was covered in snow as both Jasper and I held onto our daughter’s hands until we stopped walking and waited for the Volturi to arrive and I looked at Jasper with worry and looked to see Bree and my mom standing near by until we heard footsteps and saw that it was the Volturi as they approached as most of them wore cloaks and we eventually heard the wolves as they approached as well and noticed Seth stand next to me and I nodded a little and soon Carlisle walked up before he began to speak, “Aro. Let us discuss things as we used to. A civilised manner” he said to him. “Fair words Carlisle. But a little out of place given the battalion you’ve assembled against us” Aro spoke up, “I can promise you, it was never my intent. No laws have been broken” Carlisle told him, “we see the children. Do not treat us as fools” Ciaus said, “they’re not Immortal. These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in their cheeks.” Carlisle pointed out to them, “Artifice” Ciaus shouted, “I will collect every asset of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward and Jasper, as the children clings to your Newborn Mates, I assume you Two are involved.” Aro said raising his hand a little and I looked at Jasper before he looked down at Ophelia and kissed the top of her head before both himself and Edward walked over to Aro and I moved Ophelia next to Seth and Aro managed to look into both Jasper and Edward’s heads, “I’d like to meet them” I heard him say and my worry and anger had grown as I looked down at Ophelia before I looked at Bella and we both walked to Aro with Jacob and Seth on either side until we stopped and soon saw Emmett follow behind us until we both stood in front of Aro, “ahh, young Bella and it is so nice to finally meet you Venus” he said to us, “likewise” I said before he continued, “Immortality becomes you both” he said looking at us both until he started laughing when he looked at the girls, “I hear their strange hearts.” he said both Bella and I were hesitant at first but we had let both Ophelia and Renesmee approach Aro, “Hello Aro” they both said as he soon saw the memories of the both of them, “Half Mortal. Half Immortal. Conceived and carried by these Newborns while they were still humans” Aro said to the people behind him, “Impossible” Ciaus said, “do you think they fooled me brother” Aro said and we had gone back to our side. 

By the time we got back to the others before we noticed that they had brought Irena forward, “are they the children you saw?” Ciaus asked her as he pointed, “I’m not sure” she said to him and just before Jane could do anything Irena quickly spoke up again, “they’ve changed. They are bigger.” she told him, “then your allegations were false” Ciaus said to her, “the Cullen’s are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake” Irena said before she mouthed an apology to her sister’s, “Ciaus no” Edward shouted before both Kate and Tanya had begun to try and go after their sister but they were to late as the others tried to stop them from getting themselves killed as well and both Bella and I had put Renesmee and Ophelia and both Seth’s and Jacobs back in case anything else were to happen as Edward soon talked with Tanya and as he walked back to Bella he soon fell to his knees as pain filled his body and soon enough, Bella was able to shield everyone as Edward managed to get up and walk back to her, “for a second I thought I had to make an Ice wall or something” I said to her and she managed to put a small smile on her face as she looked at Jane as she tried to use her powers on others but failed to do so until Alec tried to use his abilities but was stopped by Aro, “Aro you see there’s no law broken here.” Carlisle told him, “agreed. But does it yet follow that there is no danger? For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what these children will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare us a fight today, only to die tomorrow.” Aro said to everyone until we heard footsteps and saw Alice and Marcus walk by as the both of them approached the Volturi until they were stopped by some of the guard, “my dear, dear Alice, we’re so glad to see you here after all” Aro said to her, “I have evidence the the girls won’t be a risk to our kind. Let me show you” she said to Aro until she was able to walk up to him and show him what she knows, “It doesn’t matter what I show you, even when you see, you still won't changed your decision” Sliced told him before she turned to face Bella and I, “now” she mouthed to us and I looked at Ophelia, “be safe my darling, we will always love you. Remember that” I said and she nodded quickly before I turned my attention to Seth, “keep her safe and protect her with your life” I said to him and both himself and Jacob had run off with Renesmee and Ophelia. 

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