12. F R O S T

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The cool air hits my skin as I walk out of the grocery store, hands packed with fresh food. I decided today was the day to take care of some errands. I had been putting them off for quite a while even though they were simple things like buying food, filling up my gas, or paying my rent. These small things tend to pile up over the weeks so I designate one day to deal with all of it.

Putting my groceries in my trunk I sigh as I sit down, thinking of my next location. I wrack my brain for anything else I had to get done but my mind runs blank. I decide to call it a day seeing as the sun was already starting to set.

Jungkook and I haven't talked since that day on the overlook. I wanted to text him, but I didn't know if he was just busy or if he was purposely not texting me. The cafe has been closed for a while, but it reopens tomorrow. I groan, thinking of how awkward its gonna be when we see each other in the morning.

My mind was a mess, thoughts jumping all over the place. I decided to take a break and drove myself to the outskirts of the city. Somehow, I find myself near a large river, trees almost bare as the season got colder.

I walk aimlessly in this barren forest, the dull leaves crunching with each step. The fridged air entered my lungs with each breath, forcing me to clear my mind of any unnecessary thoughts.

I find a small clearing with a group of rocks conveniently placed in the middle. I walk towards them, taking a seat on the flattest one. It felt nice to get away from the constant hustle and bustle of the city. The sounds of the water slashing against the rocks comforted me, allowing me to relax.

I lost track of time as I enjoyed the chilly air, watching as the last rays of sunlight get soaked up by the shining moon. The subtle breeze ran through my hair, wind harsh against my bare face.

Finally, I realize how long I had been sitting here and get up, rushing out the empty forest. I loved the night time, but I'm not stupid enough to stay in a dark forest miles away from civilization by myself. Quickly sitting in my car I take a second to think about everything. Whenever I get the chance to think, my mind automatically focuses on Jungkook.

After our kiss, my heart was in shambles, not knowing what to think. I wanted to date him, I really did, but with the way the Kpop industry is with dating, I knew it was going to be hard.

And it's not like I cared about what others thought of me, I just didn't want my name to affect how people see Jungkook.  The media would pick me apart, criticizing my every move and I wasn't sure if I was ready for that

I've done some stupid things in the past, and if word ever got out that he kissed me or was in a relationship with me, all hell would break loose. I didn't want to put that kind of attention on him, but at the end of the day, it was his choice. I'm not even sure if he wants to date right now but whatever he decides, I'm willing to wait for him.


It was early in the morning, the sun still hiding behind the darkness of the night. I decided to walk to work today in an attempt to clear my head. My breath could be seen as I exhale, the cold December air seeping into my skin. The end of the year was nearing faster than ever, as well as the anticipation of this year's Christmas. I walk with my head hanging low, trying to cancel out the chilly air. As I turn the corner, I start to see soft white flakes drifting from the sky.

I smile to myself. It was the first snow of the season, and I got to watch as the frozen snow flakes drifted down and coated everything in its path. I slowly walk through the snow, taking my time and embracing the cold. I had left earlier than normal because the weather predicted snow. And for the first time, they were actually right.

Once I started to lose feeling in my fingers and feet, I decided to hurry up and get to the cafe. As I walked closer I saw Chaelin hanging Christmas decorations outside the building. Giving her a small wave, I walk into the shop as warmth instantly fills my body. I sigh in relief, rubbing my frozen hands in an attempt to warm them up faster. Hana wasn't here yet considering we still had an hour before we opened. I walk to the back room, sitting down and letting myself defrost.

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