2. Moonlight

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I was always sluggish in the morning, waiting until the last second to get out of my bed. When my 6th alarm rang, I knew it was finally time for me to get my lazy ass up and get ready. My black cat, Nox, was peacefully perched on my stomach snoring away. His silky fur felt wonderful on my skin as I gently stroked his ears.

A smile made its way onto my lips as my second cat, Jiji, hopped up onto the bed as well. Her long white fur shined in the moonlight as she rubbed her head against my arm. I allowed myself 5 more minutes to enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime peacefulness these cats were showing me. I wasn't often they weren't trying to scratch the living daylights out of me and I was not complaining.

After a blissful 5 minutes that felt all too short, I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. It was still dark out but I didn't mind, the night gave me this sense of comfort I couldn't explain. Maybe it was because I felt hidden, away from the prying eyes of the world around me. Or it could be because I'm basic and just like looking at the moon. Who knows?

I quickly wash my face and throw on some clothes, making sure I didn't forget anything before heading out. The cold brisk air wrapped around my body the moment I stepped outside, causing me to shiver. Early mornings were always the coldest but it didn't bother me that much. I would much rather be cold than hot.

I walked slowly, taking in the darkened buildings around me. My thoughts were empty as I stared off into space, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. It was as if my feet were moving on autopilot, taking me in the direction of the coffee shop I work at. The sun was slowly rising, brightening my surroundings ever so slightly.

I huff out a breath as I see the large illuminated sign of the Moonshine cafe. "I really don't want to be here," I mumble under my breath as I slowly walk into the glass doors of the building. I was greeted with a hot gust of air that instantly warmed my body.

"Good morning Somi! Chaelin is gonna be supervising us today. She says it's because she has to, but I think she just wants an excuse to hang out with us," Hana says smiling. I nod my head, still too tired to respond. I never understood how she was always so happy and full of energy in the morning. I could barely pass as a mummified zombie and I was never in the mood to talk to people.

After some time, we open up the shop and serve a few customers here and there. It was still early in the morning and I was tired, but a lot more awake. As I wipe down the counter, the bell at the door rang, telling me someone walked in.

"Hello, welcome to Moonshine cafe. I can help you over here when you're ready." I say, barely looking up. I finish cleaning the counter and move to the register, ready to take the person's order.

When I look up, I see the cute redhead from yesterday clad in a black puffer jacket on top of a grey hoodie. Not him wearing the most basic fuck boy outfit. I think to myself snickering. His soft brown eyes scan over the menu with curiosity, but he seems to be hesitant to order.

"Would you like to try our new seasonal drink? It's a cinnamon nutmeg frappe." I offer, trying to help him decide. He shakes his head, laughing lightly.

"No thanks, I'll just take a matcha latte,"
He says quickly, rubbing his neck nervously. I smile and type his order in.

"Of course, the classics never get old. Your total is 4.80$. And your name was JK, right?" I ask hesitantly, hoping i didn't remember the wrong name. He smiles and nods as he swipes his card. I notice it was one of those fancy cards that had a shit ton of money on them.

Damn, homie must be loaded if he's using that at a coffee shop. I think as I mix up the matcha.

I skillfully make his drink, topping it off with a dusting of matcha powder. As I'm about to call his name, my manager comes in and almost knocks me over with a sudden hug. I stumble slightly, but keep my balance with the help of the counter behind me.

"Somi, my girl! I missed you, it's been a while." She exclaims, tightening her hug. I pat her back and try to push her away. "Yea, I missed you too Chaelin but I am currently working so can you please refrain from crushing the inside of my body? Thanks," I grumble causing her to immediately lets me go, a sheepish look on her face. "Whoops, forgot we were on the clock. Continue what you were doing my amazing employee," She giggles and I sigh, slowly moving past the girl who was somehow my manager.

"Order for JK!" I watch as he walks up and takes the beverage, thanking me as he does. His eyes locked with mine and it was like I was in a trance. Maybe It was because I could only see his eyes with the mask he had on, but the way he looked at me sent shivers down my spine. He broke eye contact first and within a second, he was gone. What the fuck was that?, I thought as Hana and Chaelin started chatting away as soon as there was no customer in the store.

I couldn't stop thinking about that moment for the rest of the day. It was playing on repeat in my mind. With me being the hopeless romantic I am, I wanted to think it was a special moment. Eventually I decided I was delusional and he probably just glanced at me. I was now sitting with Hana and Chaelin in a random diner, barely focusing on the topic of the conversation.

"Hey Somi, you're being really quiet. Is everything alright?" Hana asks me, gently touching my arm. I force a smile and nod, not wanting to worry her with my random intrusive thoughts.

"I'm fine Na, just thinking." Chaelin looks at Hana with a mischievous smile before she lunges at me, laughing like a manic. My eyes widen as I realize what she's about to do, and make a sad attempt to escape her. Chaelin's hands brush the sides of my body, successfully completingwhat she wanted to achieve.

"Chae don't you dar-" My involuntary laugh cuts me off as she tickles me aggressively. I struggle to keep my composure and become a laughing mess, miserably failing at pushing the blonde girl away. Hana was no help either as she was laughing at my suffering. I was cornered between the window and Chaelin, having sat next to her in the booth. I regret sitting next to her, I think to myself as I finally manage to push her away.

All of us were laughing, mine being more like wheezing from the lack of air. "What did you do that for!? I could have died from lack of oxygen! And you know I hate it when you tickle me," I grumbled harshly, glaring at the blond-haired girl next to me.

"Oh come on, stop being such a dick. Your back from whatever world you teleported yourself to and that was my goal," Chaelin smiles smugly at me, flipping her hair over her shoulder dramatically. I roll my eyes and smack her on the head.

"Do that again and ill melt all your hair off the next time you ask me to bleach it," I say in a threatening voice. Her eyes widen as she looks at me

"You wouldn't," She murmures, fear evident on her features. I raise a brow, teasing her more.

"Oh she defiantly would, I ate her ramen once and she made sure every time I tried to eat ramen, she added a laxative into it. Worse experience of my life." Hana pipes in, recalling her traumatizing experience caused by me. I laugh at her expression.

"Ok yes, I did do that, BUT my food is my food, end of story. I love my food more than myself thank you very much."

We all laugh as we share stories and talk about random topics. I truly enjoyed myself when I was with them and they always knew how to distract me from my endless thoughts.

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