35. Under the Moon

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Slight TW(mentions of ed, family trauma, etc.)

Jungkook instantly notices my sour mood and he looks at the door I had just walked out of. A heavy sigh leaves my mouth and without even asking, Jungkook wraps his arms around me, his warm body feeling wonderful in the frigid night air.

"Is that your mother?" He asks as he gently runs a hand through my hair. I nod against his chest, feeling drained.

"Why is she glaring at me like she wants to burn my head off?" Jungkook whispers in my ear, causing a chuckle to leave my mouth.

"Because she probably does. She wants to kill anything that makes me happy," A groan leaves my mouth, body leaning on Jungkooks for support. I feel him kiss the top of my head, his hot breath hitting my face as he pulls away.

His eyes scanned over my face as his hands cupped my face. There was a foreign emotion in Jungkooks eyes that I couldn't quite pick up. My breath hitches as he slowly leans closer, his warm lips finding my cold ones. I felt my eyes flutter close as warmth instantly spreads inside me like a blosseming flower.

Jungkooks lips were unbelievably soft and melted agasint my own, making me weak in the knees. He pulled me closer, my chest now flushed against his. I could feel the raw emotions he was pouring into the kiss, sweetly savoring the feeling of his mouth pressed to mine. Something about the way he was cradling my face with such care made my heart burst.

As Jungkook pulled away, I couldn't help but miss his comforting touch.

"Well unfortunately for her, shes gonna have to do more then just glare at me to get rid of me. I like you far too much," His voice came out silky smooth and was accompanied by his siganute bunny smile. My heart melted and I buried my face into his chest.

"You're so cheesy," I mumble and he laughs, forcing me to look at him. His eyes shinned in the dim light, happiness evident on his face.

"Oh come on, I know you love it," Jungkook coos and I can't fight the smile that makes its way onto my face. Just being with him lifted my mood, and I couldn't be more grateful he was with me right now.

"Come on, it's s cold. As much as I love being in your arms, I don't want my mom watching us. Its weird," I say as I remove myself from his arms. I instantly felt cold, missing Jungkooks warmth. He nods as he glances up at the house one last time. I follow suit, taking one last look at door where my mom was watching us with a conflicted expression on her face. I quickly get in the car, the cold air freezing my entire body.

As I pull out the drive way, I can't help but think about the day I left. It was very similar to now, leaving late at night as my mom watched with a unreadable emotion on her face. I glance at the illuminated time and groan as it read 11:25. I didn't want to go home yet. I didn't know why, but I wanted to be anywhere but in my house. Especially after having it full of life not even an hour ago.

"I dont want to go back yet," I admit, my eyes staying focused on the road. Jungkook nods, his eyes falling on the clock.

"Then don't," He responds, like its the most obvious thing in the world. I shot him a look, shaking my head.

"I need to drop you off, lover boy," He smiles at the nickname and looks out the window. Silence falls between us as I continue to drive. The roads were mostly empty, the bright lights of my car lighting the road.

"We can make a pit stop if you want to stay away for a bit. I don't mind," Jungkook's words take me by surprise. As much as I wanted to take up his offer, I knew he had work tomorrow and I wanted him to get sleep.

"And don't say no, I know you want me to sleep but I don't go to sleep until like 2 am," He quickly adds, as if he read my mind. I shoot him a skeptical look.

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