22. Under the... fishletoe?

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The loud music of a movie was heard upon entering the house. I keep my head down and walk over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I was met with Jimin leaning on the counter watching the movie from afar. He turned to look at me as I walked in and gently smiled.

"Hey, you need something?" he asks, standing straight. I nod and gesture towards the fridge.

"Just some water," I cross over to the self dispenser on the fridge and fill up a clean glass. Jimin watches as I chug the entire glass in one go, a tired look in my eyes.

"Someone's thirsty," He chuckles, swiping a hand through his hair. I give him a look and just nod. He seems to notice my sour mood as he walks over to the counter to grab his phone.

"Wanna see some cringy videos of Jungkook from high school?" He asks, a mischievous smile on his face. I gently chuckle but walk over nonetheless.

This might help me distract my mind, I think as Jimin scrolls through his long-ass camera roll. He finally stops at the year 2015 and clicks through a bunch of pictures.

"This one was when we had to perform late at night but he had a test early in the morning. He was mad the entire performance and ARMYs made it a meme." He shows me a picture of Jungkook sitting backstage with people doing his hair and makeup. Textbooks and worksheets were scattered all over the vanity, the stress apparent in his features. I couldn't help but smile and the younger version of Jungkook.

"Oh, and this one was when it was his birthday and we all pranked him into thinking we abandoned him at a gas station at 4 am. We ended up surprising him with a cake and balloons and he started balling his eyes out," A video of Jungkook surrounded by his members started to play, with the poor boy curled up in a ball on the ground with a small cake in front of him.

He continued to show me funny and cute images of Jungkook and the others, explaining each one briefly. It was endearing seeing how close all of them were and I really envied their relationship with each other.

Suddenly, there was a loud scream that rang throughout the house, causing me to jump. A frightened Hobi and Jin come running into the kitchen screaming things like "It's gonna eat me!" or "Not my face! Anything but the face!".

I laughed as I watched them hide in the small coat closet by the front door, fighting over who should go in. Jimin was laughing beside me, leaning over the counter to hold him up.

"Yall are pussies!" Yoongi yells after the scared boys, laughing as he does. The bickering that emerged from them reminded me of my siblings and how we would fight over silly things. I glanced over at the TV to see the scene they ran from. A girl had some type of demon monster thing leached onto her face and a gruesome image of her flesh getting sucked out was showing.

I cringe to myself before walking over to the living room, looking for that mess of brown hair I liked a little too much. I didn't see him anywhere and I didn't feel like going on a scavenger hunt to find him

Slowly, I myself gravitating towards Yoongi. I don't know why, he just had this comforting aura that helped me calm down. He was only half watching the movie, eyes drooping in tiredness. I nudged his shoulder slightly as I sat down, causing him to look at me.

"You look tired, you should sleep," He smiles and shakes his head. "If I left before the movie finished, the maknaes would never let me hear the end of it. Besides, it's our tradition to stay up on Christmas eve," His eyes were lazily focused on me, watching me closely.

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