52. Yeontan

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The warmth of the sun hit my skin in a comforting hug. Jungkook raked his fingers through my hair and I allowed myself to fully relax. I sat with my head in his lap, enjoying the feeling of the wind on my face. The weather was exceptionally nice, considering it was the end of February. Jungkook was humming along to some tune, and I felt at peace for once. Everything about this moment was blissful, and I didn't want it to end.

We must have been there for a while because I could feel the sun shift its direction. Where it was once high in the sky, it was now close to the horizon, slowly dipping into the buildings in the distance. I heard a door open and someone says something, but I was too spaced out to hear the words they said. I felt Jungkook laughing against my ear, and I looked up at him. He was smiling, face turned to look at whoever was standing by the door.

The sun was reflecting off Jungkook's skin beautifully, highlighting all the intricate features of his face. All the little things that made him human, like the peach fuzz around his chin, or the tiny scar on his cheek. I admired everything about him. He smiled his beautiful bunny smile, shoulders shaking with laughter once more. I had never felt such a strong sense of comfort and love for anyone before, and it was rather overwhelming.

His honey voice spoke again, responding to the person. His hair was flying all over the place, and he kept jerking his head to get it out of his eyes. The long black locks were overdue for a haircut, but I loved how they framed his face. I gazed at him with a loving smile on my face.

I unclipped a hairpin from my hair, gently pushing the hair away from his face and clipping it to the side. He paused mid-sentence, looking down at me. He looked surprised but then slowly smiled. I hear another laugh by the door, this one registering as Jin. It was hard to miss his windshield wiper laugh.

"You two are so in love it's sickening," Someone gags, and then I hear more giggling. I couldn't help but smile, burying my face into Jungkook's stomach. He laughed and responded with something along the lines of "jealously is a disease".

They went back and forth for a while and I slowly started to lose all feeling in my legs. I sigh, sitting up. I could feel my hair sticking up in all directions but I could care less. These guys had seen me when I was sobbing like no tomorrow so a little messy hair didn't bother me anymore.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin standing by the door. They looked at me wide-eyed before busting out laughing. I narrow my eyes at them but eventually just sigh, trying to tame my hair slightly. Jungkook chuckled, grabbing my hand and pushing it away. He turned my face to look at him, and he gently smoothed the flyway hairs to look semi-presentable. I smile at him, mumbling a quiet thanks.

I hear another gagging sound and I look to see Taehyun and Jimin clutching each other as they pretend to throw up. I roll my eyes at their antics, a smile on my face. Jungkook starts playfully arguing with them and they go back and forth. I groan, getting up and walking back into the house.

Yoongi greets me from the couch, diverting his attention back to the TV. He seemed to be watching a murder mystery-type show. I join him on the couch, a sigh leaving my lips.

"What's wrong?" He asks, glancing at me. I shake my head closing my eyes.

"Nothing, just stressed. I need to find a new apartment but... I really liked the one I had. My cats did too, and that's the main deciding factor," I mumble, feeling fur against my leg. I glance down, noticing the black and orange puppy sniffing my leg. Taehyung's dog, Yeontan, had been staying with them for a while but I had never really encountered him. The dog usually stayed in Taehyung's room, so seeing him out here was new.

The dog looked at me, sniffing my foot before hopping onto the couch. He eyed me before crawling onto my lap, sniffing around. I assumed he liked me because he sat down, tucking his head into my stomach. I gently pet his head, smiling. As the boys from outside walked back in, Taehyung paused, staring at me like I had killed his entire bloodline.

"Stop holding my dog hostage, he hates females," He says, narrowing his eyes. I hear Yoongi laugh, Jimin giggling behind him. I raise a brow.

"He jumped onto my lap," I deadpanned, staring back. He approached me, standing in front of me with his arm crossed. Taehyung pursed his lips, trying to hold back a smile.

"No, give me my dog back," His voice raised an octave, causing us all to laugh. Yeontan barks shaking his butt at Taehyung and snuggling further into my stomach. Taehyung steps back with an offended look, the loud laughs of Jimin and Jin echoing through the room. I hold back a smile, staring up at Taehyung as he playfully glares at me. He points two fingers at me and then at his eyes, shaking them back and forth.

"This isn't over," He whispers, slowly walking backward with his eyes squinting at me. I smile wildly, petting Yeontan softly. As he was walking backward, his foot got caught on the rug, and he went tumbling to the ground, a loud scream leaving his mouth.

Jungkook just so happened to be walking behind him and attempted to catch him, but they both ended up toppling to the floor, tangling with each other. Loud laughter fills the room as we all watch the scene unfold, the dramatic music from the show on the tv not helping the situation. Both boys groaned from the ground, rolling around in pain. Jungkook huffed, shoving Taehyung into the floor before they both started wrestling.

"Why did you have to land on me you big baby?!"

"Your acting like I wanted to trip and bust my ass!"

"Maybe you did! I wouldn't be surprised if you like pain, you freak!"

"Oh, I'm the freak? What about all the times you came into my room telling me all the things you'd do with Somi when you got the chance-"

Taehyung was quickly silenced by Jungkooks large hand. I purse my lips as my cheeks reddened, acting like I was completely distracted by something on my phone. There was a brief silence before more laughter filled the room, all of them making fun of the two boys. I didn't bother listening to what they were saying, preferring to not listen to them talk about sex. I glance at Yoongi and he smiles, shaking his head.

"Just a heads up, Jungkook is probably the freakiest out of all of us" He grins, eyes glowing with mischief. I groan, throwing a pillow at him.

"Shut up," I shake my head at his loud laughter and gummy smile.

"What, I'm just being honest. Rethinking your choices?" He teases and I sigh with a smile.

"I'm not answering that," I mumble, the blush on my cheeks growing redder. Yoongi chuckles nudging me with his shoulder.

"Oh, so you like that kind of stuff-mhf!" Another pillow hit his face.

"Let's talk about something else, yea? Like how there is a girl being brutally murdered in that TV show and you guys are sitting here talking about sex," I say, trying to change the subject. More laughs echo through the area and they all slowly calm down, spreading out in the living room.

The space was large and cozy, and the more time I spend with them, the more I felt as though I had known these guys my whole life. The sense of calm and pure relaxation I felt around them was unmatched, and I couldn't be happier to be in their presence

I smiled at them, loving how comfortable they were with each other. I had been staying here for so long that it felt surreal like time didn't exist. I hadn't gotten an update on the whole Miyeon stalker situation but last I heard they were planning on confronting her.

It had been almost a week since this whole fiasco started, and as much as I loved spending time with Jungkook and the boys, I desperately wanted to get back to work. I was getting restless, itching to start working on a new song idea I've had for a while now. I had officially signed the work contract, which meant I was officially a full-time producer. I was excited to get started at a new place and to finally be able to work on songs like I'd always dreamed about.

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