10. Skeptical

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I woke in the morning to the smell of something burning. At first, I thought I was dreaming because I was still very much asleep, but then my fire alarm went off. That's when I sprung up out of bed frantically rushing to the kitchen where I found was the source of the ruckus.

I ran to the kitchen to see what was happening, only to find Hana standing there with a pan and spatula in hand. She smiled sheepishly at me, as I glared her down. Her dark brown hair was put up in a messy bun and her face was covered in a mysterious black sustenance. The pan she was holding had a pile of burnt ashes, smoke still rising from the pan.

I groan at the mess she had created. "Hana what the fuck," I slowly walk up to the kitchen, taking in the scene. Nothing seemed to be on fire, which was a good sign. Other than the mess of a girl standing in the middle of my kitchen, everything seemed to look fine. That's what I hoped at least.

I don't even question her and immediately start cleaning up. I open my windows to let the smoke out and fan at the fire alarm so it would stop beeping. Hana quietly follows my instructions as I tell her what to do with the pile of ashes. I wash my pan and clean the stove, still half asleep and pissed I was awoken in such a matter.

"Ok Hana, why don't you sit down and explain what you were trying to do in the first place. You and I both know you can't cook to save your life, so what inspired you to do so?" I say, my hands on my hips as I stare at the brunette in front of me. She slowly looks up at me, trying to figure out her next words.

"I wanted to make breakfast for us because you always make it. I thought I could suffice with making eggs because like, how hard can that be? But then I got distracted by a notification and kinda forgot about the eggs and well, you saw the rest." She says all at once, barely stopping to breathe. Shocked, I just shake my head and walk to my bathroom, needing to take a minute to recollect myself. I wasn't mad, something like this was bound to happen every time she was over. I just thought she would have learned her lesson by now.

I wash my face and finish up my business, then walk out and make my bed. I normally leave it messy but I wanted it to look nice because Hana was here. After that, I grab a hoodie and my keys and tell her I'm going to get us breakfast.

She smiles and thanks me, then returns her attention to Jiji, who was perched on her lap. I smile at the interaction and then walk out, heading to my car. Driving myself to a local bagel shop, I let the song I was listening to finish before parking.

As I walk inside the small corner shop, I was immediately hit with the overwhelming aroma of fresh bread and coffee. It was quite busy right now, multiple people could be found waiting on the side for their food. I glance at the menu and formulate my order in my head. I knew what Hana liked so it was pretty easy to pick something for the two of us. I place my order then sit down at one of the tables next to the window.

I check my phone for the first time today, only to find a text from Jungkook. I smile and open it, scanning over the messages. He had texted me at both 3 and 4 am.

3:14 am

Cat lover
Thank you for your words of encouragement, that's differently not was I was expecting cause your mean. :0
I had a performance to do, and I think I did pretty good.
I'm free all day tomorrow if you wanna hang?

4:37 Am

Cat lover
I also have something to tell you...
which I'm kinda scared to do

I read the last message again, starting to get nervous at the tone of the message. When people say they want to tell me something, it's normally "I don't wanna be friends anymore" or "I never liked you anyway, you're weird."

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