23. Ticklish

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I groan as I start to regain consciousness, my brain waking me up for some stupid reason. My mind was hazy, slowly becoming aware of my surroundings.

I start to feel soft kisses on my cheek and neck, gently feathering my skin. I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach, a smile making its way onto my face.

"Morning love, Merry Christmas," Jungkook whispers with that raspy voice I love so much. He was pressed up against my back, arms tightly wrapped my stomach.

My shirt had traveled up, allowing for Jungkook to rest his hands directly on my stomach. His touch was gentle as he absentmindedly drew circles on my exposed skin. His fingertips left my skin feeling warm and electric, the giddy feeling in my chest heightening.

Jungkooks lips lingered on a spot of my neck when he felt me shift. I felt his lips curve upward as he parted his mouth and gently blew cold air onto my skin. Cringing, I quickly try to get myself out of his grasp. I feel panic wash over me as I didn't want him to find out my secret. To my dismay, his muscular arms held me down, forcing me to stay on the bed.

"Don't tell me your ticklish..." Jungkook smirked and quickly adjusted our position, allowing him to hover over me. I scoff, trying to play it off.

"Of course, not you big bunny, I literally just woke up. Get off me, I need to pee," I say, acting annoyed as I try to slip under him. I almost made it to freedom before he shifts down and uses his knees to keep me in place, a devilish smirk glued to his annoyingly handsome face. I squeak, surprised by his sudden action as a heavy blush spreads across my face.

My heart was hammering in my chest as he gazed down at me. Jungkooks eyes had a mischievous glint to them as his hands rested tauntingly close to my sides. My eyes widen as I realize what he's about to do and I immediately grab his hands.

"Don't.you.dare," I warn, staring at Jungkook with a menacing glare. His smile widens as he frees his hands from mine and pins them above my head with one hand. His other hand slowly moves under my shirt and onto my stomach.

"Jungkook I swear to god if you touch me I will-" My words were forced to stop as my involuntary laughing begins. Jungkooks fingers gently brush all over my sides and stomach, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand. I was squirming under his touch, trying desperately to get away from this monster.

"Jungkook- haha- stop I'm gonna- haha- pee," I try to breathe out in between the laughs. He was laughing with me, his bunny teeth showing as a large smile was plastered on his beautiful face. He finally stops and lands next to me with a thump, giggling like a child.

"I didn't know you were ticklish, I would have used it as blackmail," He wiggles his eyebrows at me, watching as I try to catch my breath. I give him a hard wack on the head and let out a huff, heading to the bathroom.

I wasn't actually mad, it was just fun to mess with him. I stay in the bathroom for a while, fixing my hair and washing my face. I wanted to take a shower but I didn't like showering at other people's houses so I just sucked up the oily feeling I had and walked out.

Jungkook was sitting on the bed still as a rock, a confused look on his face. I refused to look him in the eye, knowing I would start laughing as soon as I saw him.

"Did I do something wrong..? I- I'm sorry I shouldn't have tickled you," He says carefully. Shit, I think as the memory of last night came back to me. I probably shouldn't be teasing him like this, he might think I'm still annoyed at him.

"Oh no, not at all! Don't be sorry it's totally fine I was just teasing you. That's my fault I should have made it clear I was joking and not like actually mad or something," I say quickly as he looks at me with an unreadable expression.

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