53. Confession

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Chills traveled through my body as I sat in the back of the car, waiting for the boys to be finished with their meeting. They had gotten called into an urgent meeting and were taking more than 2 hours to wrap it up. Curiosity killed me, and I desperately wanted to know what was so important they had to have a meeting asap. I had a feeling it was about me, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

It was starting to get dark outside, the beautiful tangelo and crimson ribbons of color falling over the sky like a woven blanket. The tinted windows darkened the outside, making it feel like I was trapped in a dark place. I glanced at the door of the agency, noticing how there was no one around the area.

A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned back in my seat, feeling myself getting impatient. I slowly pick up my phone, looking at the little red dot above Instagram with a 99+ inside of it. I hadn't stopped getting notifications, all of them filled with Armys disapproval of me and my looks.

I silently clicked through the messages, noticing how my following went up by millions. Most of the comments under my few posts were filled with hate messages, but a decent amount were people telling me that they were glad I made Jungkook so happy. Those messages made me feel a little bit better, knowing I had at least a small amount of support.

Suddenly I saw a figure moving around the car, a hooded person slowly walking closer to the car. I was in the back seat of the 8-seater van, silently watching as the person stalked closer to the parked vehicle. My senses were heightened, and I felt uneasy. I quickly take out my phone, trying to find the number of the detective on my case.

I had a sneaking suspicion that this person was related to Miyeon, if not her. It was too dark to make out the person's face, but by the build of their body, I assumed it was someone without much physical muscle.

Before I could find the number, a rock flew through the car's window, landing right in front of me. The car alarm was blaring loudly, and the figure ran full force at the car. I yelp, crawling out of the car before the person could lay their hands on me.

"Get back here~" The person spoke with a taunting voice, and I instantly recognized it. This was Miyeon, no doubt about it. She lunged at me again, and I skillfully moved out of the way, using her momentum to push her onto the ground. She grunted but quickly recovered, jumping at me once again. The loud alarm of the car was blaring in my ear and it felt like time slowed down as I noticed the gleaming silver blade in her hand, shining in the dim light of the street lamps.

Out of instinct, I duck down, hooking my arms around her legs and pulling them towards me. She toppled back, roughly hitting the ground. I hear a door open and worried voices ringing in my ears as I pin Miyeon to the hard pavement, making sure she couldn't attack me. She screams, struggling to move under my grip, kicking her legs like a child throwing a tantrum.

"No, No! You need to die, you fat piece of shit! Die, die, die!" Miyeon screams, tears streaming down her cheeks. I look up as many shadowed figures emerge from the door, running towards us.

"What the hell happened?"

"Somi, are you okay?"

"Punch her!"

"Damn you better than me, I would have beat her ass,"

"If you don't punch her I will!"

"Someone shut that whiny bitch up,"

"Don't forget to protect your wrist when you punch her,"

All seven of their voices enter my ears at once and I snicker at their comments. Miyeon was still struggling against me and I felt like I was going deaf with all her screaming. I was holding myself back from punching her, not wanting to get charged with assault.

"She attacked you first so it's self-defense, please shut her up," Yoongi grumbled, watching as the others enthusiastically nodded. I couldn't help but laugh at their engorgement.

"Jungkook, baby, Save yourself from this witch! She's not good enough for you, she's such an ugly fat whor-"

One punch couldn't hurt.

As soon as my fist collided with her face, she stopped talking, and more tears fell from her eyes. All the boys cheered, laughing.

"Damn, that was a nice punch!"

"Remind me not to make Somi mad,"

"That was kinda hot," I hear Jungkook whisper and I roll my eyes

"I know y'all are happy I just punched her but can someone call the cops? I can only hold her down for so long without having the urge to beat her up," I joke, only half serious. I didn't plan on hurting her more, though she deserved it for what she put all of us through. I just hoped she would get locked up for as long as possible so I could continue my life.

Not long after, the police came and arrested her. She was completely silent until they cuffed her and stated her Miranda rights.

"She doesn't deserve to be with Jungkook, She's a criminal! She's ugly and she's a fucking pig! It should be me next to him, not you! Even her mom agrees with me!" She screamed, trying to get out of the cop's hands. She sounded like a broken record. I sighed after hearing her words but I wasn't very shocked to learn my mom was in on this as well. Jungkook scoffed next to me, not even paying any attention to her. He looked at me and slightly grinned, hugging me.

"I am so glad this is finally over... you're not hurt, right? She didn't hurt you, did she?" He asks, looking at me like I was the only one he could see. I smile fondly, shaking my head.

"No, I'm okay. She was pretty weak," I chuckle, glancing over to Miyeon as she was getting pushed into the car. I smirked, leaning into Jungkook as I stared directly at her. This made her go ballistic, screaming like a tea kettle on a hot stove. Jungkook's eyes followed mine and he laughed when he realized what I was doing.

"And this is why I love you," He smiles, kissing the top of my head. I immediately look at him, my cheeks flushing.

"That's the first time you've said that to me..." I mumble, playing with the ends of his hair. He grins, kissing my forehead.

"And I'll keep saying it, because I mean it," He coos and I push him away.

"Okay that was way too cheesy," I laugh, shaking my head. He smiles at me, resting his forehead against mine. The wind gently touched my face, lifting the ends of my hair. As we watched the police car drive away with the stalker that had caused us so much stress, I felt safe.

Remembrance and comfort filled me as I listened to the sounds of chatter, the soft hum of the wind, and the heartbeat of the one I loved. Finally, I was at peace.

With everything that had led up to this moment, I was expecting it to be so much more... exciting? Relevant? I didn't know how to feel, because with how much Miyeon talked like she would kill me, she was weaker than Iseul. It felt too good to be true. Was all of this really over? I wasn't sure, but I knew that life would go on, and I was looking forward to it.

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