46. Hidden Secrets

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Disbelief, denial, betrayal. There were so many words to describe how I was feeling, but somehow not enough at the same time. There was an unsettling feeling in my chest, a feeling that consumed my entire mind. I couldn't think about anything else, the conversation I had with the police replaying in my mind like a broken record.

The officer said they were going to bring Hana down for questioning in a few days, but I wanted to talk to her first. I needed to talk to her first. There had to be some elaborate explanation, something that was so blatantly obvious it blew over my head. Hana would never willingly harm me, I knew that much.

"Somi, love, are you alright?" Jungkook's gentle voice asks, causing me to turn to look at him. We were sitting in the car outside the police agency. I sighed and nodded, shifting the car into reverse. Once we were out of the parking lot and on the road, I glanced at Jungkook. He seemed calm, quietly watching the landscape fly by.

"Hey... would you be okay with me making a pit stop before we head back?" I ask him, gauging his reaction as I stopped at a red light. He looked at me with a knowing glance, already predicting where I wanted to go.

"You want to talk to Hana, right?" He asks, reading my mind. I give him a look and he sighs.

"Don't you think it's better to let the authorities handle it? I know you're confused but going to her house and dropping what you know might reveal things you aren't ready for," He stared at me with a genuine look in his eyes, and I knew I should listen to him. My heart told me otherwise and I shook my head.

"I know, I know, but I need answers. I need to see the story from her side. If she really is involved in this stuff, I want to get Jaehyun out of there as soon as possible, for his own safety," I mumble, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Jungkook was quiet for a while, clearly thinking about the options.

"Fine, but I'm going in with you. I don't care if you don't want me there, your safety is my number one priority and if she is a potential threat, I'm coming with you," His voice was strong, and I could tell nothing I said would convince him to not come with me. Realistically, it was a good thing he was with me, because if I came alone I would have broken down by now.

A quiet "okay" slipped past my lips and before I knew it, we stood in front of Hana's apartment complex. Jungkook squeezed my hand tightly, reminding me he was there to support me.

"You ready?" He asks and I take a deep breath, collecting my thoughts before nodding. We walk into the building, stepping into the elevator with the extra key Hana gave me. My heart was beating erratically, my emotions a mess, and my nerves were through the roof.

I didn't know if I could handle the truth, regardless of if it was good or bad. The warmth of Jungkook's hand kept me grounded and the jasmine scent of his cologne calmed my senses just slightly.

The small ding of the elevator rang and the doors opened. The hallway seemed never-ending, growing in length as we walked down it. Voices echoed in my mind and I felt like I was trapped, losing touch with reality.

Was anything I ever knew even real? Was I just surrounded by lies?

I didn't even notice we were in front of Hanas door until Jungkook knocked. I felt panic and I realized I shouldn't have come here, I should have waited, I should have listened.

I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready

The door opened and my eyes locked on Hana, my body instantly relaxing despite the internal war I was having with myself.

Hana said some words that I couldn't hear and Jungkook responded with more gibberish. The only thing my brain could focus on was the comforting smile Hana adorned, the reassuring familiarity with this apartment, and her presence.

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