1. Red head

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In the hustle and bustle of people's lives, they tend to forget the little details in life. From the strangers walking by to the birds chirping in the distance. I always loved making connections with things that had nothing to do with each other. And this causes me to be late for every single thing I go to. It was something that I couldn't control, I just had a habit of spacing out and making a whole story come to life in my head.

I keep my head down, trying my best to avoid people as I walk to my workplace. My car was currently getting fixed because some raccoon decided to be an ass and slash all my tires. Fucking two-faced bitches. I sigh, shoving my hands into the pockets of my oversized hoodie. It was the middle of October and the air was as chilly as ever, especially early in the morning.

Pushing open the doors of the small coffee shop, I great Hana, my coworker.

"Hey, Hana," I say giving her a smile.

"Hi, Somi! You're on time for once." She responds with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and head to the back room. "I'm always on time," Hana watches me, giving me a sassy look.

Once I'm in the backroom, I rip off my hoodie and tie my apron around my neck and waist. It always gets super warm when I'm next to the hot coffee all day so there is no need for extra layers. Tying my hair is always a pain because I have short layered hair. Talk about double kill. I tie my hair into a sad excuse of a bun and head back to the front.

"Do you know where Chaelin is?" Hana asks. I shake my head. "Bitch I literally just got here, how would I know." She laughs before saying "Good point" and continuing her work.

There were still 15 minutes before we opened, the time reading 5:45 am. Business is always super slow at this time, which I was grateful for because it gave me a little longer to fully wake up.

To pass the time, Hana and I play a shared playlist of our different music types. She loves listening to Kpop and Kr&b, while I like more Indie and vibe-like songs. But, for the sake of our sanity, we made a playlist with a mix of everything. As I wiped down the counter the song "Coffee" by BTS started playing. I really liked this song and it was one of the many BTS songs I knew. The group is super famous, it's kinda hard to not know at least one song by them. I hummed along to the song as I waited for someone to walk in. A while passes until finally, we have our first customer of the day.

A person walks in, dressed in all black. As much as this person wanted to blend in, their bright red hair doesn't really help draw eyes off of them. I give him a smile as he walks up to the counter.

"Hi, welcome to Moonshine cafe. What can I get started for you?" I ask, in my customer service voice. He was wearing a black face mask so I couldn't see much of his face.

"Uh, can I get a matcha latte?" I quickly type in his order, still slightly taken aback by his smooth voice. "Anything else?" I ask with a smile. He shakes his head. "All right then, your total is $4.80  Can I get a name for your order?"

He paused for a moment before saying, "JK is fine". I nod while typing that in. I turn the screen towards him as he takes out his card. He completes his payment and turns the screen back to me. "We'll have your drink ready in a few minutes."

I turn around to get his drink started. I see Hana sitting off to the side changing the song to "Different" by woodz. I hum along as I finish the drink. I pour it into our signature galaxy cup and place it on the pickup counter. "Order for JK!" I say as I watch the redhead walk up and take the cup, giving me a quiet thanks.

"Have a nice day!" I call out as he walked out the door. Hana walks up to me and sighs.

"That guy was cute." She says resting her face on the table. I look at her funny. "You could barely see his face, the fuck you mean he's cute?" She laughs, shaking her head.

I roll my eyes and glance over at the computer. "Oh, he paid us $15 in tips," I say surprised. Hana smiles, "That's nice of him. Only hot people give tips which farther proves my point," The brunette winks at me as she turns to do her work. This girl, I mumble under my breathe as I see another customer walk in.

The rest of the day went by really slow, constantly making drinks one after another. I was rather happy about the $15 tip. I normally only make about 5 dollars in tip so 15 was way out of my range. Not that I'm complaining, it put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

After what felt like years, it was finally time for me to head home. It was 2 pm and the part-time worker that took over my place had arrived. My manager, Chaelin, had taken over for Hana.

"Do you want a ride home? I know your car is in the shop right now cause raccoons hate your dumbass," I groan at Hana's comment but hop in her car anyway. The drive wasn't that long as my apartment is only a couple of minutes away from the Cafe.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow bitch." With that, I step out of her car and walk up to my small studio apartment. The second I open my door, my cats jump onto my legs, almost making me fall over.

"I missed you too Jiji, Nox. Now move your furry asses so I can get inside," I shove them both off my legs and crash on my couch, a loud sigh leaving my lips as I hit the cushions.

"What a long and tiresome day,"

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