47. So close but so far

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The second we stepped out of Hanas apartment complex, hundreds of cameras were shoved into our faces, flashing lights blinding my field of view.

"Jungkook is it true this is the girl your dating?

"Why would you date a criminal?"

"This girl is hideous, why are you with her and not me?"

"You have it here live folk, BTS's Jungkook's vigilante girlfriend,"

My heart stopped and my blood ran cold. I barely even processed what was happening before the adrenaline kicked in and I immediately pushed my way through the crowd and into my surrounded car. Jungkook quickly followed and I thanked who ever invented tinted windows. We were both breathing hard, looking at each other horrified. People started to bang on the car and I could hear mumbled voices demanding Jungkook to answer their questions.

I didn't care who was around my car because I wanted to get the hell out of here, so I pushed my car into drive and turned onto the street. We were both deathly quiet, the sound of my engine revving being the only thing breaking the silence. I turned into an empty parking lot and checked my surroundings, making sure there was no one following us. I didn't see anything and I breathed a sigh of relief. That was relief was temporary and I suddenly realized the severity of the situation.

The public knew. The public knew. We were completely fucked now.

I slowly looked and Jungkook and his face seemed to mirror mine, jaw clenched and eyes hard. I could feel the electric tension that was around us and I refrained from saying anything, suddenly scared he was going to yell at me. I don't know why I thought that, but I didn't want to find out if my theory was correct.

My phone rings and I jump at the sudden sound. I pull it out and see it's that number again. The one sending me threats. My stress and panic elevates and I can feel the fear in my veins. 

"Jungkook..." I mumble, looking at him with terrified eyes. He puts the pieces together and grabs both his phone and mine. He clicked accept just as he started recording on my his.

"Well, Well, Well, I warned you did I not? I told you I would take care of you, and you thought I meant I would kill you," A loud distorted laugh leaves the phone

"Oh how stupid you are! The media is more ruthless the I could ever be. Have fun trying to defend yourself. Jungkook will have no other choice then to remove you from his life. I win and you lose, Min Somi," The voice glitched for a second before the line went dead. My heart was pounding in my chest, suddenly understanding what the reporters were saying.

Criminal, vigilante... Fuck.

I knew this would happen, I knew this would become an issue. I fucking knew my spray painting problem would come to kick me in the ass. Legally, spray painting buildings wasn't really illegal, but it was very looked down upon. People didn't like to associate with people who did that, because they were seen as lowlifes. I didn't know the exact reason why, but this would look very bad for Jungkook.

He is an idol, dating someone who ran from the cops and painted dicks on corporate buildings reflected very negatively on him. This could make BTS's popularity plummet, costing them their entire livelihood.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! Why didn't I think about this more thoroughly? Why did I have to be so selfish and sweep everything under the rug hoping no one would find out?

I wanted to punch myself over and over again, disgusted by my own actions. I was jeopardizing his entire career just because I wanted to date him.

Jungkook said nothing after the call ended, simply handing me my phone and putting his phone down. His reaction was scaring me and it felt like I couldn't breathe. I wanted to talk to him about this, to work this issue out but I was frozen in fear that he was gonna lash out at me.

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