34. Blackmail

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I regretted telling Jungkook to befriend my devil of a brother. When I walked back into the kitchen with the two girls, Jaehyun was sitting on the island exposing every piece of blackmail he had gathered on me over the years. Jungkook was grinning from ear to ear, pleased with the new information about me and my younger self.

It had been an hour and the two would not stop talking. Both of them seemed to get along really well and as much as I hated Jaehyun for exposing my whole life story, seeing them interact made me happy.

"Somi almost got arrested once," Jaehyun shot me a look as I spaced out, barely recognizing his words. Jungkooks eyebrows flew up.

"Really? For what?" My brother grinned as he began explaining the one time I was involved in a car chase.

"She loved to come to the city and spray paint random shit and one day these cops caught her doing it. They were gonna arrest her on the spot but..." Jaehyun paused, trying to add suspense. It was at this moment my brain registered what he was saying and I immediately jumped up.

"Hey! I told you to never speak of this moment to anyone! Especially not my boyfriend!" I groan at the smirking face of my brother. Jungkook seemed to be fully invested in the story, clearly wanting to know what happened next.

"Oh come on sis, you expect me to hide this forever? Running from the cops is pretty badass if you ask me," Jaehyun sends me a pointed look.

"Anyways, so she was about to get arrested and what not and you know what she does? She punches the cop and runs. It turned into a full-fledged cop chase! I still have the video her friend sent me. She outran the cops AND ended up on the news for being some mysterious spray paint artist that only made art about women," He says proudly, almost like he was bragging.

Jungkook seemed to love the stories Jaehyun was feeding him. Meanwhile, I was cringing and dying from embarrassment. I was young and stupid, living in such a strict environment just made me want to rebel even more.

"No way, she did that? I wanna see the video," Jungkook looked like a puppy, eyes glued to the tv as Jaehyun casted the video.

"Is this really necessary? I would prefer he doesn't have to see my ugly high school self," I groan, covering my face with my hands. Curse my brother for being so talkative.

Not much later, a very shaky video plays with a younger version of me pressed up against a cop car. My hair was hidden in a black hood, the neon purple hair spilling out over my chest. My face was littered with acne, eyeliner pulled into a sharp wing. I had been wearing a mask to cover my face so if I ran they wouldn't know who to look for. The neon hair kind of defeats the purpose of that.

There was a bunch of shouting, the cop acting smug and bitchy. I had been with a friend of mine that night because I wanted to show her my work. She was the reason I had gotten caught in the first place, her bright pink jacket drawing too much attention.

"Get your hand off me you pig! Why does it bother you if I paint random buildings? It's nothing inappropriate," My voice yells out, as I watch myself struggle against the hands of the cop. Memories flood in, my mind talking me back to that day.

More words were exchanged before you see me spin around and kick the cop in the dick, sending a hard punch to his face at the same time. Another cop reaches for his gun but I roundhouse kicked him before he could grab it. I cringe at my form, watching as I groaned from the pain of the impact. I was just starting to learn martial arts at this time and I was not the best at it. The camera was shaking and before long we were both running to my car.

The video then cuts to me driving at crazy high speeds, turning through the city to get the cops off my tail. I remember when I was driving, I felt like I was in an action movie. I wasn't unfamiliar with running from the police, but a car chase and escaping on foot were two very different things.

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