25. Adventures of Bighit

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Getting a peek into an average day of an idol really changes your perspective on hard work. I was dumbfounded as to how they were able to do intensive dance for hours at a time with no breaks, while also having to film everything they do.

People were everywhere and no one seemed to notice I didn't belong there. It made sense because everyone had other things to worry about. There was a bunch of staff and trainees rushing around completing their work. I had forgotten the fact it was Christmas until I got a text from Hana asking how my day was going.

I couldn't be that close to Jungkook because of the camera crews following BTS like flies, so I stayed to myself most of the time. I had already excepted to not be able to talk to him much because this is his workplace, but you'd think they'd get a break from the cameras in their own damn company.

I was currently sitting in a corner of a dance studio as I worked on things I had been putting off for a while. Jungkook and the others were making a new choreography to a demo song called Dionysus. It was catchy and the dance looked really fun with all the props. The song wasn't completely finished but they wanted to get a head start on the difficult choro.

They had been learning this dance for a while, going over the same part multiple times. I never understood how artists didn't get tired of their songs with how often they had to listen to them. It would drive me crazy.

The room was humid with sweat as the glass started to fog ever so slightly. I was unfocused as I absentmindedly watched Jungkook dance with such intensity. Sweat was dripping down his neck and forehead, glistening in the light of the studio.

Never in my life would I have thought I would be attracted to sweat of all things. His head was tilted back on a wall, trying to catch his breath as he ran his hand through his damp hair. He was clad in a thin white tee that was sticking to his skin like a glove, showing his toned body without leaving much to the imagination.

Oh, fuck me-

Jungkook slowly looked over to me, catching me shamefully checking him out. My face instantly flushed as I looked away praying the ground would swallow me up then and there. I stared at the floor regretting all of my life choices with the weight of his eyes on me. My mind was a blur, my only thoughts being about the insanely attractive man in front of me.

I struggled to resist the urge to glance at Jungkooks face, my mind trying desperately to control my thumping heart. Cracking under his heavy stare, I let my eyes slowly travel up his body to meet his devilishly beautiful eyes. Once we made eye contact he slowly smirks, clicking his tongue before looking away.

I mentally scream, my heart beating dangerously fast in my chest. Shifting uncomfortably on the floor I stare down at my laptop screen, trying to distract myself. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the perfectly toned body that belonged to the one and only Jeon fucking Jungkook. Sinful thoughts filled my mind and I groaned, realizing he did this on purpose.

What a fucking tease. My head rested on the rim of my laptop screen as I went through a quarter-life crisis. I was so lost in thought I hadn't heard a staff member calling my name.

"Excuse me, miss Somi?" A quiet voice calls out, gently tapping me on my shoulder. I slightly jump and look up as a young girl hovers over me. "Yes?" I tilt my head at the girl. She looked extremely nervous, blue eyes flaring all over the room.

"O-oh uh, Mr. Pdogg is looking for you. He said he wanted to speak with you about something. His studio is on the second floor at the end of the hallway," She quickly says before standing straight and turning on her heels, leaving as fast as she came. I laugh at her behavior. She probably thought she was being slick when she was checking Taehyung out. Me too girl, me too.

As I slowly pack up my things, I wonder what Pdogg wanted to talk to me about. I was really hoping it wasn't anything serious because I couldn't think of anything I might have done wrong. I had only met him yesterday and it seemed like it went well.

Before I left the studio, I gave Jungkook one last look, catching him watching me. He raises his eyebrow, questioning what I was doing. I smirk, slowly licking my lips. Jungkooks eyes flash to my lips before meeting my eyes again. I watch satisfied as his ears turn red. With a final wink, I step out of the room and into the hallway. Taking a deep breath, I enjoy the non-humid air and start to make my way to Pdoggs studio.

The hallways were busy with life as Christmas music blasted from each room. I had heard that Bighit was planning on debuting a new group soon and I had seen 5 extremely tall men walking up to what I assumed was Bang PDs office.

For once, I was glad Hana talked a lot about BTS and their company so I don't look like a complete idiot. I was able to recognize a majority of the people who approached me, which wasn't many, but it was enough. Although, my ability to match the name to the face was defiantly lacking.

I quickly step into the elevator as the metal doors open. A nice-looking man came in after me, greeting me with a "Happy holidays" as he entered. I returned the saying as I clicked the button for the 2nd floor. The man glanced at me a couple of times as if he was debating something. He slowly clicked the 3rd floor on the control panel, turning to face me.

"Do you work here? I haven't ever seen you around," He slowly asked, eyes squinting in my direction. I panic, not knowing what to say. I jinxed it, didn't I? Everyone I had talked to seem to already know who I was and just kind of excepted it. Jungkook and I still hadn't labeled our relationship, which I was fine with, but I never knew what to say when someone asked if he was my boyfriend.

The man seemed to notice my hesitation and immediately became more alert. "O-oh I'm a friend of Jungkook's, I was just going to see Pdogg because he wanted to speak with me..." I trail off, not knowing what else to say. The man raised an eyebrow, not believing me. To be honest, I wouldn't believe me either, I probably looked like your average crazy fan.

"Is that so? If you really are his friend, tell me something only people who are close to him would know," He asked just as the doors of the elevator opened. I glance at the exit and then back to him.

"Um..." He motions for me to step out and I awkwardly step out into the hall. He stays close behind me, eyes fixed and never leaving my figure. I had no idea what he wanted me to say. Something only people close to him would know? What the fuck does that mean? His whole life is basically showcased to the world, what else would there be to know?

"He gets a matcha latte every morning when he gets a chance too? I honestly don't know what you want me to say," I mumble quietly as I observe the man in front of me. He looked familiar for some reason and I couldn't help but feel like Ive seen him before. The man chuckles and pats my arm.

"I'm just messing with ya, kid. You're Somi right?" I slowly nod, trying to figure out who this random guy was. He looked a lot older than most of the people I had met and he was relatively short. I will say, his acting was pretty good because i was convinced I would have to whip out my phone and show my embarrassing selfies of Jungkook and I.

"I'm Bang PD, the CEO of Bighit. If you're wondering how I know you, word spreads rather quickly. You just happen to be the topic of the drama, for more reasons than you think," He laughs and I finally realize why he was so familiar. I cringe as I recall a video Hana showed me some time back of this man introducing himself for an audition in English.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask as I finally register the rest of his sentence. Don't tell me people are already out for my neck, I mentally groan and Bang PD just shakes his head. "Why don't we find out, mh?" He gestures to a room labeled "Pdogg".

I was extremely confused now. Why the hell does Bang PD want to talk to me? And about what? What did he mean by I was talked about for many reasons? Was I about to get threatened or something?

I felt my nerves heighten as I followed him down the hallway. I had so many questions and none of them were answered in the small chat I had with Bang PD. If anything, I had even more questions now.

This is going to be a long day. With a nervous heart and a racing mind, I take my step into the room.

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