Chapter 2

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When Shang Miaoyuan stepped into the consulting room, he saw a middle-aged woman sitting on the sofa chatting with the doctor, her voice soft and gentle.

    Shang Miao is far from knowing who she is or what she should be called. She is dressed in black and should not be a doctor. She appeared here at this time. She is not a doctor. She is covered in black. She should be a member of Major Zhou Peiqing’s family. .

    Shang Miaoyuan's cold sweat came out again.

    Yu Pei smiled and said, "Child, come and sit here."

    Shang Miaoyuan moved very slowly, moved his feet to the sofa, and said, "Hello."

    Seeing his embarrassment, Yu Pei nodded comfortably, smiled and said to the doctor next to him: "Then I won't disturb you."

    When she walked out of the clinic, the doctor told Shang Miaoyuan to take off his coat and stand in a testing instrument. It took him twenty minutes to come out. .After another two minutes, the examination results were displayed on the virtual screen on the desk. The doctor looked at it for a while and asked him a few questions about various indicators.

    Doctor: "You have a slight lumbar muscle strain. Be careful not to sit for a long time in the future. After sitting for a while, stand up and move around."

    Shang Miao nodded.

    Seeing his expression, the doctor seemed to hesitate for a while before asking: "Have you ever tried to commit suicide by cutting your wrist?"

    Shang Miaoyuan was silent for a while, and replied, "Yes."

    When Shang Miaoyuan walked out of the clinic, he saw Yu Pei waiting in the corridor of the hospital, with a bag on his lap, sitting very gracefully and upright, and he should be waiting for him.

    When Yu Pei saw him come out, she stood up and asked in a kind tone, "Is the inspection over?"

    Shang Miaoyuan nodded: "Yes." After speaking, he felt a little cold, and added, "It's over."

.Yu Pei also nodded and said, "Don't be nervous, I am Zhou Peiqing's mother."

    Shang Miaoyuan had just guessed it, and said, "Hello...madam."

    Yu Pei said, "I'm sorry to investigate you before the ceremony, and... I asked you to undergo a physical examination." The expression on her face is indeed very sorry, "When you enter the door, we will treat ourselves like ourselves. The child loves you that way."

    Shang Miaoyuan: "...thank you."

    Yu Pei said: "I watched the previous video of the'interview'. I guess you should be a very introverted child, so I think before you enter the door, it should not only be us who know you, but you should also know us. Everyone in the family is very kind, so don't be afraid."

    Shang Miaoyuan froze for a moment and asked, "Should I live in the Marshal's Mansion?"

    "I hope you can live here.".Yu Pei gently pulled his hand and motioned him to sit down together, "Actually, the population of the family is very simple. After Peiqing left, only his father and me, and Pei Song, his younger brother, were left in the house. Our youngest son. I am a housewife and they all go to work. I am often alone at home, which is quite lonely. I heard Otso say that you are a painter, right?"

    Shang Miaoyuan gave a hum and said, "Yes, but the painting is not good."

    "Why? I envy people who can paint. In the future, you can still paint at home. I do my housework, but we all have company." Yu Pei said with a smile, "I get along well , Do you look at me like a wicked mother-in-law?"

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