Chapter 8

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Shang Miaoyuan didn't go downstairs in the end for that dinner, it was Yu Pei who asked Daisy to send it upstairs. Shang Miao didn't eat it. He was a little nauseous. He had no appetite looking at these things. After thinking about it, he called Feng Yufan.

    Feng Yufan probably had just finished dinner, his voice lazily, jokingly said: "Young grandmother from the Marshal's Mansion?"

    Shang Miaoyuan was in no mood to joke and said, "I have something to ask you."

    Feng Yufan heard that his tone was wrong and asked, "What's wrong? Have you been bullied at the Marshal's Mansion?"

    "They want me to give birth to Zhou Peiqing a child." Shang Miaoyuan said, "Did you know this from the beginning?"

    Feng Yufan didn't make any excuses, and said the truth: "I didn't know at first, but something was found in the agreement on the day of signing."

    "Then why didn't you tell me?"

."I was afraid that I was thinking too much, and you also like children..." Feng Yufan said this, and felt that his explanation was pale and weak, so he had to say, "Well, I didn't have the courage to tell you at the time. I thought they At least not so soon..."

    Shang Miaoyuan sank down on the carpet and did not speak for a long time.

    Feng Yufan asked: "What are you going to do?"

    "I don't know." Shang Miaoyuan said, "Zhou Peisong asked me to find President Philips."

    Feng Yufan: "Most of these politicians are unprofitable and can't afford it early..." After thinking about it, he really couldn't think of a good solution, so he had to say, "I'm sorry."

    As soon as Shang Miaoyuan hung up the phone, he heard a knock on the door. The knocker could not escape the remaining three in the house unless Zhou Peiqing came back to life.

.Yu Pei knocked twice and said, "Miaoyuan, open the door."

    Shang Miao walked over to open the door, and Yu Pei stood there with a glass of milk.

    Yu Pei: "You haven't eaten in a day, so drink some milk."

    Shang Miaoyuan took it, and Yu Pei said, "Then you can rest early after drinking your milk. I'll ask Daisy to come over and clean up the dinner."

    Shang Miaoyuan was shocked that Yu Pei could still deal with it indifferently when he said that, and he didn't think that she came here really just to send a cup of hot milk. However, he was taken aback for a moment, and he said: "Okay, thank you."

    Yu Pei smiled and nodded, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good night."

    Shang Miaoyuan went back to the room and found that he was really hungry. He took the dinner and went downstairs to heat it up. Daisy was very happy to see him coming downstairs and enthusiastically ran over to rub his legs and hands.

.Shang Miaoyuan's heart was a bit complicated for a while. He suddenly realized that the family used all the goodness of him before, but he still couldn't let go of the little love and trust in human nature.

    Zhou Peisong came downstairs and swung around, and when he saw him there, he greeted him and said, "Are you hungry?"

    Shang Miaoyuan nodded.

    Zhou Peisong sat opposite him and said, "What do you think?"

    Shang Miaoyuan said: "Not yet, but it must not be born."

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