Chapter 16

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Shang Miaoyuan thought that it was nothing, but did not respond to his hug. Zhou Peiqing sensed his indifference and thought he didn't like his own intimate contact. He hugged him for a second and then let go, pursing his mouth a little embarrassingly, and said, "Next time... if I do something you don't like. Please tell me something."

    Shang Miaoyuan was sensitive to the fact that he was referring to what the two had just embraced, and immediately said: "You haven't done anything I don't like."

    Zhou Peiqing said: "Don't say such kind of polite remarks." Then he said, "I hope that the two of us can get along for a long time."

    Shang Miaoyuan couldn't help asking, "Why would you agree to continue marriage with someone you haven't seen at a glance?" He actually wanted to ask, just to calm the outside world's speculation about the Marshal's Mansion? .But when it came to his lips, he changed his statement, "Actually, I have already agreed with Mrs. Yu to leave Zhou's house in a year. When that happens, we will not be so abrupt when we are separated. I have something you like. People, so you really don’t have to force yourself like that. You just need to treat me as a guest of Zhou’s family..." Don’t continue these weird things, if the two of you really develop relationships in the future , How should he deal with himself until the day of parting?

    Zhou Peiqing was a little embarrassed to say to him, she translated these words in her heart, and automatically understood that Shang Miaoyuan did not have much goodwill for him to communicate in depth, at least not enough for the two to continue their marriage, besides, everyone wants to continue their marriage. Living under the same roof, he always moved his hands and feet in such a passionate manner. It is hard to guarantee that it will not be misunderstood as sexual harassment. Before Shang Miaoyuan's blushing and heartbeats were probably not heartbeats, but stress reactions.

.Shang Miao saw that he did not speak, fearing that there was something wrong with his tone and content, and said: "I'm sorry, I don't speak well, I mean..."

    Zhou Peiqing said, "I understand."

    When Shang Miao saw him say this, he stopped talking, and looked at him more disturbedly, and said, "Then I will go to rest, and you too...good night."

    Zhou Peiqing gave a hum, put a decent smile on his face, and replied, "Good night."

    Shang Miaoyuan lay on the bed and thought, always feeling that Zhou Peiqing must have misunderstood something, but he just couldn't grasp the point of this misunderstanding.

    After a while, he heard Zhou Peiqing opening and closing the door outside. He should have taken a shower and went back to the study. When he thought of this, he couldn't help feeling guilty. He should just insist a little bit and let Zhou Peiqing live in his room. The study was too simple.

.Shang Miaoyuan walked gently to the door, attached his ears to the door and listened carefully. There was no movement outside. He opened the door a crack again and found that Zhou Peiqing had turned off the light in the living room and the door of the study was also closed. Shang Miaoyuan sighed slightly, not knowing what to do, so he had to lie back on the bed again.

    In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Peiqing woke up very early. When Shang Miaoyuan woke up early, he didn't find him after turning around. But the breakfast is already on the table. Judging from the layout and color, it shouldn't come from manual work. Shang Miaoyuan was wondering if he said something wrong yesterday, causing Zhou Peiqing to return to Zhou's house overnight. Zhou Peiqing came back wearing a sports uniform.

    Shang Miaoyuan hadn't washed his face, he looked dumbfounded, and asked, "Where did your clothes come from?"

    Zhou Peiqing said: "I bought it online last night and also bought a set of pajamas."

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