Chapter 25

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The light in the room is warm, just like the pheromone on Shang Miaoyuan, always giving people a sweet summer feeling.

    Zhou Peiqing opened his arms towards him, and Shang Miao leaned forward, buried his head on his chest, held him tightly, and smelled his body. Zhou Peiqing patted him comfortably on the back, and Shang Miaoyuan said with an urn, "Zhou Peiqing, please mark me."

    Zhou Peiqing froze for a moment, and then said jokingly: "Now?"

    Shang Miaoyuan hugged him without speaking, and kept sniffing the smell on his body. After sniffing for a while, he couldn't help but raised his head and kissed his chin, like a coquettish puppy. Zhou Peiqing smiled and said, "At least you have to wait until the evening?"

    Shang Miaoyuan seemed to be completely stuck in his attachment, grabbing him and refusing to let go.

    It wasn't until Yu Pei came downstairs that he woke him up. .Yu Pei didn't mind, and said with a smile: "You continue, I'm just passing by."

    Shang Miaoyuan quickly let go of Zhou Peiqing, whispered good morning, then bowed his head not to look at people. Zhou Peiqing touched his head with a good temper, and said to Yu Pei: "Let's get down right away."

    Yu Pei said yes.

    Shang Miaoyuan was a bit embarrassed at the breakfast table, but the family didn't mind. Zhou Peiqing chatted about the news he had received in the office two days ago: "The President’s Office issued a reference document two days ago... It said that the funding for weapon research and development will be halved in the future, and projects already in the development process will have to be renewed. Audits and non-compliance with the regulations will be abolished and sent to our office. We have nothing to do with R&D, but we deliberately sent it over and asked us to give us a reference. The mess on the 618 battlefield has not been cleaned up yet, and now we are in a hurry. To cut military expenditure..."

.Marshal Zhou said: "It was also sent to my office yesterday."

    Zhou Peiqing looked at his father and waited to hear what he said.

    Marshal Zhou said: "The military department is directly responsible for the military expenses. The Philips dog is nosy with the mouse, stretches his hands too long, and wants to take over the power and ignore him." He glanced at Zhou Peisong without a trace, right. Zhou Peiqing said, "Don't take these official affairs home and say, how do you let everyone eat like this?"

    Zhou Peiqing was not annoyed by his teaching like this, so she said yes.

    Zhou Peiqing did not go to work after breakfast. He had just added four days of work and was able to rest at home for a day, but he did not go back to bed to make up for sleep. After two hours of exercise in the basement gym in the morning, he came upstairs and found that Shang Miao was far away. Draw a picture in the room and ask: "Are you busy?"

.Shang Miaoyuan put down his paintbrush, turned off the interface of the little cartoon, and said, "No." Turning his head, he saw that he was wearing a sweatshirt that was half wet with sweat, his hair was also wet, and his body was full of hormones.

    Zhou Peiqing noticed his little movements, did not delve into it, stroked his hair, and said: "What do you have, I will help you move it."

    Shang Miao was not too embarrassed to look at him and said, "No, I have nothing to do. You can go take a bath."

    Zhou Peiqing had walked up to him and said, "You asked me to mark you in the morning. Why don't you even dare to look at me now?"

    Shang Miaoyuan flushed with embarrassment when he recalled what he had done in the morning, but he refused to speak with his mouth pursed.

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