Chapter 38

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The air at night was a bit cool, blowing into the dark room through the window, lying on the bed with two people who hadn't slept together for a long time. Zhou Peiqing half-closed his eyelids, touching Shang Miaoyuan's shoulder with his fingers one after another, and the two lay quietly.

    Shang Miaoyuan rested long enough during the day, so he couldn't fall asleep at night. He grabbed Zhou Peiqing's other hand, and his voice was very soft, almost submerged in the night. If Zhou Peiqing fell asleep at this time, he would not hear his problem. NS.

    He asked: "Are you going to work tomorrow?"

    Zhou Peiqing's throat was a little dumb, and she was very lightly drowsy, and said, "I won't go to work with my dad recently. I can stay with you at home."

    Shang Miaoyuan's head stiffened against his shoulder, and it took a while to comfort him and said, "It's good, you haven't rested for a long time. You have been traveling for so long before, always on business trips, so it's okay to take a good rest at home for two days. "

.Zhou Peiqing heard the soothing meaning in his tone and knew that he must be very worried at the moment, pretending to joking lightly: "After going through this incident, I may be unemployed in the future, and I will have to rely on you to feed me. The little white face of AA body."

    Shang Miaoyuan didn't speak.

    Zhou Peiqing looked down at his expression and smiled: "What? Don't you want to support me?"

    Shang Miaoyuan rubbed his head in the socket of his neck and said, "Is it really irretrievable? Maybe...otherwise... I will come forward to explain? Just say... Although your parents persecuted me before, But we are now in love with each other..."

    Zhou Peiqing smiled and interrupted him: "Have you finally gotten into love with me? Who said before that I only admire my physical body and don't rely on me anymore?"

.Shang Miaoyuan snorted lightly and said, "I think the same way now. If I regard you as the only light, you will only fail me in the future."

    "How can I be such a bad scumbag?"

    "Good-looking men are the most deceptive."

    "Then you are talking about yourself, I guess you are lying to me duplicity right now." Zhou Peiqing's hand originally on his shoulder turned to play with his ears.

    Shang Miaoyuan was itchy and trembling, and said, "I don't know how many true words are in your sweet words..."

    "Then I won't speak sweet words anymore."

    "I see your mouth. If you don't say some sweet words, I am afraid you will be suffocated."

    Zhou Peiqing smiled and said, "What can I do? My mouth is so sweet since I was born, haven't you tasted it?"

.Shang Miaoyuan blushed because of his unimportant, unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory molesting. After being married for so long, even the child is about to be born, he is still very easy to have his heart beat faster because of Zhou Peiqing’s one or two sentences. He loves Zhou Peiqing. He may love Zhou Peiqing more deeply than he thought, but he can’t let Zhou Peiqing know about it. As he just said, in case of a loss, he will be disappointed in the future. There is no face at all. Although the face is not worth a lot of money in front of the thing of love, although he is embarrassed when entering the venue, he always has to look good when he leaves.

    Seeing him blush, Zhou Peiqing looked strangely cute, and bowed his head and kissed his hair spin.

    Shang Miaoyuan said in his mouth that he wanted to draw a clear line with others, but his body had his own thoughts. He raised his head uncontrollably and put his lips up, saying, "Since you want to live by me, please show your sincerity now. "

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