Chapter 41

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Zhou Peiqing silently made an OK gesture, and Marshal Zhou smiled and patted his shoulder.

    Shang Miaoyuan, who was walking in the front and holding the child, heard the movement and glanced back at their father and son. He couldn't say anything in front of Zhou Zhiyuan, but Zhou Peiqing cast a sideways glance.

    Major Zhou immediately followed forward and back: "Are your arms sore? Let me hold them. You have been taking care of her at home. It's too hard."

    Shang Miao didn't speak, and thrust the child into his hand, and walked forward alone.

    Zhou Zhiyuan at the dinner table said: "I have already named several names before, and you two will research at home these days to see if they are suitable, and choose one of them if they are suitable."

    Shang Miaoyuan didn't plan on the child's name in his heart, and he didn't care about it. Seeing his father-in-law said this, he also let him go and agreed.

.On the contrary, Yu Pei said for him: "Always show off your ink, and the older generation don't care about other people's children."

    "I'm just giving you a reference." Marshal Zhou was holding the bread, while pulling his granddaughter in the cradle with joy, and said kindly, "If you choose or not, you will make your own decision."

    After breakfast, the two Alphas went to work. Shang Miaoyuan didn't give Zhou Peiqing a good face all night. Before leaving, he didn't hold back telling him: "Be careful."

    The living room was full of the aroma of coffee. Shang Miaoyuan left the child to Yu Pei who was reading in the living room, and went back to the room to continue with the draft. .Although Zhou Peisong has already entered, because Shang Miaoyuan can always deliver the manuscripts on time with quality and quantity, the previous matchmaking business has not been interrupted. Instead, he signed a long-term cooperation contract and has a fixed income every month, although it is not as good as last week’s Peiqing. , But if you divorce at this time, there is always no problem in living.

    In the days when the comic was particularly bad during pregnancy, Shang Miaoyuan insisted on updating it, and now he has gained a considerable number of readers, receiving thousands of comments for each update, and constantly contacting publishers during the period. He either asked for revisions or the price was too low, and he was planning to buy out the copyright. Shang Miaoyuan only experienced less than a year from his excitement at the beginning to his official reply.

.He looked back and saw that the comics have been serialized for nearly a year. The marriage between him and Zhou Peiqing has also passed for a year. It is really terrifying. Even the child was born.

    When Shang Miaoyuan thought of this, he clicked on an email from the publisher seeking cooperation. The other party's words were polite and gentle, and the explanation was clear and clear. At the end, he directly gave a quotation, hoping that both parties could share profits. cooperate.

    When Shang Miaoyuan saw this, he felt some good feelings in his heart, and gave the other party hope that he could learn more about it.

    Before leaving, Zhou Peiqing went to a prison in the suburbs of Beijing.

.Zhou Peisong was reading in the library when he was called by the guard, with notes still on hand. He actually followed Shang Miaoyuan's suggestion and planned to do a PhD in it. Although he may not be able to come out, it is better than waiting for death every day.

    When Zhou Peiqing saw him, it was obvious that his whole body was in a different state from before. The shaved hair that showed green skin seemed more energetic, and there was some flesh on his face. It seemed that he didn't run in vain ten laps every day.

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