Chapter 18

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It was not Zhou Peisong, but Shang Miaoyuan who reacted to this sentence first. His face was flushed red. When he saw Zhou Peisong's expression immediately became ridiculous, he wanted to look back at Zhou Peiqing's expression, but he raised his head vigorously. , Did not dare.

    Zhou Peiqing still clasped his shoulders, and Zhou Peisong said, "You obviously asked me to come."

    "I didn't expect your wattage to be so high." Zhou Peiqing turned to Shang Miaoyuan and said, "Shall I hold you on the horse?"

    Shang Miaoyuan said: "I...I still can't make it."

    Zhou Peiqing asked: "What's the matter? Don't you want to ride a ride with me?" His tone was very open, without reproach, unlike when he joked with Zhou Peisong, he didn't mind as much.

    Shang Miao was far from consciously covering the glands on his neck, and whispered: "I'm not good at controlling pheromones. I'm afraid that something will happen if I ride with you."

.When he said this, Zhou Peiqing laughed and said, "Okay, then you sit up and I will lead a horse to take you around."

    Shang Miaoyuan was afraid of delaying his time, so he said, "No, you can go play with Peisong. I have a staff to take it with me. Just walk around."

    Zhou Peiqing saw that he was indeed a little embarrassed to be with him, so he said, "Alright, then you can call me anytime if you have any problems." He said to the staff at the racecourse next to him, "Excuse me, he has no experience in horseback riding before. Don't let him stay with the horse alone, please protect his safety."

    After the staff made a guarantee, he led Lu to the end.

    Zhou Peisong's horse was eagerly moving around in place. As soon as Lu came in, Zhou Peisong's horse neighed, very affectionate.

    The two brothers rode on their horses, and immediately began a hearty race.

.Shang Miaoyuan looked at them from a distance and sighed lightly.

    The staff nearby said: "Mrs. Zhou, I will support you on the horse. Let's walk around the fence first, right?"

    It was the first time that Shang Miaoyuan heard this name, and was a little uncomfortable, saying: "You can call me Mr. Shang."

    The staff was obviously taken aback, and then obediently obeyed his instructions, saying: "Good Mr. Shang."

    Shang Miaoyuan rode the horse with his strength and sat on the horse to listen to him explain the rhythm and essentials of the shaking of his body. He was tight and the horse was very high. He was a little scared sitting on it.

    Seeing his nervous look, the staff member said, "I will lead you slowly around the place."

    This racecourse is very big. The Zhou family brothers have already ran far away, and Shang Miao can only see two small spots when he looks at them from afar.

.After avoiding Shang Miaoyuan, Zhou Peisong said, "You don't really plan to have any results with this kid, do you?"

    Zhou Peiqing said: "I have already married in, what other ways are there now? Let's get along first."

    Zhou Peisong: "Getting along? Didn't you find that he has been fascinated by you? If Situ Jing returns in the future, what are you going to do? Mark him and kick him away?"

    "It's impossible for Situ Jing and I."

    "Because she is Alpha, it's impossible, right? But your feelings for her are true." Zhou Peisong looked at him.

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