Extra 2

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People say, "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry." This sentence is very suitable for Zhou Peisong's current situation.

    After the verdict, he had never been so desperate. Zhou Peiqing, the one who suffered a thousand swords, didn't matter if he was crushed everywhere. Even in prison, he had to run and bully him.

    By the time he ran around the playground to the tenth lap, Zhou Peiqing’s legs were as soft as noodles. He drooped his head and stared at gold stars. The guard next to him neither urged him nor scolded him, but stopped every time he stopped. I used a truncheon to beat him down, it was much harder than Zhou Zhiyuan's belt.

    So he pretended to be sick the next afternoon, but the doctor wouldn't give him a certificate, even if he cheeked out the marshal's young master's money, he wouldn't approve it. One question, okay, Zhou Peiqing's college classmate. Zhou Peiqing is a thousand dollars! Should have given him a strong green hat at the beginning!

.After ten more laps, he collapsed completely and lay on the playground pretending to be dead. Seeing that he could not afford to rely on him, the guard, fearing that he was really a man, would not be able to bear the responsibility, so he did not dare to move him any more, so he called the doctor urgently.

    The classmate Zhou Peiqing turned over his eyelids, listened to his heartbeat, stood up and kicked him, and said, "Do you think this is the living room of your Marshal's mansion? The people here are not your parents. No one has an obligation to get used to you."

    Zhou Peisong was still rolling his eyes and cursing at him, but he couldn't tell why, his eyes suddenly turned red, and tears rolled down his cheeks onto the grass.

    The two people next to each other didn't know if they didn't see it or pretended not to see it, and they didn't speak.

    After a while, when he sucked his nose and got up from the grass, the guard said: "I missed the meal. Close the cell at night."

    The so-called small prison is actually a small black room. .Zhou Peisong grew up in a small black house by Zhou Zhiyuan, but the small black house at home is completely different from the one here.

    The space of the small cell is narrow and cramped, with only a bed and a toilet, no windows or lights, as soon as one enters, it is like lying directly in a coffin, feeling the isolated atmosphere in advance.

    Zhou Pei was taken into the small cell with his soft feet. He lay down on the narrow bed. He heard the lock of the door slam behind him, and then there was no other sound. The surroundings were terribly quiet, only his own breathing could be heard, and his tired body became extremely nervous and sensitive in this environment. When he thought of the words the doctor had just said, tears rolled down again.

    After an unknown period of time, he fell asleep on the sweaty and sour pillow. .In his sleep, drawing pictures in his mind recalled that when he was a child, Zhou Peiqing used chili as a popsicle to trick him. Yu Pei gently hugged him to soothe him, fed him a cream popsicle, and then punished Zhou Peiqing not to eat dinner. With tears hanging around his eyes, he immediately smiled triumphantly at Zhou Peiqing. He smiled and woke up, still in the small cell, facing the darkness...

    After getting accustomed to track and field sports, Zhou Peisong's body has become much stronger, he has less time to hurt the spring and autumn, his attention is easier to concentrate, he is more open, and he gradually gets acquainted with the inmates around him.

    There are all kinds of talents from the three teachings and nine classes, and it's more interesting to talk about it than the gang of polite and high-ranking people.

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