Chapter 13

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After a few years, the owner of the restaurant no longer recognizes Shang Miaoyuan. In the past, when his parents were alive, he was sunny and lively, and he was worried about everything. In the past few years, Shang Miaoyuan has begun to face the truth of life alone. Time has become cruel and polished him into this cowardly and sensitive appearance.

    The restaurant is small, just enough to accommodate ten tables. Zhou Peiqing had intended to show off his gentlemanly demeanor and help Shang Miao to pull the chair away. Unexpectedly, the small restaurant was full of plastic stools without backrests, making him waste his expression.

    Shang Miaoyuan asked him to sit down: "It may be a bit crude, but it tastes good."

    Zhou Peiqing took out a handkerchief from his pocket, helped Shang Miaoyuan wipe the tableware in front of him, and then wiped his own, and said, "I think it should be good too."

    Shang Miaoyuan said: "My mother used to clean the dishes for us in this way."

.Zhou Peiqing asked: "Is your mother a female Omega?"

    In the past, people used men and women to distinguish between "dad" and "mother". Now, with the development of society, many families have raised children to call Omega males, also called "mothers."

    "Yes." Shang Miaoyuan said, "My mother has a soft and strong personality, and her appearance is quite aggressive."

    Zhou Peiqing said: "Then you should be a bit like your father."

    Shang Miao nodded his head far away: "Family and friends all say the same, my dad's temper should be softer, I have never seen him lose his temper since I was young."

    Zhou Peiqing said: "This kind of person is too rare."

    Shang Miaoyuan said, "Your mother has a very good temper."

.Zhou Peiqing immediately shook his head: "She just looks gentle, but in fact she has a very bad temper. She often vents her anger in a'civilized way' so that the victim can't find her mistake." He finally concluded, "She is very cunning."

    Shang Miao never expected Zhou Peiqing to comment on his mother in this way, and couldn't help but smile.

    Seeing him smile, Zhou Peiqing followed with a smile on his face, saying, "My dad is most afraid of her."

    Shang Miaoyuan said: "The marshal looks very majestic, I always think he is not afraid of fear."

    "He is really not afraid of the heavens, and he is afraid of his wife quarreling with him." Zhou Peiqing said, "My mother's reputation has long been spread in the military. Like President Philips, I would rather offend my father than her. "

.Shang Miaoyuan thought that if he put aside the previous contract trap, he would have a good impression of Yu Pei. This is an Omega with a broad mind, strong ability, and ability to bend and stretch. She is more determined than Alpha when she needs to be strong. Guogan, she didn't mind bending her noble spine when she needed to bow her head. "Your mother is a very powerful person. It would be great if I could be like her."

    Zhou Peiqing nodded in agreement: "She is indeed an admirable person, but you are also very good now, just be yourself."

    Shang Miaoyuan: "I'm not good at all. Compared with Mrs. Yu, I am too fragile and not strong, otherwise I won't live like this."

    While they were talking, the restaurant owner came over to serve the food, looked carefully at Shang Miaoyuan's eyes, and stood at their table and asked, "Are you? Are you Miaomiao?"

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