Chapter 9

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This meal was safe and sound, which does not mean that the next meal will be so calm. One day the marshal will bring up the old things and say that he has made no contribution to the family.

    Shang Miaoyuan thought, it would have been better if you hadn't been so greedy at the beginning. If you sell yourself and sell your body, you will sell your body to others. Can parts and components still be the masters of their own?

    The next morning, Yu Pei asked Shang Miaoyuan to go downstairs for breakfast.

    Marshal Zhou left after eating, and then Zhou Peisong also left. Only Shang Miaoyuan and Yu Pei were left in the room. He tangled up and said, "Madam, I have something to discuss with you."

    Yu Pei's face looked clear when he got up early: "What's the matter?"

    Shang Miaoyuan: "I mentioned to you yesterday that I didn't move a cent for the million. I want to ask...If I return the money to the original owner, can you let me go home?".He talked more and more anxiously, and forgot all the finished belly drafts, "Actually... the reason why I agreed to marry into your family at the beginning was because of the hardship of life and the other because I was really fed up with the federal system of blind dates. Instructions, so...".

    Yu Pei: "Don't worry, speak slowly."

    Shang Miaoyuan: "If I knew this was a childbirth job, I would never agree to it. In addition to my own life safety, more importantly, it is not fair to the child itself. I can't just because The expectation of others gave birth to him. He does not have an Alpha father. What about his future? I can only be responsible, but I can't even be responsible for my own emotions.

    "Madam, I will return the money you gave me before, intact, please let me go home."

    Yu Pei did not speak.

    Shang Miao stared at her expression from a distance, and swallowed nervously.

.Yu Pei's lips curled up with a very shallow smile.

    Shang Miaoyuan sighed, "You are a very powerful person. You must understand what I'm talking about."

    Yu Pei gave a hum and said, "Then I will try to think about this issue from your perspective, can I?"

    Shang Miaoyuan did not answer.

    Yu Pei: "If you don't answer, I will take it as your acquiescence.

    "Let’s put the matter of childbearing aside for the time being, and return to the most troubled issue you have ever had, which is the federal government’s mandatory blind date system. As far as I know, even divorced Omega, after returning to singleness, The blind date will still be rescheduled by the system, do you know this?"

    Shang Miao nodded.

    "So, you are planning to leave the Marshal's Mansion and accept other Alpha blind dates or even marriages?".Yu Pei paused and said, "Do you think you don't have to have children after you marry them? Miaoyuan, you and I know that this is impossible, right? The compulsory marriage system is for humans to continue to multiply. Future generations, not for the so-called happiness of all mankind, do you agree with me?"

    Shang Miaoyuan nodded again.

    Yu Pei said: "So, let’s make an analogy. If you leave the Marshal’s Mansion, even if you can drag it for ten years and get married ten years later, you still have to marry and have children with a stranger Alpha, whose income may not be high. Maybe he looks mediocre, even IQ is average, do you want to marry such a person and have children for a lifetime? Just because the children can be accompanied by the so-called Alpha father?"

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