Chapter 37

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At some point a black cloud flew over Kyoto, covering the sky in hordes, accompanied by the roar of the buzzing engine, like a horn from the kingdom of heaven. After people reacted, they discovered that the cloud was not a real cloud, but a piece of military aircraft. Each aircraft was printed with blood-colored circles and triangles, which is a typical symbol of overseas anarchism.

    The people in the shadows are like tiny ants, running panic on the road surrounded by blood-stained gray to escape from the plague.

    However, the group of aircraft stayed in the air for a while, and did not launch any raids or attacks. Snow flakes of leaflets fell from the sky, like a special funeral ceremony in ancient times. Someone had the courage to pick up one and saw the slogan "Fight for Freedom" written on it, as well as the way to get in touch with the organization and the communication channel.

.At the same time, shopping malls and office buildings all over the world, including home screens, suddenly lit up, and began to play a holographic video. The protagonists in the video are Marshal Zhou Zhiyuan and his family, as well as the leader of the rebel army Fang Yi. .

    When it was broadcast that Fang Yi asked Marshal Zhou whether he knew the way to write the word "beautiful and quaint", Yu Pei, who was sitting at home, had already tightened his eyebrows.

    The heat was unbearable, and the noisy cicadas were heard in the shade of the marshal’s mansion. Shang Miao was holding his eight-month-old belly and moving slowly in the living room with difficulty. He was accompanied by his pet dog. "Zhou Peiqing", this dog protects the lord very well, probably because he knows that the little owner is about to be born, and follows Shang Miao every day without leaving any steps, and he doesn't want to go for a walk and relax.

    When he moved to the virtual display in the living room, he just heard the words "every revolution will cause sacrifice".

.Yu Pei immediately turned off the monitor, but it was too late. Shang Miaoyuan asked, "What happened...?"

    This matter cannot be concealed. Even if Shang Miaoyuan missed the video at this time, he would only have to look through social platforms in the future and he would see relevant information. People's tongues might be even more bitter and mean.

    Yu Pei tucked her hair around her temples before picking up the less irritating words and saying, "Fang Yi posted the video of our previous conversation with him to the media."

    This person's vicious heart is not enough to describe, Shang Miaoyuan quickly figured out the key points, and said after a long silence: "He is a set of...combined punches."

    Yu Pei said: "Yes, first use two terrorist attacks to create deterrence, then use the Federation's inaction to reduce the government's credibility, and finally use the marshal's failure to completely destroy the people's trust and illusions in the Federation... Character."

.This powerful character has been dormant in the empty and gloomy outer space like a bereaved dog for nearly thirty years. He has only now made a comeback. How could he not have a perfect plan? Shang Miaoyuan furrowed his brows deeply. He didn't have the ability to analyze the powerful relationship of this matter, but he could imagine the situation of Marshal Zhou and the entire Zhou family in the fourth galaxy at this time. It was just the people's leisurely mouth. Can drown them.

    Shang Miaoyuan didn't need to open the social network, it must be full of attacks and doubts against the marshal and his wife. The original military issue has become a public opinion issue, making it even more difficult to end.

    Yu Pei put the matter down and asked, "Are you hungry? They probably won't be able to come back for dinner today. What do you want to eat? Do you want dessert?"

    "You don't need to be busy.".Shang Miaoyuan is obviously not one of those people who don’t know how serious or serious. He knows that Yu Pei is just pretending to be calm at this time. Where is there any mood to eat and drink? This mother is just to appease this pregnant pregnant woman with a big belly. Husband.

    In the evening, social media has already turned into a mess of human face and dog head curses. The communication channels on those flyers have obviously been dialed through, and many people have posted relevant strategies on social platforms, expressing surrender and secretly. Benefits of the organization.

    Although the Federation has deleted posts and comments several times, it has not been able to stop this trend. On the contrary, it has been criticized by the people even worse, saying that they are not active in resisting foreign enemies and are very diligent in deleting posts from ordinary people.

    When the two Alpha stars and the moon went home in the night, the dog barked twice at the door. All the Omegas in the room stood up and looked out the door. .Yu Pei had already taken his steps to the hallway to meet them, and Shang Miaoyuan also helped the sofa to move slowly there.

    When the two came in, Yu Pei didn't ask them how they were now, but said, "Have you eaten yet? I'll make a bowl of noodles for you?"

    Although he had no appetite, the marshal patted his beloved wife's hand gently and said yes, adding more sesame oil.

    The puppy was still familiar with Zhou Peiqing, and he circled his feet twice. Zhou Peiqing's tired face glowed a little when he saw Shang Miaoyuan, and he gently stroked his shoulder, and asked, "How are these two days?"

    Shang Miaoyuan held his hand and said, "Fortunately, no problem, the baby is very good. How about you?"

    "I'm fine too." He walked into the bathroom in the living room to wash his hands.

    Shang Miaoyuan leaned on the door frame of the bathroom and looked at him.

.Under the warm light, Zhou Peiqing saw his gentle and soft reflection in the mirror on the washbasin, smiled and said, "Are you going to watch me go to the bathroom?"

    Shang Miaoyuan simply walked in and closed the door, leaning against the door, and accompany him to the toilet so generously. "I am worried about you."

    "I know." Zhou Peiqing shook the water in her hand and came over to hug him.

    When the two came out of the bathroom, they heard their parents talking. Yu Pei was facing the stove. Marshal Zhou stood beside her and said: "Things are not so bad that there are still most discerning people. , If the situation is really embarrassing, I will take the initiative to retire. There are many good candidates in the new generation, but... I am a little worried about the current situation."

    Yu Pei squeezed his hand, and said, "Fang Yi is too bad. I didn't expect that he has changed so much over the years."
."He is now benevolent if he is unsuccessful, and the methods are naturally extreme. I just didn't expect Peisong to get involved in this matter." Marshal Zhou finished speaking and sighed, "He is so young that he shouldn't be ruined like this... "

    "I didn't stare at him carefully..."

    "I was too strict with him." The marshal cut off his wife's words and said, "The more you are afraid of something, the more things will happen. I originally thought that if he was not allowed to join the army, I would not repeat Fang Yi's mistakes. I didn't expect... …It’s too late to say anything now."

    After a while, Yu Pei's eyes seemed to be red, and he asked, "Could...can I go and see him?"

    Marshal Zhou did not speak.

    Next to the bathroom, the young husband listened for a while, deliberately aggravated the footsteps, and walked to the dining room.

.After separating the two places continuously for a month, the four of them had a rare opportunity to have a dinner together. Although they were just two bowls of noodles, they seemed invaluable.

    They stopped talking about the military department and Fang Yi, and only focused on the food in front of them

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