Chapter 26

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Shang Miaoyuan is a person who is accustomed to being wronged. He has seen the truth of life since his parents passed away. He has been more than six years now. He originally thought that he could bear it forever, and even tolerate someone else living in his husband's heart, but after knowing the truth, he found out that he could not bear it at all.

    In the late spring, under the sunset at 8 o'clock in the evening, the wind is warm. Shang Miaoyuan wore a coat casually. He heard Zhou Peisong on the opposite side say: "The military found the black box memory card from the wreckage of the central mecha in the 618 battlefield. A scene of inspection."

    Zhou Peisong stopped here, holding his arms and looking at him, and asked: "Do you know who was the last central mecha inspected at that time?"

    Shang Miaoyuan shook his head.

    Zhou Peisong said: "It's Situ Jing."

.Shang Miaoyuan frowned, what about Situ Jing?

    Zhou Peisong said: "At that time, she made a very small action. If you don't observe it carefully, most people will not notice it. But the restored video record makes your husband ecstatic, as one of the people who know Situ Jing the most. 1. Once the video was repaired, he was the first to apply to watch it. Then, he discovered Situ Jing’s little action, which was also the little action that caused the Central Mech to fail and explode in the 618 battlefield. She cut off the central mech’s one in charge. The energy supply line caused other lines to ignite spontaneously because of the overload, which eventually caused the entire mecha to explode."

.Shang Miaoyuan could almost imagine the scene at that time. The huge mecha exploded into thousands of fragments in the galaxy. The huge impact caused by the explosion rushed all the small mechas around to the edge of the galaxy. It was the reason that Zhou Peiqing almost died.

    Shang Miaoyuan asked: "So... what did Zhou Peiqing say?"

    Zhou Peisong was surprised at his change of address to Zhou Peiqing, and said: "He couldn't accept this blow for a while, so he applied to the military department to personally escort Situ Jing back."

    "Is it really an escort?" Shang Miaoyuan held a sigh of pressure in his heart. He looked at Zhou Peisong and asked, "How do you know so clearly?"

    "Just leave it alone." Zhou Peisong said, "I have my channel. You only need to hear what you want to know."

    "Is your company still responsible for monitoring military signals?"

.Zhou Peisong smiled and said, "Don't put your hat on your hat. Our company always abides by the law." He stood up straight from the leaning tree trunk, "Okay, it's too late, let's go home. "

    Shang Miaoyuan said, "Go back, I'll stay alone for a while."

    Zhou Peisong said: "From the day you agreed to stay, you should know that your marriage is a cooperation that you need for each. If you have to talk about relationships like this, you can only suffer in the end."

    "Thank you for your kind advice, I see."

    The night is getting darker, and the moon and stars are dwindling. Shang Miaoyuan walked slowly from the tree house back to the small villa of the Marshal's Mansion by himself. The guard outside saw him back and saluted him. He walked into the house and saw Yu Pei surrounded by his shawl, and he was about to go out. Look like.

.Seeing him come back, Yu Pei looked relieved and said, "I'm about to go to you. Why didn't I come back now? Why didn't you answer the phone?"

    Shang Miaoyuan froze for a moment, and said, "I didn't hear it."

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