Chapter 5

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As Zhou Peisong said, Shang Miaoyuan's relationship experience is indeed close to blank. He only talked about a relationship in high school. Like children playing house, the face is red when holding hands, let alone other.

    So, after flipping through the album, Shang Miaoyuan dreamed of the handsome and handsome Major Zhou that night. Maybe it was because I knew from my subconscious that this was my future husband, and the dream was quite charming.

    In the dream, Zhou Peiqing wore a spirited military uniform and asked him, "Who are you?"

    Shang Miaoyuan said, "I am your husband."

    After a brief astonishment, the major quickly accepted this fact and took Shang Miaoyuan's hand and kissed him. The face of Shang Miaoyuan burned.

    The two lay on the lawn looking at the stars, Shang Miaoyuan's head resting on the major's chest, and he could hear each other's heartbeat.

.Perhaps this is what Feng Yufan said about the benefits of marrying a dead man. He can imagine the other person's tenderness, consideration and understanding, and arbitrarily outline the acquaintance and future of the two in his dream.

    When he woke up in the morning, Shang Miaoyuan blushed with embarrassment and put his head in the quilt for a while before getting up.

    At six o'clock, the rain outside the window had stopped, and the sky was not bright yet, showing a cold iron color. The sound of people walking outside the door, footsteps is a bit heavy, it should be the marshal. He listened for a while, but didn't hear the second person again, probably Yu Pei hadn't gotten up yet.

    After a while, the door rang downstairs, and Shang Miaoyuan looked down from the bay window and saw the marshal wearing a sports uniform greeting the guards. He sat there and watched for a while, watching the marshal run away, and then went back to bed.

    Suddenly, I regained consciousness, and it was already white when I woke up. .He glanced at the time on his head, at eight o'clock in the morning, everyone in the family should have been up.

    After a while, I heard a knock on the door, and Yu Pei whispered to him outside, "Miaoyuan, are you awake?"

    This scene is really kind, and his mother used to wake him up like this. Shang Miaoyuan agreed.

    Yu Pei said outside: "After you wash up, go downstairs to eat."

    The restaurant downstairs is fully prepared, the marshal holds a half-eaten whole grain sandwich in his hand, and Zhou Peisong is beating an egg on an egg cup.

    Yu Pei stood at the table and poured half a glass of milk. When he came down, he asked, "Miaoyuan, what do you drink? Coffee or milk?"

    Shang Miaoyuan said, "Coffee, thank you."

    But no one expressed dissatisfaction with his lateness. .After eating the sandwich, the marshal drank the milk in the glass again and said, "I'm going to work."

    Yu Pei gave a hum, and Zhou Peisong said, "Goodbye, Dad."

    The marshal looked at Shang Miaoyuan, who was standing at the dining table, as if waiting for him to say something. Shang Miaoyuan opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time, saying, "Marshal...goodbye."

    Zhou Zhiyuan gave a hum, picked up the military cap on the hanger and left.

    Zhou Peisong was still beating the eggs slowly, and Yu Pei put an omelette on Shang Miaoyuan's plate and said, "The wedding date is set for the morning of next weekend. There will be some relatives and friends coming over to watch the ceremony. Not many people are invited. I have prepared all the dresses. When that happens, we will start directly from home and just walk through the scene."

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