Chapter 6

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Philips was not angry. He still looked at Yu Pei with a smile and said, "Mrs. Yu, I really did my best to bless this wedding today, but I do have a doubt, when will there be a living person in the marriage law of our federal government? Is the law of legal union with the dead? Could you please explain to me?"

    Yu Pei said, "Who did you say died?"

    "Zhou Peiqing." Philips said, "Major Zhou Peiqing has passed away. As a colleague and leader, I think I have a responsibility to calm your emotions. Give up your illusions, Yu Pei, it will not be good for anyone to continue like this."

    Yu Pei said: "If you want to see people when you die, you have to see corpses. If you say that my son is dead, then you can bring him to me!"

    Philips looked at her without speaking.

    Yu Pei: "If you can't bring it, you can't prove that he is dead!"

.Philips: "Since he is not dead, why do you want an innocent child to marry a photo!"

    "That's the lover my son had signed two years ago. They signed the marriage certificate in the eighth galaxy two years ago." Yu Pei looked at him without fear, "Mr. Philips, even the president, You have to show evidence when you speak."

    Shang Miaoyuan didn't know that this farce-like marriage was involved so much. He glanced at Zhou Peisong next to him. Zhou Peisong's expression was very calm and said, "My brother may come back anytime."

    Shang Miaoyuan's expression became very frightened, and Zhou Peisong laughed.

    Philips said: "Mr. Shang Miaoyuan's travel records are there any inter-galactic records?"

    Yu Pei refused to give up: "Please check it yourself."

.When Philips left, he took away a considerable part of the media's attention, so that the door even looked a little deserted. The marshal stroked Yu Pei's shoulder, and she trembled with anger.

    Shang Miao didn’t know why Philips was so tit-for-tat to Zhou’s family, nor did he understand why Zhou’s family was so hostile to Philips. He just stood blankly for a while and saw Yu Pei making a gesture, and a staff member came to remind him immediately. : "Please continue to move forward."

    Shang Miaoyuan took Zhou Peisong's arm and continued forward.

    The "Marriage March" is still being played, and the guests in the hall quietly pay attention to them. Everyone's expressions are very tangled, because this "marriage and funeral combination" form is really unheard of, and people don't know what kind of expressions should be used. treat. .If it is a wedding, it should be laughed, and if it is a funeral, it should be sad and weeping, but once the two are combined, it makes people feel a little overwhelmed.

    Shang Miaoyuan listened to Yu Pei's words, did not listen to questions or answer, just smiled nervously, making the corners of his lips stiff, cold and sweaty.

    When the two of Shang and Zhou met each other, Shang Miaoyuan first looked at Zhou Peisong's eyes, and then at the eyes in Zhou Peiqing's photos. The smiles in the photos were so handsome and brilliant, which made people wonder if they could really marry such a handsome and talented person. What a blessing to be a young major.

    After the wedding, Yu Pei and Marshal had to deal with reporters and guests, and Zhou Peisong took Shang Miaoyuan away first.

.The two were sitting in the same aircraft, but Shang Miaoyuan didn't feel embarrassed anymore. It may be that the embarrassment value has been exhausted after experiencing a big scene, so that this level of embarrassment is almost insignificant, and it is not worth nervousness. Then it's a moment.

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