Chapter 24

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Shang Miaoyuan replied: "I published it on social networking sites. I didn't intend to make money from this, so I didn't contribute to the comics platform." After saying that, he added, "I have posted before, but they were rejected."

    Zhou Peisong said: "This one needs to be operated. You can't post it like this. How many readers are there now? Do you have a lot of likes?"

    Shang Miaoyuan is embarrassed to say that he has a total of more than 1,000 fans, and re-comments and likes are counted in single digits.

    Zhou Peisong saw his embarrassed look and said: "I know some friends who are engaged in publishing, but I don't know if they have comic publishing business."

    Shang Miaoyuan hurriedly said: "No trouble, no trouble, I just paint and play by myself, if I can get a reward, of course it is good, if not, there is nothing in fact, just treat it as a pastime.".He knows that most of the publishing business requires painters or writers to pay out of their pockets. When the time comes, they can’t sell a few books and send them to the toilet at the entrance of the village. It’s just a good-looking layout, and he doesn’t plan to rely on this for food. The most important thing is The thing was, he didn't want Zhou Peisong to help anymore. Others had already helped enough, and it was impossible to justify adding a sum of money to Zhou's family at that time.

    Zhou Peisong flicked twice on his screen and said, "Why do I think this male protagonist is so familiar?"

    Shang Miaoyuan lowered his head a little embarrassedly, and quickly closed the page.

    "Are you painting you and Zhou Peiqing?"

    Shang Miaoyuan was extremely embarrassed, pursing his lips and looking away.

    Zhou Peisong said: "It's really a damn ghost that is hard to persuade. Even if you really marry him, you still have the kind of calm that refused me at the time. Then he will find Situ Jing, and I will see how you cry."
.Shang Miaoyuan said, "I have discussed with him."

    "Did you discuss how you were pitted?" Zhou Peisong said, "I am really impatient to deal with you people who are in love, and I am exhausted."

    Seeing his attitude, Shang Miaoyuan thought for a while and asked, "You are not going to give your brother a cuckold, are you?"

    Zhou Peisong didn't evade, looking at him provocatively, "Are you asking to wear it?"

    Shang Miaoyuan shuddered at him and shook his head: "Will you be alive?"

    Zhou Peisong: "..."

    In the evening, Zhou Peiqing did not eat at home and came back very late. After drinking some wine, she still looked sober, but was much more silent than usual. Shang Miaoyuan went downstairs to help him. He said, "I don't need help, I can walk by myself."

    Yu Pei knew that Zhou Peiqing was coming home late, but instead of taking care of her son, she left room for Shang Miaoyuan.

.Shang Miaoyuan was also the first time to serve a drunk person. He was holding Zhou Peiqing's waist and smelling the alcohol on his body didn't feel unpleasant. On the contrary, it made people fascinated.

    The lights in the room were not turned on, and the moonlight came in through the white gauze curtains, circled a square silver trace on the floor of Zhou Peiqing's room.

    Shang Miaoyuan knelt down, looked at his husband's dazed face, and asked, "Would you like some sober tea?"

    Zhou Peiqing nodded and said yes.

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