Chapter 11

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In the evening, Zhou Peiqing and the marshal came in together. Yu Pei was making a dessert with his own hands. When they came back, he greeted them personally and asked, "How is it?"

    Zhou Peiqing said: "Tell me to rest at home for a few days to spend time with my family."

    Yu Pei: "Alright, I just want you to stay at home for two more days."

    Zhou Peiqing's face was a little tired, so he hummed and said, "Mom, I'll go upstairs to change clothes first."

    Yu Pei nodded and agreed.

    The marshal over there watched Zhou Peiqing go upstairs before asking Yu Pei, "How are you talking with that little Omega?" He meant Shang Miaoyuan.

    Yu Pei said: "You don't want to be called Omega. It's disrespectful. People don't have a name."

    The marshal said: "Don't always hold on to these minutiae.".He said, "If you want me to see, if he doesn't want to, let's forget that we are a talent like Peiqing, who is Alpha. What is divorce? Will I still be afraid of not finding a wife in the future? What's more, I think this kid is very sensitive. Maybe we have to remember our previous grudges."

    Yu Pei: "Whose hatred? Isn't it your hatred? I hate you talking more and more now."

    Seeing that his wife was angry, the marshal immediately stepped forward to act like a coquettish and behaved as a kid. After coaxing him for a while, he asked Yu Pei to show her face again.

    Zhou Peiqing went upstairs here, and immediately smelled Shang Miaoyuan's scent, a touch of orange soda, which he often drank when he was a child. He thought for a while and knocked on the door.

    As soon as the door was opened, the strong Omega atmosphere in the room made Zhou Peiqing a full face, which made him a little embarrassed and said, "I'm back from the military."

    Shang Miaoyuan hummed blankly.

.Zhou Peiqing saw no response from him, and then asked, "Are you better?"

    Shang Miaoyuan nodded.

    Zhou Peiqing said: "That's good." Then after thinking about it, there seems to be nothing to talk about, and said, "If it's convenient, let's go downstairs to eat later. My mother should be able to make a lot of delicious food."

    Shang Miaoyuan nodded again.

    Zhou Peiqing said: "Then you rest, I'll go back to the room and change my clothes."

    Shang Miaoyuan saw that this was Zhou Peiqing's favor, thought for a while, and asked: " have been wandering outside for so long, how are you doing?"

    You never know what the brain circuits of adult Alpha look like. Shang Miaoyuan is his wife after all. Zhou Peiqing immediately thought of going somewhere and said very seriously: "My body is very good, and all the basic abilities are not affected. Little damage."

.Shang Miao saw that he suddenly became serious, a little confused, so he had to say, "That's good, that's good."

    Zhou Peiqing looked at him softly, smiled, and said, "Then I will go back to the room."

    Shang Miaoyuan nodded.

    At dinner, Zhou Peisong stepped on a point to go home. Yu Pei suspected that Zhou Peisong might not come back so late if it weren't for his extraneous warning. This boyishness is really very big.

    When Shang Miaoyuan saw him, he didn't react much.

    Zhou Peisong said, "Sister-in-law, how are you?"

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