Chapter 10

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Shang Miaoyuan is a bit at a loss about the current situation. If Zhou Peiqing resurrected from the dead, there would be no such thing as an Omega single child. But the main reason he just started accepting this marriage was that his husband died. Shang Miaoyuan hugged his legs on the carpet and sighed.

    When he was walking around, there was a knock on the door. Shang Miaoyuan was startled. He didn't really hope that this person was Zhou Peiqing. He was not ready to meet him. The people outside the door had a low voice and called his name: "Miaoyuan, I am Zhou Peiqing."

    Shang Miaoyuan hesitated for two seconds before moving his foot to the door, his hand holding the doorknob trembling with tension. Zhou Peiqing had good patience, so she stood there without urging, and heard the footsteps of the people inside.

    Shang Miaoyuan's face was red when he opened the door, he glanced at Zhou Peiqing, and then quickly lowered.

.Zhou Peiqing handed over his digital screen and said, "Your things have fallen with me."

    Shang Miaoyuan took it, even his fingertips were red, and said thank you in a low voice.

    Zhou Peiqing said you're welcome. He looked at Shang Miaoyuan's red ear tips from lowering his head, and then he smelled a very rich orange soda scent. He hesitated for a while and asked, "Are heat?"

    Shang Miaoyuan is still ignorant. After counting the days, he has lived here for nearly a month. It should be time. These two days are upset and completely forgotten about his menstrual period. It seems that his body temperature today is It was indeed abnormally high. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little flustered and said, "Thank you, maybe it is." After that, he leaned aside and planned to close the door.

    Zhou Peiqing stretched out his hand to block it.

.Shang Miaoyuan's expression immediately became helpless and horrified. This is his nominal husband, an adult Alpha who is threatening to Omega.

    Zhou Peiqing caught his expression and said, "I mean, you may need inhibitors."

    Shang Miaoyuan: "...Yes." Then he said, "I place an order now, and it should be available tomorrow."

    Zhou Peiqing: "I will let my mother come over. She has been a doctor before."

    Shang Miaoyuan's heartbeat was fast and his legs were so soft that he could not stand up. He already felt the extraordinary attraction of Alpha in front of him. He nodded, leaned on the wall and closed the door, leaving Zhou Peiqing outside to touch his nose.

.When Yu Pei came up, she immediately smelled the Omega breath left by Shang Miaoyuan in the corridor. She knocked on the door. Before Shang Miaoyuan came to open the door, she pushed the door directly in, and then quickly closed the door behind her to avoid pheromone. The smell spreads. The Omega inside had already revealed the ugliness of estrus, and entangled herself into a silkworm pupa on the bed.

    Shang Miaoyuan felt the emptiness in his body, and at the same time used his surviving sanity to annoy how he would forget to buy inhibitors.

    Yu Pei lightly patted Shang Miaoyuan through the quilt, and said, "Miaoyuan, relax, it's me. I'll give you the inhibitor."

    Shang Miaoyuan didn't relax when he heard her voice. He had lost trust in Yu Pei.

    Seeing him resisting, Yu Pei said, "Then I will leave the inhibitor here and put it on the bedside table. You can fight it yourself, okay?"

.Shang Miaoyuan hummed with his soft and sticky voice, and Yu Pei got up and left.

    Shang Miaoyuan immediately removed the quilt and stretched out his arms to pick up the box full of inhibitors on the bedside table. His face was sweaty and his eyes were double-stranded. He could barely read the words on it. He fumbled for the anti-counterfeiting mark on the injection and immediately gave himself a shot.

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