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Later that night.

"Fallon this shit amazing man. I can't stop looking at it." He said turning the chain I bought him back and forth. On one side was a photo of him and his parents when he was a baby on the other side was the last photo they had together. Which was on his eighteen birthday. Although he was in jail at the time of the photo, I know it still meant something to him. He only saw them one more time after that before they died in a car accident.
"I didn't know how you would feel about the picture from your eighteenth birthday. I don't know how jail was for you." I said as we sat in the lounge room.

This felt like the safest room in the house

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This felt like the safest room in the house. There were no beds so we couldn't get caught up. And it was just chill. This was our first time being in here together and it felt good. Like old times.
"Jail was jail. I didn't talk to many people. That was my hardest time in there, was when I found out my parents died only because I couldn't do shit. I was confined to four walls, while one of my parents died from impact and the other sat on machines until she couldn't anymore, I could do nothing about it." He said sadly.

"In jail or not, you wouldn't have been able to do anything. Accidents happen." I said.
"Yeah I know but I took it hard. So it forced me to convert to Islam." He said and I was shocked.
"I didn't know you were Muslim." I said.
"You never asked." He said.
"How when you know you work with Fabe and Rico?" I asked.
"I don't agree with everything they do. And when things I do when I work weighs heavy on my mind and heart. I pray and fast."
"You are so complex these days Rylan. A little crazy too." I said.
"Crazy how?" He ask. Looking down at his gift to me, my heart skipped a beat. It was a ring, on a necklace chain.
"I can never wear this on my finger." I said lowly thinking about how badly that would hurt Josiah.
"It's a promise ring just relax. And if I were  asking you to wear it on your finger, I wouldn't have bought a chain for it." He said smiling.

"But why for me? And not Averi?" I asked seriously.
"Man it's always been you Fallon. Since I was sixteen. I know that's hard for you to believe considering some of the choices I've made but I've had nine years to move on and I haven't. It'll be you forever." He said.
"But what if it's not Rylan?"
Laughing he pointed at his neck which on any other day had looked like just a rose until I had seen my name and my eyes grew wide. Climbing across the couch, I grabbed his chin turning his face away from me.
"Are you serious Rylan?" I asked him looking at the tattoo. It was old too which made it even worse. "When did you get this?" I asked him.
"After I saw you on the night I got arrested." He said turning to face me. Our faces now inches apart.
"Why would you do something like that?" I asked still in shock that this man had my name tatted.
"Because I love you. That's my reason for everything." He said pulling me onto his lap. Looking over his face, he held a hard expression.

The Ring alarm sounded, gaining both of our attention followed by beating on the door

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The Ring alarm sounded, gaining both of our attention followed by beating on the door.
Looking at my phone I noticed it was Josiah angrily beating on the door. Also noticing, Rylan began reaching for his gun.
"Wait wait. I'll talk to him." I said nervously.
"Why is he beating on my door?" He asking taking the safety off the gun. "I told you he not even welcome over here." He said standing up, forcing me to stand also.
"Just let me talk to him please. He's clearly upset about something." I said.
"Yeah well im upset that he's standing at my door beating on it like he 12 or something." He said pointing the gun in the direction of the living room.
"You're being irrational. I will talk to him." I said hurrying out of the lounge room towards the living room.

Opening the door, I stepped out.
"What happened to you hitting me up later!?" He yelled.
"Josiah you didn't give me time. What are you doing in Houston?" I asked.
"My girlfriend wouldn't answer the phone!" He yelled.
"I have it on do not disturb so I could spend time with my family. Why are you acting like this?" I asked.
"When's the last time you checked the time!?" He yelled showing me his phone. The Lock Screen was a picture of us and I suddenly felt so guilty. It was 1:30 in the morning. Talking to Rylan, time had gotten away from me.
"I'm sorry I lost track of time." I explained.
"Doing what? Where's your family Fallon?" He asked in a calmer tone.
I said nothing because I knew if I said they left he was going to think the worse.
"Answer me."He said.
"They left Josiah."
"And your roommate?" He asked.
"He's inside." I said honestly.
Just as I said that a red beam appeared on his forehead. Making my stomach drop.
"Fallon I can't do this man. I can't let you live here." He said. Pulling him from in front of the door, the beam disappeared.
"Let me?" I asked lowly. "I have no where else to go Josiah."
"Move in with me."
"We're not ready for that." I said shaking my head.
"Then move out and back into your own space."
"Do you not trust me?"
"I don't trust him! And you act like it's such a task for you to leave from under him."
"I'm not under him. I just feel secure here." I said honestly.
"I don't make you secure?" He asked.
"Look Fallon. It's either me or him. But you can't have both."
"Are you asking me to choose between you and Rylan? My relationship with you or my friendship and shelter with Rylan?" I asked in disbelief.
"Oh now y'all have a friendship?" He asked chuckling. "That was suppose to be an easy decision for you Fallon."
"You can't be serious right now."
"Look I got nothing but love for you mama. But clearly this is where you want to be. I'd be a fool not to see it. And I'll be damned if I let that nigga have my woman just chilling in his crib. So if you choosing to stay, then we're done." He said.

Silence fell between us.
"Good talk." He said walking off the lawn and to his car.
My heart raced. I couldn't believe I was just letting him walk away and for what? Rylan? Tears were steaming down my face. As he pulled out and zoomed down the street.
"Come inside so we can talk." Rylan said stepping out the door.
"We have nothing to talk about. You have done enough!" I yelled walking towards my car. Grabbing my wrist, I snatched it from him getting in my car.

I think I fucked up. I thought. As I pulled out the driveway too.

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