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Two weeks later.

"Shit." I said lowly.
"Can I just say I told you so already?" Jon asked.
"No. Now shut up. This is serious." Sevyn said. "Are you okay Fal?" She asked me.
I felt my heart racing.
"How is this possible?" I asked myself looking at the test.
"Well let's see remember we had that conversation about pole in holes? It's been a whole lot of that going on in the Henry household. Hell even before y'all got married. And this is the result." Jon said.
"I mean I hate agreeing with Jontavious so much. But Fallon baby you just took ten test, and they all are positive. I think it's pretty clear." Kb added.
"I think she's referring to the fact that she was certain she didn't have a uterus." Bella said.
"I was for sure." I said biting my nails trying to piece this together in my head. I heard the doctor say I could never have kids. I heard him.
And I'm sure that they preformed a c section because I had the scar to prove it. But maybe I had just assumed they would preform a hysterectomy considering how life threatening pregnancies were for me and the fetus.

"Well honey your baby daddy I mean husband is calling." Jon said passing me my phone. Shaking my head no, I couldn't tell Rylan this over the phone. He was in Cali on business. Against my request Jon slid to answer.
"What's up mama?" He said into the phone.
"Hey." I said lowly.
"He called you mama, that means he already knows just tell it already." Jon whispered.
"Shut the hell up." Kb whispered at him.
"What's all that whispering about over there?" He asked me causing my eyes to grow wide. I prayed he didn't hear Jon's stupid ass.
"Just Jon and Kb I told them to keep it down, so they whisper fighting." I lied. "When will you be home baby?" I asked.
"Suppose to be in a two days. Why what's up?"
"I just miss you."I said. Which wasn't a lie I did miss him.
"I miss you too baby. I'll be home in no time."He said. "But look I gotta get back to this work out. I'll call you before you go to bed alright?"
"Okay I love you."
"I love you too Fal." He said hanging up.

"Why didnt you just say it!?" Jon said loudly.
"Because I can't be pregnant Jon. And if I am I need to have it terminated before it becomes life threatening. No need in getting his hopes up for nothing." I said sadly.
"Now Fallon that's a drastic decision to make without discussing it with your husband first." Bella said. "You don't want to keep something like this from Rylan it won't go over well." She added.
"Look it's not up for discussion. I need a doctors appointment for tomorrow." I said and the room fell quiet. I couldn't hurt Rylan by getting his hopes up, I wanted this taken care of before he even got home.


"This shit nice Ry." Rico said looking around.
"Right." I said as we looked around the house.

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