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One week later.

"I know you haven't met him yet, but your uncle is out of his mind."I said to baby Syx as I held him in my arms.

He looked up at me

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He looked up at me.
"I don't know Fallon, because if Rico asked me to move to California. I would go." Sevyn said.
"And I know I play a hell of a lot. But if Nigel asked me, I would go too." Jon said.
"Wow so just up and leave all my family and friends huh?" I asked. "Sevyn you have Rico's son, I would expect you to go." I said.
"Uh news flash Fallon, you have Rylan's ring." Sevyn reminded me.
"You surely do. And when you accepted that y'all became one instead of two individuals. And what I hear you saying right now is that you'll be okay if Rylan up and moves to California because you're friends and family are here in Houston." Jon said. But I hadn't put it into perspective like that.
"Cali is so far. What about my granny? Fabian is probably going to go to jail. Whose going to look after her?" I asked.
"Girl now you know we ain't gone let nothing happen to Ms. Gladys." Jon said.
"You could always ask her to go with you. She's getting older I'm sure she would love to be there with you." Sevyn said.
"Mom-- I mean Sevyn." Trey said coming around the corner. Looking at her with wide eyes my heart warmed up.
"Yes baby." Sevyn asked as Trey sat next to her.
"Dad said I can finally go to the barbershop with him now. And that he and uncle Rylan are on the way to get me." He said excitedly.
"That's great my love, go ahead and jump in the shower. I'll pick your outfit out." She said and he ran out of the room.
"Okay not my friend got two kids." Jon said.
"I was thinking the same thing. I'm so glad he's adjusting well." I said looking at Syx. He was falling asleep.

"Put him down, we don't hold babies all day around here."Sevyn said standing up. "And mommy duties call." She said heading out of the room also.
Putting Syx down in play pin that was here in the living room Jon gave me the side eye.
"What hoe?" I asked him.
"I just can't believe that after all this time. And everything you went through with Rylan, you're even considering not going to California. That man loves you Fallon, like really loves you. And when one little thing doesn't fit in your fairytale dream of what your relationship should be, you shut down. But Rylan has dreams too, and they all include you. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices." Jon said and I rolled my eyes at how serious he was being. Before I could say anything, the front door opened and Rico walked in.
"What's up?" He said.
"Hello. When are you going to propose to Sevyn?" Jon asked and I looked at him wide eyed.
Chuckling nervously Rico looked between me and Jon.
"I don't know why?" He asked.
"I was just curious. Because if you had to move to another state you would expect her to come with you right?" Jon asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Hell yeah." He said. "Why? Who is moving?" He asked which let me know Rylan hadn't mentioned it to him.
"Where's Rylan?" I asked.
"Outside smoking." He said nodding I excused myself heading towards the front door.

He sat blowing smoke, looking at me briefly before looking back at his phone.
"I don't know I was expecting a little more excitement from a man who hadn't seen his fiancé in a week." I said looking at him, as I took a seat next to him. The next day when he went to training I took a flight back home. Hoping it would help him realize that distance wasn't our strong suit. But instead the nigga stayed in Cali another seven days after that.

"Always excited to see you. Just got alot on my mind and on my plate right now." He said looking at me.
"A lot on your mind?" I asked nervously. "Are you thinking about calling our engagement off again and leaving me?" I asked realizing for the first time that I was terrified that's where we were headed.
Looking at me he frowned.
"Not at all." He said. "Just figuring out how it's going to work." He said.
"How what's going to work?" I asked.
"What do you mean we work just fine."
"Yeah now because we wake up to each other everyday. And we live in the same city, im talking about when we are living miles apart." He said. And my heart dropped.
"So despite knowing what it's going to do to our relationship you're still going to move to California?" I asked standing up. Shaking my head I attempted to walk away but he grabbed me pulling me so I was standing in between his legs.
"Yes because if I stay in Houston there is very likely chance that I will go down with Fabian, by association. I'm a felon, it won't matter whose name is on the shit, they already got my DNA in their system. And I was hoping I wouldn't have to fight with my fiancé about moving to another city but here I am. Fallon if I didn't know any better I would think you didn't want to move to Cali because you don't trust that I can take care of you. You're so used to taking care of yourself, and being able to fall back on your family when things got tough and the thought of the only person you would be able to fall back on is me scares you. But if you don't trust me, then why are we getting married?" He asked me and I felt stuck.

Swallowing hard I began to speak, and the front door opened. Trey and Rico came out.
"Everything all good out here? You ready to head to the shop?" Rico asked.
"Yeah I'm ready to go." Rylan said looking away from me, as he let me go. "Cuse' me." He said standing up. We were face to face. Sliding me gently out of his way, he walked ahead of Rico and Trey heading to the car getting in with no hesitation.

Always trouble in paradise, I promise they are going to get it together BUT for now... through hell we go 😈

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